Is Kitty too overpowered?



  • SonSonSonSon Member Posts: 66
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,953 ★★★★★
    I’m just hoping that because kabam added kitty pride they’ll maybe hold off from putting true focus everywhere because that’d make her crazy overpowered.
  • TrashyPandaTrashyPanda Member Posts: 1,574 ★★★★★
    Will3808 said:

    I’m just hoping that because kabam added kitty pride they’ll maybe hold off from putting true focus everywhere because that’d make her crazy overpowered.

    That's my hope too. It's only an issue because most hard content was set to have TF from now on, which means Kitty would faceroll it with no skill required.

    But I'm genuinely expecting a cowardice node that totally isn't targeting Kitty specifically.
  • Realm_Of_RahRealm_Of_Rah Member Posts: 430 ★★★
    Adding cowardice is further going to nerf characters who aren't op, its the same situation.

    Some popular characters who would suffer heavily from cowardice:

    Magneto, Havok, Bishop, Apocalypse, Prof X and others.

    At this point I wouldn't mind the meta defining characters to get a revamp. They're clearly not good for game balance.
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  • SonSonSonSon Member Posts: 66

    Everybody: get rid of True Focus.

    Kabam: here’s a TF counter.

    Everybody: KP counters TF. Nerf her!

    Nice summary good sir! 😂
  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    Mikedabis said:

    It's funny nobody saying nurf quake or ghost. They are just as op if not more. Your telling me a champion you just hold heavy and win the game is not way op. Yall need to stop it put your big boy pants on and stop crying

    That’s not what my issue is

    My issue is that she isn’t affected by True Focus or anything which was a node designed to “Nerf” Ghost and Quake. I would be fine with Kitty if she couldn’t bypass True Focus
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,480 ★★★★★
  • SonSonSonSon Member Posts: 66
    Hoitado said:

    Mikedabis said:

    It's funny nobody saying nurf quake or ghost. They are just as op if not more. Your telling me a champion you just hold heavy and win the game is not way op. Yall need to stop it put your big boy pants on and stop crying

    That’s not what my issue is

    My issue is that she isn’t affected by True Focus or anything which was a node designed to “Nerf” Ghost and Quake. I would be fine with Kitty if she couldn’t bypass True Focus
    I have to concur to a degree, but we all should know by now that there is always a champion that will eventually be released who will cheese through a specific node or ability which makes that new champion EXTREMELY marketable which is the actual intent of ANY for profit company. This is basic Marketing 101, you create a "need/problem" where none exists and shortly thereafter you provide a solution to that "need/problem". This practice is heavily utilized in all sorts of industries. Just think of tech giants like Apple or Google with their cloud services. Once you run out of device storage, you WILL NEED "the cloud" like a bad vice. Like it or not, even some pharmaceutical companies capitalize on this financial method of success. Truthfully, it's quite genius if you ask me. Please forgive the numerous run-on sentences 😆.
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★

    The lack of proper testing of champs before they're added to the game is highly unprofessional. Kabam playing catch up isn't great for players morale. It's feeling like Calvinball.

    I love calvinball - made me smile this post.

    But yeah they should have tested this more. TBH I have her but I would be fine personally if they reduced her power gain during phase. 250% is plenty when you are receiving no damage at that. But they have decided to leave her be so that's quite fine too. I just really hope we don't see cowardice (alternating with true focus of course) on every other path in 7.3...
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Mikedabis said:

    It's funny nobody saying nurf quake or ghost. They are just as op if not more. Your telling me a champion you just hold heavy and win the game is not way op. Yall need to stop it put your big boy pants on and stop crying

    Some of us have been saying just this for a long time
  • SonSonSonSon Member Posts: 66

    Mikedabis said:

    It's funny nobody saying nurf quake or ghost. They are just as op if not more. Your telling me a champion you just hold heavy and win the game is not way op. Yall need to stop it put your big boy pants on and stop crying

    Some of us have been saying just this for a long time
    Overt and subtle nerfs will always exist in MCOC. This is a constant, or as Episode 4 of Disney +'s WHAT IF... series acknowledged and expertly described "you cannot reverse an absolute point". 😂
  • SonSonSonSon Member Posts: 66
    Let's keep voting y'all.
  • SonSonSonSon Member Posts: 66
    Sooooooo, the True Focus node has been removed from the upcoming 2 Alliance Wars.
  • Nix2222Nix2222 Member Posts: 121 ★★★
    The True Focus interaction was obviously broken so glad that’s being addressed. As someone who can struggle at times with intercepting (neurological disorder), I hope they don’t change her too much. With the game punishing blocking/parrying more and more, her abilities can be be great for those like me. Look forward to pulling her in in two years…
  • SonSonSonSon Member Posts: 66
    edited September 2021
    Nix2222 said:

