LoL Magik with Blade [Under Investigation]

Sooo I just did a path in LoL with my 5* blade and spidey and my plan for magik was blade for obvious reasons danger sense etc. But once I got to her my danger sense wasn’t activating. I’ve heard blade works for this fight and when it worked for said people they had the synergy which expanded danger sense to all mystics I did not have this synergy but magik is still a demensional being so irregardless of my synergies my danger sense should of still be active. The whole run was streamed on my channel for proof hope this gets fixed. Even tho I don’t have to fight said magik again still shouldn’t be bugged.
Post edited by Kabam Vydious on
Iceman will incenrarte in LOL against AV
Dormammu can get poison against Maestro
And now blade... They do this intentionally so that one can spent more units or cash.
P.s CONGRATS for RHINO from featured
It's not kabam logic, it's them not updating that part of the contest.
While I agree with that more money statement, it has already happened before with new champs and the way they interact in LOL. Like iceman and his incinerate immunity not working in LOL, or how his cold snap doesn't stop their evade in LOL. Or dormammu getting poisoned on maestro in there.
Kabam isn't updating it(for obvious reasons), but it's a pathetic company move, people do LOL these days without paying money...compared to back then ooof. Remember seeing those tops guys with 30k units(bought of course).
Yeah another person also mentioned this a while back. LoL champs seem to be coded different than others, maybe that's the reason.
P.S It's *regardless. Lol.
Thought the same at first but the #villain isnt there and the ghost rider synergy works.
No it doesn’t. Magik isn’t a villain, she’s an x-men, and I have the ghost rider synergy and it does not work in Lol.
He means (I presume) it works for other match-ups. E.g. Red-Hulk
BG says you just need to play a lil better
Yes exactly .. I know magik isnt a villain
Said no one
All these bugs still there and they want 1 million likes....when we need 1 million fixes....
Sorry for the long delay in reaching out about this. I went ahead and discussed this with a few others on the matter. It's currently being investigated by our team and once I have more information I'll drop by with it.
Thanks for bringing it to our attention @Lagacy69
I used my 4/55 Duped Blade against Magik in AW and it worked just fine. She still proc'd limbo but only lasted like half a second. It must be a LoL issue.
No problem, glad I could help 👍🏻
Sooooo, is it fixed yet?
Just can’t think why it’s taking them longer to sort it.