Community Choice Buff: Guillotine Clarification + Live AMA with a *very special* Kabam dev!

Kabam BooKabam Boo Member Posts: 840 ★★★★★


Keeping topped up on health, dealing with opponents healing, and gaining strength the more HP you take away from the opponent.

Now (Changes)
New Design: Keeping topped up on health, dealing with opponents healing, and gaining strength through debuffs, or hitting HP thresholds on the opponent or Guillotine.

Biggest Changes:
  • New “Unshackled” Mechanic. This will increase her special attack effects, and make them unblockable if she has 10 or more souls!
  • Bleed Curse on Heavy, giving you guaranteed Bleeds, and thus guaranteed Souls if you strike an opponent with any hit of a special while active.
  • Guillotine can now apply Ruptures instead of Bleeds to Bleed immune opponents!
  • Moved Regen from random chance, to be all the time but lower potency.


Upon review of Guillotine’s initial performance, the team determined that she could benefit from some more regeneration in the future.

While the team is satisfied with the current state of most of Guillotine’s kit, they will be keeping a close eye on her healing during an average fight. The team is approaching the continuous form of healing with caution and some reserve when it comes to tuning.

Currently, the team will continue to examine all available data and will endeavour to release a buff for her regeneration some time in the foreseeable future. Rest assured that the team will prioritize this as much as they can.

Below are the main statistics that the team uses to track Guillotine’s regeneration (regeneration per second). This graph tracks how much a Champion regenerates on average, at a consistent scale.

Regen per second for Guillotine vs others across MCoC Pre-Rework

Regen per second for Guillotine vs others across MCoC Post-Rework


Questions or thoughts about the above? Join @Kabam Boo , featuring the one and only @Kabam John , in a live AMA session tomorrow, Friday, November 5, 2021 from 11AM (PT) to 12PM (PT).

***NOTE that this thread will open tomorrow, Friday, November 5, 2021 at 10:30AM (PT). Please hold all your questions and thoughts until then! We look forward to chatting with you all very soon!



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  • imaginejimimaginejim Member Posts: 333 ★★
    With many of the OG champs like the first two caps, Iron Man, Iron Patriot, Both Cyclops, etc, are they being held off until later because they will also require VFX updates?
  • Stagedear85Stagedear85 Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    appreciate you taking a second Look at Guillotine to tune her, however i do feel that regeneration is the lease of her problem i would say easier access to damage and utility would be a place to start, as i had said before usually a community choice Buff should be a champ the community would be excited about and a champ that if you pull from a Feature crystal excited about however with her buff that's not the case pulling her from any crystal seems like a let down..
  • Stagedear85Stagedear85 Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    Please stay with Guillotine see alot of questions about things that has nothing to do with Guillotine buff if im not mistaken this live AMA is in regards to Guillotine..
  • Xnmfjx_13Xnmfjx_13 Member Posts: 16
    When it comes to regenerate effects and tuning them what is the how complicated is the process and how often does it get tweaked?
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★
    With Updates to Champions coming so fast, was there a point in the process where you read it back and had to change some of it because it was too complex or didn't fit in with their gameplay mechanics? Also when can we expect Groot to be overhauled?
  • KablKabl Member Posts: 315 ★★★
    edited November 2021
    How far do you plan ahead on who will be buffed?

    Are there plans to rebuff some champs that didn't improve as much, i.e. nova, ronan, maw?

    When can we expect the Community Choice Champs to be buffed? Is it possible early next year?
  • ZeiramMRZeiramMR Member Posts: 101
    Could you elaborate on the conditions and data collection methods that are represented in the two charts? Because it looks like values for other champions are not consistent.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,126 ★★★★★
    edited November 2021
    For any future Buffs including the potential Community Choice buff, but have you ever considered opening up a specific thread just to gauge the community's feelings towards core capabilities? Kind of a column A of things we like and don't want changed as opposed to column B featuring things that could really improve the character like adding utility or increasing certain numbers even block proficiency, that kind of thing?

    The reason I'm asking is because like a lot of people I felt that the things that Guillotine was missing could have been added in through a moderate update as opposed to an overhaul but I wanted to also understand the approach from the dev team.
  • KILLMФИGЕЯKILLMФИGЕЯ Member Posts: 124 ★★
    edited November 2021
    My main issue with this buff besides the fact that she will just never get used almost anywhere for me ever! Is the fact that this was a COMMUNITY CHOICE BUFF! We voted and put our trust in you guys to deliver a complete overhaul of a champ and make her great.
    Instead we got a nerf to her top qualities, no utility and overall just a bad champ honestly. From what I can tell, she will definitely not get played by me personally and all the old gully fans are mad cause she’s worse, so who was this “buffs aimed at?

    This has personally made me want to not participate in any future polls/voting with you guys.
  • Stagedear85Stagedear85 Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    Hello @kabam John Thanks for taking the time out your day to do this hopefully we can get some clarity on what goes into a community choice buff like Guillotine..
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,923 ★★★★★

    Is there any possibility that the community could get to see what categories champs lined up for buffs are falling into? Because there have been some buffs recently that the devs and the community have significantly disagreed on what kind of buffs they should have gotten (including Guillotine)

    This is something I feel very strongly about and would love to know the answer. I did write a thread on it here

    And the consensus seemed to be that I think Kabam have too many champions slated for overhauls, when they just don’t need to be.
    Exactly, I think this was clearly seen with the buff vote. Jane and Guillotine could have gotten away with moderates.

    I’ve come to think of value, moderated and overhauls not in terms of what they explicitly mean, but more the level of effort required to buff them. I think that’s why we see values that are more like moderates and overhauls that are more like moderates.
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