do u want access of October's side quest?

I mean which kind of trick is it???
Are u forcing summoners to do those runs that they don't wanna do??
If summoner don't wanna do September's objectives then why can't he access of October's quest??? Everyone have their different choices and situations so i think it's totally wrong this time,,, sorry to say @Kabam Miike @Kabam Porthos and others please solve this problem for all your lovely summoners..... Thank you.
Are u forcing summoners to do those runs that they don't wanna do??
If summoner don't wanna do September's objectives then why can't he access of October's quest??? Everyone have their different choices and situations so i think it's totally wrong this time,,, sorry to say @Kabam Miike @Kabam Porthos and others please solve this problem for all your lovely summoners..... Thank you.
do u want access of October's side quest? 317 votes
It was a design decision that should never be repeated.
They said from day 1...
Here is my 2 cents on this issue...
Most people that didnt do it saw the rewards and said oh no way....and now they see the rewards for october and cry that is not fair...
Well guess what?.. the people that completed september..did it HOPING for good rewards in october..and now people want it for free?
Tbf, I'm not sure if anyone has actually been "in favor" of the grind that was presented to us in September in order to have access to the October SQ.
It's more to the point that those who did complete the aforementioned "grind" might be a little bit miffed if Kabam now decided to just let everyone have access to this month's SQ.
Speaking as someone who did do all of the Cav objectives last month, I would have no issue with everyone having access to all of this month's events, so long as all of those who did complete last month's objectives were (and I hate using this word) "compensated" in some way for having done said content. And I'm not saying we should get anything crazy like a 6* Nexus or anything, just a little something extra for the effort, because those rewards were not great.
Also, Kabam needs to make the people that did the original Final Preparations objective whole in some way. I wasn't one of them, but that was messed up.
I'm happy to play less atm.