RE AI interception

How is it at all a thing that the game AI has “Intercept” capabilities?
Intercept for the player is a combination of anticipation & reaction time. It’s a human skill. The player doesn’t know what move the defender will make for sure, but our experience guides us.
But for the AI, it’s not anticipating a move. it effing knows what we are doing because it knows the input has been delivered for a move or dash the exact moment it occurs. The 1s & 0s are immediately available for the AI to respond to.
Interception, IMO, is a really dodgy part of the AI kit. And it seems to have been cranked up in the last few weeks. Which is frustrating a lot of people.
I have a lot of examples to describe but I think enough people have experienced the same issue that it’s not necessary at this point.
It’s almost like playing Paper, Rock, Scissors against a computer using a controller or keyboard - the computer couldn’t be beat, depending on the programmer’s code.
Intercept for the player is a combination of anticipation & reaction time. It’s a human skill. The player doesn’t know what move the defender will make for sure, but our experience guides us.
But for the AI, it’s not anticipating a move. it effing knows what we are doing because it knows the input has been delivered for a move or dash the exact moment it occurs. The 1s & 0s are immediately available for the AI to respond to.
Interception, IMO, is a really dodgy part of the AI kit. And it seems to have been cranked up in the last few weeks. Which is frustrating a lot of people.
I have a lot of examples to describe but I think enough people have experienced the same issue that it’s not necessary at this point.
It’s almost like playing Paper, Rock, Scissors against a computer using a controller or keyboard - the computer couldn’t be beat, depending on the programmer’s code.
Today in incursion I barely even started to do my moves and the AI knew exactly what I was gonna do so I don’t know how to really explain this further. Kabam have cranked up their AI system and we obviously need to be “get good” than the AI now, but the question is how much “get good” can we actually be before kabam can take that data and improved their AI further more?
I do love me some good challenge, but not to the point where the AI read my moves and making it impossible to read their moves and it should have some kind of balance.
Long Story Short he was holding block (not the block spamming thing) and once I dashed in he immediately did SP2 and the bleed killed me
I notice as well,that now they can even parry your heavy. Is it possibile?
What is frustrating is that my moves aren’t always caught by the device, and if they are, they’re now examined by the AI in seeming nanoseconds and countered. Or worse, the way I’ve learned the game is now being exploited by the AI.
Can I adapt? Probably. With what we are seeing, it would appear that the AI knows the exact moment that I’ve swiped forward to dash attack. It therefore isn’t “anticipating” anything, it “knows” I’ve dash attacked and can intercept me because it doesn’t have a human brain to anticipate anything; it is actually recording that input and can have an immediate response.
If they shield the AI from the input and it must “guess” what we are doing, fine. I’m not certain Kabam acknowledges that necessity. If they don’t, the attrition they’ll see will be inexorable because the trust of the players to have a fair shake at winning matches through building their skills will be lost.
When a company loses the trust of its customers, it’s going to lose a lot of those customers.
This should only start occuring from act 7 or abbys, variant 7 or other tough content released.
However, I have faced issues with act 5 on my mini account. The AI blocks while bane is on me and when i try to use heavy attack, I get destroyed.
Moves which aren’t available to me, so I can’t exploit AI, seem to have been granted to the AI- this is the source of my frustration.
I’m not giving up by any stretch. But Kabam also needs to hear some feedback on moves they’re making. Otherwise they will believe everything’s alright. And eventually it won’t be.
As the AI takes 0.1 seconds to do heavy while for me it takes the amount of time which is enough to make the AI intercept me
I was blocking to bait special then the AI suddenly threw a heavy (I swear by the time I saw it coming it already came) and before I even recovered from the heavy I got a special on my face
Passive AI is something now we all know about
But Kung Fu AI is far better than me
I am convinced mcoc AI is just in the beginning chapter of this evolution.
I was clearly flying across the screen before the opponent began its animation. This would happen when punishing specials or heavy spamming in the corner.
Tbh I’ve struggled with opponent recovery times for months. As a good and frequent shulk/tigra player have been really noticing the difference.
It’s difficult to consistently punish heavies and specials now without getting intercepted. Similarly stand up intercepts are incredibly hard to time without getting sidestepped or intercepted. It feels like there just isn’t a window anymore.
Previously these were all techniques I could time impeccably and formed the basis of my play with those two characters.
I appears connected to the dex/parry bugs both in timing of the first occurrence and the feel of it happening (like initial frames of opponent animations are being skipped) but doesn’t make much sense from their explanation of dex/parry. Similarly to dex/parry bugs it can come and go. Sometimes I feel like I’m playing normalish game, most of the time feels buggy.
Be good to get some mod comments on this.
I’m on iPhone 12 FWIW
Tbh between this, the established bugs, the super cranked up twitchy Ai and the current passiveness wrt withholding specials, the game is at its lowest point for me in terms of enjoyment.
If I think back the last fight that really felt fun and normal to me was SOP rogue. That was an example where your intercepts and timing had to be spot on. I demolished it with she hulk. To get back to that feels like a distant dream now..
Ain't gonna happen.
More anecdotally, the AI seems a little more finely tuned to each champ’s mechanics. If you have a champ who phases, the AI will wait that out, then get aggressive when the phase is over. Like it knows the windows of opportunity better.
It’s kinda like the AI destroyed P.A.R.R.Y., the mcoc version of JARVIS, and now there’s an evil evolved version with the sole mission of destroying our resources. It had strings, but now it’s free…
I’ve never figured these types of complaints can be addressed, but it’s cool to know others notice it as well. It’d also be interesting to hear some general broad strokes on how these AI’s are calibrated in first place, and how often they’re tweaked or tuned up. ( @DNA3000 )
1. Defender animation is super fast: Finishes 5 hit combo in about the same time as our 3 hit combo
2. Defender recover much quicker after finishing combo / knocked down: Resulting in we consistently missing parries
3. Defender dashing-in real fast: Resulting in getting hit before we can even think about taping block
4. Defender intercept with special / re-parry / keep block until reach sp3 / won't attack against ghost while phasing
However, Kabam will never admit that AI was improved to be super human and lot of calculations in back-end is causing lags & crashes.
Hey, btw what happened to their Tap-salot model?
And if they do (which I remember they did once after a lot of outrage) they say that nothing has been changed & everything is working as intended
They flat out lie about AI & timing related things like they did with the She Hulk heavy nerf situation
Recently Warlock heavy ws also changed, but I knew I won't get any meaningful replies so I didn't even bother opening a thread about it
These changes are something that we're just supposed to accept & move on or just quit the game & move on
There's no in between w.r.t. these type of changes