Does the Cosmic class have enough to unseat Mutants as the best class?

altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,620 ★★★★
For awhile now, Mutants have been the best class, with high powered options and versatile utility. A team consisting of entirely Mutants could take you very far. The addition of Kitty Pryde this year has further contributed to this trend.

This year, we've seen a number of Cosmics added, with the only outright bad one being Super-Skrull. Herc alone seems to be transcendent, but Odin has picked up steam, and the new champions of Knull / Sersi / Ikaris all seem like they have great kits.

Does the Cosmic class have enough to unseat Mutants as the best class? 135 votes

Cosmic > Mutant
KillerBee_samaGildenlowStevieManWonderEwell65SSS69Draconic_12Cmarotextorix 7 votes
Mutant > Cosmic
LeNoirFaineantBitterSteelWorld EaterRaganatorSaiyanbenshbDrenlinzuffyTristanSpeedbumpfmussapGK_23thanks4playingbm3eppsThatGuyYouSaw235ScholiatntslArkhamButcherShivanshutusharNair 109 votes
Mutant == Cosmic
buffajrarsjumRockyshockybrahimpi99kubricknolanIronGladiator22NotoriousAdayPtkVascoMarshMarloKostaschaniaCiedreOddkinsons7Shivacrux 13 votes
Your premise is flawed, as (Science, Mystic, Skill, Tech) is the Best Class.
Drake2078TerraCassyRiptideNalak8NimsKetchum 6 votes


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  • ChikelChikel Member Posts: 2,110 ★★★★
    Mutant > Cosmic
    The cosmic class is not yet close to challenging the science class talk more of mutants mostly because their utilities are interchangeable while mutant has a lot of unique utilities.
    The only truly game changing champions released this year are Hercules and Odin. Sersi has no utility, Ikaris has 2 immunities, can stack incenerates and do big specials, nothing special about that. I don't think you can find up to a dozen incenerate and shock lanes from Act 6 - 7, his incenerates are basically for heal reversal and big specials are common as dirt. His immunities are unique in the game since Super Skrull is the only other champion with that combination but there's no node I can think of where you need that specific combination.
  • Drake2078Drake2078 Member Posts: 926 ★★★
    Your premise is flawed, as (Science, Mystic, Skill, Tech) is the Best Class.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,138 ★★★★★

    Unio77 said:

    As long as Apocalypse and Magneto exists then mutants will continue to dominate all other classes!

    Medusa and odin exist….
    Those two don’t come anywhere close.

    Also, the person you replied to forgot to list Archangel, how would you counter that?
  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,387 ★★★★★
    Mutant > Cosmic
    Drake2078 said:


    Lmao bruh what it doesn't even have that many good champs
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    Polygon said:

    Unio77 said:

    As long as Apocalypse and Magneto exists then mutants will continue to dominate all other classes!

    Medusa and odin exist….
    Those two don’t come anywhere close.

    Also, the person you replied to forgot to list Archangel, how would you counter that?
    What @ThatGuyYouSaw235 said.

    Btw you know I’m messing around right?
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    Polygon said:

    Unio77 said:

    As long as Apocalypse and Magneto exists then mutants will continue to dominate all other classes!

    Medusa and odin exist….
    Those two don’t come anywhere close.

    Also, the person you replied to forgot to list Archangel, how would you counter that?
    Btw the cosmic class is more so a brute force type class rather than DOT. Like how mystic got power control, tech utility, science their debuffs, skill their crits, and mutant a little bit of everything. Muuant is probably the best but I definitely favor cosmic more.
  • LpooLpoo Member Posts: 2,230 ★★★★★
    edited November 2021
    Mutant > Cosmic
    Nodes and node interactions are so complex that there can really not be any class>class, especially in late game content

    Edit: forgot I voted mutant lol
  • DiablordDiablord Member Posts: 652 ★★★
    Mutant > Cosmic
    Give me any node and i will name a mutant who can counter it.
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,444 ★★★★★
    Mutant > Cosmic
    Diablord said:

    Give me any node and i will name a mutant who can counter it.

    Stellar Pulse
  • Crys23Crys23 Member Posts: 877 ★★★★
    I have all of them, mutants and cosmics (except Kitty). Combined, they make up more than half my r3's. But when i go into a quest who do I pick : Ghost.
    So this "whats the best class" debate is kinda pointless. Same like "who's best champ" debate. It's not ghost, she has her weaknesses.
    Mutants rarely make their way on my quest teams. It's ghost, doom/claire, torch, falcon/shangchi, nf, corvus, get the idea.
  • DiablordDiablord Member Posts: 652 ★★★
    Mutant > Cosmic

    Diablord said:

    Give me any node and i will name a mutant who can counter it.

    Stellar Pulse
    Red mags if opponent is metal

  • Tru100Tru100 Member Posts: 260 ★★

    Diablord said:

    Give me any node and i will name a mutant who can counter it.

    Stellar Pulse
    Cheeky response. But I’d take top mutants doing stellar pulse over top cosmics doing X-gene.

    Cosmic and mystic might be similar tier. I’d go Mutant.. Science.. Skill, Mystic, Cosmic… Tech
  • ChikelChikel Member Posts: 2,110 ★★★★
    Mutant > Cosmic
    Tru100 said:

    Diablord said:

    Give me any node and i will name a mutant who can counter it.

    Stellar Pulse
    Cheeky response. But I’d take top mutants doing stellar pulse over top cosmics doing X-gene.

    Cosmic and mystic might be similar tier. I’d go Mutant.. Science.. Skill, Mystic, Cosmic… Tech
    Mags against metal , Prof X, ramped up Stryfe, Apoc with Stryfe synergy all have enough damage to make stellar pulse nothing more than a minor inconvenience.
  • Fluffy_pawsFluffy_paws Member Posts: 2,680 ★★★★★
    Mutant > Cosmic

    Diablord said:

    Give me any node and i will name a mutant who can counter it.

    Stellar Pulse
    He can't exactly counter it but I always use AA in 50% reductions where no immunity anyway coz his damage is enough even halved.
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Diablord said:

    Give me any node and i will name a mutant who can counter it.

    Not a single nide but a fight in act 6.1

    Split atom, caustic temper hurt locker, sp2 bias , Doctor strange
  • DiablordDiablord Member Posts: 652 ★★★
    Mutant > Cosmic

    Diablord said:

    Give me any node and i will name a mutant who can counter it.

    Not a single nide but a fight in act 6.1

    Split atom, caustic temper hurt locker, sp2 bias , Doctor strange
    Apoc+Stryfe and that professor x synergy that give 70% poison resistance.
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    edited November 2021
    Mutant > Cosmic

    Diablord said:

    Give me any node and i will name a mutant who can counter it.

    Not a single nide but a fight in act 6.1

    Split atom, caustic temper hurt locker, sp2 bias , Doctor strange
    Would take a long time, but horseman cable can probably do it, especially with white mags poison resist synergy and Prof x cerebro charges built up on the start of the lane, as he shrugs off the poisons after a certain number.

    I mean I couldn't do it, but sure swedeah or similar could!
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