With the New Variant 8 Dropping Soon.... Shouldn't CROSSBONES BE TAGGED #MERC!!!

Everyone, including most if not all Kabam employees, knows Crossbones is a mercenary. Sure he has Hydra training, but his loyalty only rests with whomever has the biggest wallet. His bio and synergies both lay claim to him being a Merc, so why is he not tagged #Mercenary in game. With Variant 8 Deadpoolooza dropping soon, he would be another great viable option, if he was #Mercenary.
Tags (like classes) are a judgment call. The tag doesn't define the members with the tag, it is just a label. #Avengers doesn't mean "was a member of the Avengers" because that would be practically everybody, and it doesn't mean "is a member of the Avengers at this moment in time" because that changes over time, but we don't change the tags. It doesn't even specify what universe, dimension, or timeline is being referenced. The tag is inspired by the source material, but doesn't have an explicitly set of rules for who gets the tag. It is whomever the designer - in consultation with Marvel itself - feels the tag is appropriate to.
Crossbones is a villain in the universe of the MCOC Battlerealm. That doesn't mean every incarnation of Crossbones throughout the Marvel multiverse is a villain. It just means the writers of this game are treating him like a villain here. And their decisions, just like that of comic book authors, is definitive.
But tags clearly do matter since the release of the variants. I believe we can all agree that there is no problem with champion restrictions based on tags in variants. It makes the fights more interesting and challenges players to expand their roster. Certain champions deserve to have certain tags. As long the tags are applied consistently and comics-based, this should be no problem.
But they aren't. Isn't it odd that there are six hero-mercenaries, but only one villain-mercenary?
It's an open secret Sabretooth is a villain-mercenary in the comics, but didn't get the #Villain tag because of Blade. And same can be said about Crossbones. Kabam even admits he's a villain-mercenary with the Mercenary Competition synergy.
If Kabam somehow drops the ball on the difficulty and the raw lack of good merc champs becomes painfully obvious, then I could consider caring about additions to the tag pool.
I am surprised that even Killmonger is not a Merc..
The tags are labels, not job descriptions. The same thing comes up with the Dimensional tag (which doesn't mean the champion lists an alternate dimension on their drivers license) or the Avengers tag (which doesn't mean that at one time in a movie someone called them an Avenger) or even the Robot tag (Nebula does not meet the dictionary definition of a robot). These tags are simplifications translating complex concepts into simple game mechanics. That's all.
Posting 224 words about a single thought doesn't make me right. It just means I have more than two functioning brain cells and they have a connection to my fingers. If it looks like a thesis to you, this does not bode well for your post middle school educational experiences.
Then I can understand there is a reason behind to give or not at same champs the tag of dimensional, villain, mercenary or avengers.
But I would like if someone from kabam can just give some info abt it, that's it.
Calling any post I make that can't fit in a tweet a "thesis" also doesn't bother me all that much in terms of taking it personally. It does make me wonder if I'm living in the prequel to Idiocracy, but if that means that one day I can vote for President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, I guess that's a fair trade.
When I first joined the forums, almost no one was posting more than four sentences at a time, and most of my posts were ridiculed for being long. But I knew I was making progress when it went from people making fun of the fact they were long to making fun of every part of the long post. It meant they were at least reading them. And now, people aren't afraid to make long posts, as long as they actually contain meaningful content. Not long like mine in this thread, but genuinely long (like mine everywhere else). I like to think I played a small role in giving cover to people who wanted to discuss things in more detail. That's worth a million disagrees flags, and it is why I'm never going to take seriously someone who thinks hitting post size matters. That's like making fun of someone's charitable donations because they come on preprinted Snoopy checks.
Also, I'm kinda old. Not in real world terms, but in internet terms I'm ancient. Among other things, I'm a USENET veteran, which means I'm both bulletproof and clad in asbestos. And I used to live on MMO message boards in the mid to late 2000s, which means I'm also dead inside.
Luke Cage??
Oh, well, see he was in a group called “Heros For Hire”, so Merc.
Ohhhh, so his business partner is a Merc too right??
Iron Fist? Uhhhh. Hmmm.