“Final Preperations” bug…?

So, as we are going into the new October events, I am just now realizing that I NEVER saw the “final preperations” event EVER in my account, and I have completed most of the other “objectives” that were given to us… so, why have I never seen these?! I’m very frustrated at this point with Kabam for making a game I used to enjoy playing such a chore now… 😒



  • Trebor_Repard84Trebor_Repard84 Member Posts: 4
    I never saw it either. What is going on?? So now I am screwed this month?! @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra. This is sooooooooooo beyond frustrating.
  • StronstVngrStronstVngr Member Posts: 222

    I never saw it either. What is going on?? So now I am screwed this month?! @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra. This is sooooooooooo beyond frustrating.

    Thanks for commenting… glad Im not the only one..
  • Jayv44_1Jayv44_1 Member Posts: 4
    I never got these objectives, so now I can't do anything sq this month.
    Just time to stop playing this game
  • Species11Species11 Member Posts: 27
    Likewise. Never saw these objectives.
  • Lestat2499Lestat2499 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    You can still complete it now. And then restart the game to get your symbiote
  • WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Member Posts: 1,376 ★★★★
    September had 5 weeks of Objectives.

    „Final Preparations“ was the last of these 5 weeks.

    You have to finish the Objective before to see the new one.

    If you never had the last, you just didn‘t finish the ones before. Your own fault.

    But you can still do all the September Objectives (yellow letters) now and get the Symbio. Just restart the game after completing a week to get the next.
  • shtnksshtnks Member Posts: 2
    WOLF_LINK said:

    September had 5 weeks of Objectives.

    „Final Preparations“ was the last of these 5 weeks.

    You have to finish the Objective before to see the new one.

    If you never had the last, you just didn‘t finish the ones before. Your own fault.

    But you can still do all the September Objectives (yellow letters) now and get the Symbio. Just restart the game after completing a week to get the next.

    Are you talking about the "special forces" objectives??
  • WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Member Posts: 1,376 ★★★★
    Yes, Special Forces is part of them. Complete it for the next step.

  • GeoxianzGeoxianz Member Posts: 3
    My main account has no Final preparations objectives…I can’t go on to this new side quest… I didn’t get this symbiote and anti venom characters…. Can you please update us to do?
  • WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Member Posts: 1,376 ★★★★
    Look at my post … do the Steps #1 to #4 first and then you will get „Final Preparations“ and afterwards your Symbio.
  • GeoxianzGeoxianz Member Posts: 3
    I have finished all the cavalier solo objectives do i need to finish proven uncollected objectives?
  • StronstVngrStronstVngr Member Posts: 222
    @WOLF_LINK Dont get me wrong, I appreciate you trying to “rationalize” this to help summoners feel like all they need to do is “complete more objectives” but, we have all done exactly that, and still have never seen the “final preparations” ever come up. Someone else pointed out there was a bug in the event, so Kabam took it down. Also, there are WAY to many other summoners who are experiencing this for it to be a “Coincidence”. And now they want us to buy anti venom… well, if this is what Kabam sees as “fair”, then they have a lot to learn….
    This entire situation could have been avoided if Kabam stayed with the summoner appreciation calendar, but the top corporate people apparently felt the “bottom line” need to be larger… however, now people are leaving in droves… I hope Kabam actually learns something from this experience.
  • StronstVngrStronstVngr Member Posts: 222
    Geoxianz said:

    I have finished all the cavalier solo objectives do i need to finish proven uncollected objectives?

    I did the same thing, but have not gotten anything either. It’s a bug, or an oversight via Kabam….
  • By_the_book_1By_the_book_1 Member Posts: 5
    Hi Kabam,
    Do know where my final preparations are for me but I can’t finish any objectives apart from the venom and carnage ones. No matter how many times I do it, wasted units and more finding out it ain’t working
  • WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Member Posts: 1,376 ★★★★
    No, as far as I know there is no Bug regarding the September Objectives. There was one (multiple Lv Ups counted as 1 instead of the real number) which got fixed asap.

    Everyone now complaining about not getting the free Champs simply did not finish a full 5-Week-Series. We already helped a lot of people to get their Symbios now. Almost whole German Global is now aware of how the Event works after hours of explaining again and again.

    Just check your Objectives and your problem can be solved, too.
  • StronstVngrStronstVngr Member Posts: 222
    WOLF_LINK said:

    No, as far as I know there is no Bug regarding the September Objectives. There was one (multiple Lv Ups counted as 1 instead of the real number) which got fixed asap.

