Last 4 were kitty pride from her featured in the black iso market, archangel from a marauder crystal, black panther and cap WWII. So aside from cap I've been pretty happy lately
Well, from 6* shards it has not been great. Last 2 pulls were awakening OG Storm and pulled Beast. The Deadpool gold and unit Cav Nexus deals were much better. Pulled Hit Monkey from Skill Nexus, War Machine from regular 6* Nexus and then got Sentinel from a Cav Nexus and awakened Hit Monkey from 6* Nexus within a Cav Nexus.
Beast 3rd natural dupe (sig 60) was before that. 5 other trash before that including . bpcw, Jane Foster... Since landing Apoc, it's been an absolute s4!t-show.
Can't seem to pull new champs and I'm getting dupes on champs that don't need them or more accurately I don't care to dupe. Vision AOU, OG Cap, Antman (please buff), Yondu, Super Skrull.
The more content I do, the trashier my luck seems.
Can't seem to pull new champs and I'm getting dupes on champs that don't need them or more accurately I don't care to dupe. Vision AOU, OG Cap, Antman (please buff), Yondu, Super Skrull.
The more content I do, the trashier my luck seems.
Same with me . Still i explore content with a ray of hope , and still pull trash lol.
I was on fire. Marvel k (I wanted her for carina) Sym supreme (awaken already r3) Mascre (awaken already r3) Sider ham (r2 with 7.3 run through science gem) Aegon (I have awakening gem and stones)
But now back to reality Ebony maw (awaken) Yandu Nova
Latest 6* pull from 6* basic was Vision AOU.. pretty meh if you ask me.. probably needs awaken and sig200.. other than bleed poison immune.. not much else.
Yaaaay.... 7.3. good times.
Beast 3rd natural dupe (sig 60) was before that. 5 other trash before that including . bpcw, Jane Foster... Since landing Apoc, it's been an absolute s4!t-show.
Got Guardian and HT as new and duped Apoc!!!
Deadpool gold deals (went with Sym Supreme and Prof X) and a basic. Really happy about them.
Vision AOU, OG Cap, Antman (please buff), Yondu, Super Skrull.
The more content I do, the trashier my luck seems.
Marvel k (I wanted her for carina)
Sym supreme (awaken already r3)
Mascre (awaken already r3)
Sider ham (r2 with 7.3 run through science gem)
Aegon (I have awakening gem and stones)
But now back to reality
Ebony maw (awaken)
Opened 3 6* at once.
Got Apocalypse (dupe), HT and Killmonger.