Does the Cosmic class have enough to unseat Mutants as the best class?

For awhile now, Mutants have been the best class, with high powered options and versatile utility. A team consisting of entirely Mutants could take you very far. The addition of Kitty Pryde this year has further contributed to this trend.
This year, we've seen a number of Cosmics added, with the only outright bad one being Super-Skrull. Herc alone seems to be transcendent, but Odin has picked up steam, and the new champions of Knull / Sersi / Ikaris all seem like they have great kits.
This year, we've seen a number of Cosmics added, with the only outright bad one being Super-Skrull. Herc alone seems to be transcendent, but Odin has picked up steam, and the new champions of Knull / Sersi / Ikaris all seem like they have great kits.
Does the Cosmic class have enough to unseat Mutants as the best class? 135 votes
With Horseman and all synergies and such active, the worst mutant is probably Beast. And even he has a couple decent things he can manage. Cosmic has a lot of garbage to sift through to answer that question.
You have to have a high sig Angela for most evil negative class match ups with cosmic that could be created. And while they have the edge in big yellow numbers, Hercules and Heimdall synergy... I'm not sure it overcomes apoc/horsemen, AA, Prof x, two magnetos, cables degen, all the healing.. they have so much depth and also so much more accessible to 99% of the player base to boot.
The only truly game changing champions released this year are Hercules and Odin. Sersi has no utility, Ikaris has 2 immunities, can stack incenerates and do big specials, nothing special about that. I don't think you can find up to a dozen incenerate and shock lanes from Act 6 - 7, his incenerates are basically for heal reversal and big specials are common as dirt. His immunities are unique in the game since Super Skrull is the only other champion with that combination but there's no node I can think of where you need that specific combination.
Also, the person you replied to forgot to list Archangel, how would you counter that?
Btw you know I’m messing around right?
Edit: forgot I voted mutant lol
So this "whats the best class" debate is kinda pointless. Same like "who's best champ" debate. It's not ghost, she has her weaknesses.
Mutants rarely make their way on my quest teams. It's ghost, doom/claire, torch, falcon/shangchi, nf, corvus, get the idea.
Red mags if opponent is metal
Cosmic and mystic might be similar tier. I’d go Mutant.. Science.. Skill, Mystic, Cosmic… Tech
Split atom, caustic temper hurt locker, sp2 bias , Doctor strange
I mean I couldn't do it, but sure swedeah or similar could!