    Everyone now complaining about not getting the free Champs simply did not finish a full 5-Week-Series. We already helped a lot of people to get their Symbios now. Almost whole German Global is now aware of how the Event works after hours of explaining again and again.

    Just check your Objectives and your problem can be solved, too.

    Thats negative, as I have checked, and rechecked my objectives, just like everyone else, and I have done more then enough to be able to access the “final prep” levels, but they never showed up. I’m not 100% convinced there’s not a bug issue. I could understand if just a few of us were saying “we didnt get our symbiots” but, there are way more then just a few…. Something just doesn’t feel right about this entire situation.
    However, if I do learn that there is a way to get to the objectives still, I will share it here…
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★

    @WOLF_LINK Dont get me wrong, I appreciate you trying to “rationalize” this to help summoners feel like all they need to do is “complete more objectives” but, we have all done exactly that, and still have never seen the “final preparations” ever come up. Someone else pointed out there was a bug in the event, so Kabam took it down. Also, there are WAY to many other summoners who are experiencing this for it to be a “Coincidence”. And now they want us to buy anti venom… well, if this is what Kabam sees as “fair”, then they have a lot to learn….
    This entire situation could have been avoided if Kabam stayed with the summoner appreciation calendar, but the top corporate people apparently felt the “bottom line” need to be larger… however, now people are leaving in droves… I hope Kabam actually learns something from this experience.

    Show us your bugged objectives then
  • StronstVngrStronstVngr Member Posts: 222

    My current level of completed objectives…
  • StronstVngrStronstVngr Member Posts: 222
    As you can see, ALL cavalier objectives DONE. So…. 😒
  • Farseer123456789Farseer123456789 Member Posts: 57
    @WOLF_LINK I did steps 1-4 on one of the levels and final preparations has not shown up
  • magnus_xixmagnus_xix Member Posts: 2,043 ★★★★★

    As you can see, ALL cavalier objectives DONE. So…. 😒

    Do you have anti venom and the symbiote?
  • StronstVngrStronstVngr Member Posts: 222

    As you can see, ALL cavalier objectives DONE. So…. 😒

    Do you have anti venom and the symbiote?
    Obviously not.. why would I start this thread if I would have gotten them? Logically I mean….?
  • WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Member Posts: 1,376 ★★★★
    Your current ones …
    - Proven = Week 1
    - Conqueror = Week 2
    - Uncollected = Week 3
    - Cavalier = I guess, you are no Cavalier yet, right?

    So … you did not complete enough Objectives (all 5 Weeks of one of them). If you continue with DreamTeam, you could be done in an hour and get your Symbio today.

    Just beat some Story enemies, fight the right Symbios afterwards and level someone up. Easy tasks left. @StronstVngr
  • WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Member Posts: 1,376 ★★★★
    Just try this. Finish the Uncollected ones, can be done fast, and tell us if you got your Symbio then.
  • StronstVngrStronstVngr Member Posts: 222
    @WOLF_LINK I’ll give it a try, and report back when I’m done…
  • WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Member Posts: 1,376 ★★★★

    @WOLF_LINK I did steps 1-4 on one of the levels and final preparations has not shown up

    Did you restart the game in between? The next step always requires a restart to show up.
  • Xhibit_BXhibit_B Member Posts: 62
    The Final Preparations objective is a single, quick one; it's possible you completed it without realizing it was there. But that wouldn't explain your lack of AV & SS.

    Have you updated the app?
  • StronstVngrStronstVngr Member Posts: 222

    Completed dream team, and now I have this… 😒 yet ANOTHER objective… yes, my game is updated, and I log out every day. This is now beyond frustrating…
  • Xhibit_BXhibit_B Member Posts: 62

    Completed dream team, and now I have this… 😒 yet ANOTHER objective… yes, my game is updated, and I log out every day. This is now beyond frustrating…

    But you would have known there was another objective if you had already done the Cavalier chain (or taken a close look at Wolf's first image).
  • WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Member Posts: 1,376 ★★★★

    Completed dream team, and now I have this… 😒 yet ANOTHER objective… yes, my game is updated, and I log out every day. This is now beyond frustrating…

    Yes, I told you you would have to kill some Symbiotes (Week 4) and do a few Level Ups (Week 5) afterwards. But that’s really just a few fights. 0/1 for the first steps as your Screenshot shows. You are just 10 minutes away from your personal Symbio.
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