    The True Focus interaction was obviously broken so glad that’s being addressed. As someone who can struggle at times with intercepting (neurological disorder), I hope they don’t change her too much. With the game punishing blocking/parrying more and more, her abilities can be be great for those like me. Look forward to pulling her in in two years…

    Dude you nailed it. Without a doubt Kabam took the appropriate action on this matter. Also I agree, I'll be pulling Kitty Pryde in about the same amount of time. 😂
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  • SonSonSonSon Member Posts: 66
    Alyzan said:

    I have her as a maxed 5 star at sig 60. At sig 60 shes not even the most overpowered for true focus and shes definitely perfectly balanced in normal matchups. She is exactly like Doom where she is a good champion in general but has a specific cheese for miss characters and true focus. If kabam never introduced true focus this wouldnt even be a discussion

    I can't say that I disagree with your assessment. Genuinely valid points good sir.
  • SonSonSonSon Member Posts: 66
    Gmonkey said:

    Essentially top players will bring ghost not true focus and kitty true focus. It does make intercepting much easier though

    Yes, intercepting does indeed become trivial so say the very least.
  • cookiedealercookiedealer Member Posts: 260 ★★
    SonSon said:

    Gmonkey said:

    Essentially top players will bring ghost not true focus and kitty true focus. It does make intercepting much easier though

    Yes, intercepting does indeed become trivial so say the very least.
    Yep, Very easy to intercept. Very easy to tank specials. And Kitty can handle most if not all the bosses in acts 6 and 7.

    I bet if Kabam does bring back Summer of Pain, a skilled player can use Kitty to solo most, if not all the fights.
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★
    edited September 2021
    SonSon said:

    Thanks for participating in this poll. Anyone else who desires to partake, I just need one more vote to complete 100 votes and get a baseline on the community's overall assessment.

    While I do enjoy the discussion from the community. In my opinion, this is too early to get a true feedback (even if you do get 100 votes)

    Kitty Pryde only been out this month, I'm not sure how many players have got her yet (or even have to time to get use to her). So I don't know how many of the participants (and the mcoc community) really have the proper chance of getting to know her yet.

    I know there are video of her abilities and gameplay from some amazing players on YouTube, but these are really good players, that most likely would make Deadpool X-Force look OP 🤣.

    For me (a very average player, maybe below), I think Kitty is a great champ that can be very useful for certain path/node/challenge. But don't see her as a Ghost or Quake, where they can overcome almost most debuff. Kitty is not immune to debuff (when not Phase), so she can't shake off debuff like Ghost, she make contact with her attack not like Quake.

    Her attack can be high, but need Incinerate from SP1 and SP3, for the SP2 is be worthwhile, so there will a few champs that she can't take advantage of that. Even then, it take a few SP1 (or 1 SP3) to really max the bar, then you can throw maybe 2 SP2 before going back to SP1 or SP3.

    So overall in my opinion, she is a great champ, but far from broken. She is a good addition to the champ pool and create a bit of unique fun gameplay. Anyway just my 2 cents
  • Alfa_PigeonAlfa_Pigeon Member Posts: 273 ★★
    Nah, they just need to buff the other lame mutants like Jubilee, Beast, Cyclops to her level, thats all.
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★

    Nah, they just need to buff the other lame mutants like Jubilee, Beast, Cyclops to her level, thats all.

    Fully agreed with you there.

    Love the 90s X Men comic and animation, so yeah would love a buff for, Blue Cyclops, Jubilee and add Gladiator and Professor X (Jim Lee version).

    Actually if they could buff Jubilee in to crazy OP as a joke would be awesome 🤣🤣🤣
  • CainCain Member Posts: 559 ★★

    Adding cowardice is further going to nerf characters who aren't op, its the same situation.

    Some popular characters who would suffer heavily from cowardice:

    Magneto, Havok, Bishop, Apocalypse, Prof X and others.

    At this point I wouldn't mind the meta defining characters to get a revamp. They're clearly not good for game balance.

    That would be an absolute and utter cluster…people paid money, sometimes quite a substantial amount to get the character. To revamp them and change their value would be terrible business practice and unethical. It’s like buying a sports car and they’re like, “Hey thanks for your money but here’s a minivan”
  • SonSonSonSon Member Posts: 66

    SonSon said:

    Gmonkey said:

    Essentially top players will bring ghost not true focus and kitty true focus. It does make intercepting much easier though

    Yes, intercepting does indeed become trivial so say the very least.
    Yep, Very easy to intercept. Very easy to tank specials. And Kitty can handle most if not all the bosses in acts 6 and 7.

    I bet if Kabam does bring back Summer of Pain, a skilled player can use Kitty to solo most, if not all the fights.
    Absolutely. Spot on
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