This months Epic Difficulty SQ

JPeanutsJPeanuts Member Posts: 50
There’s been lots of chat about the massively jacked up Legendary SQ this month from the TB’s, whales and sweaty try hards…

This ones for your average player who comfortably completes Epic Difficulty (this was for your Uncollected level players, wasn’t it?) and just what in the name of Jesus were Kabam thinking slapping 38000 PI champions on the path?
It wasn’t that many months ago Legendary SQ had 38000 champs as final bosses, now Epic are being expected to defeat them - for the same rewards?!

Massively ramping up the difficulty for what should be a short, enjoyable couple of fights is utter BS, especially when you factor in the controls issues, failure of parry and dex not working…
What the hell were Kabam thinking?



  • DontsellthemDontsellthem Member Posts: 768 ★★★
    I don’t think these posts do anything as far as change goes. It’s nothing new, SQ keeps getting harder.

    Game still in a bad state.

  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★
    JPeanuts said:

    ŁŤÇ said:

    No one is forcing you to do it, correct?

    If it is too much of a challenge, I heard Story Chapter 1 is fun to do again.

    Sweaty try hard…
    I have found legendary to be

    I don’t think these posts do anything as far as change goes. It’s nothing new, SQ keeps getting harder.

    Game still in a bad state.


    SQ keeps getting harder? Based on what? We just had a period of no SQ and grindy (albeit easy) objectives. What was the last really hard side quest? They have always ranged in difficulty. This one is harder. That doesn't mean they keep getting harder.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★
    Wrathbert said:

    I totally agree with this. People may think that it’s entitled to expect Epic difficulty to be easy, but I don’t think that’s the point. The point is that it should be consistent with past quests under the same difficulty.

    This months Epic difficulty is significantly tougher than other months’, which can be misleading for an Uncollected player who is used to a certain difficulty. I remember last year when I was still Uncollected almost being able to clear Legendary difficulty on Mutant Treasure Island, which is crazy when you compare it to this month’s quest.

    I agree that Epic is harder than it needs to be. It isn't hard at all for people that can do Legendary, but I expect there are Cav players that sometimes do Legendary and are struggling with Epic this time. I don't agree that it has to be consistent with other months though. It's OK for the SQ to have more variety in terms of difficulty.
  • ŁŤÇŁŤÇ Member Posts: 351 ★★★
    Searmenis said:

    ŁŤÇ said:

    No one is forcing you to do it, correct?

    If it is too much of a challenge, I heard Story Chapter 1 is fun to do again.

    No one is forcing you to leave a spiteful comment, correct?
    I'm not being spiteful. I'm being realistic.

    So many players expect everything for free on here. They want compensation. Then get it, and it isn't good enough. They spent money to clear broken content that didn't work correctly. They want their money back.

    What's the hurry? Why spend, and then complain afterwards? Why hold out your hand and expect extra every second of every day?

    Kabam, whether we like them or not, has created a fantasy for us childlike Marvel lovers. We get to play a GAME where we become our favorite characters, and see these heroes develop; just as we do. And guess what? It's free! I'm choosing to enjoy them moments, enjoy all aspects of the game, learn new attackers, and HAVE FUN, all while not expecting anymore than I deserve.

    Spiteful? Haha. It's a game. I treat it as one.

  • SandeepSSandeepS Member Posts: 1,238 ★★★★
    Look at the multipliers, the middle lane has an extra zero compared to the outer paths.

    Just did epic, the middle lane took me so much longer than the others.
  • ŁŤÇŁŤÇ Member Posts: 351 ★★★

    ŁŤÇ said:

    We want a challenge. We want a buff. We want a nerf. Side Quests are a joke. Make them harder. Make them easier.

    Try hard? How about get better. Use units, revive.

    Kabam simply can't win. Nothing will ever be good enough forcso many.

    Let me clarify for you:These are requests coming from different corners of the MCOC community-The Whales,The Mid Tier Players,The Newbies,etc

    This company needs to figure out how to achieve balance in this game, before it’s too late.

    There will never be balance. You can't please everyone; especially when both hands are out.
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    I’d say this SQ is a little off. I’ve come at it on several accounts trying to understand which counters I have on each. It’s been a real crapshoot, with some baby accounts easily handling master, and one cav breezing thru epic both weeks. Other accounts got crushed everywhere, just based on the combination of having lanes well equipped to stop most mutants, and that center lane week two…

    So, as usual, it’s fun to problem solve and mess with. But this one would suck if you were relying on it for progression and rewards, I guess.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,803 ★★★★★
    I am just an early Thronebreaker. Have only 2 r3 6*s and I can accept I am not good enough to deal with this. Mainly the middle path. Super-skrull and Korg are annoying defenders at any time, letalone with 300-400k HP. That is just too much, which is why I stick to Epic difficulty and keep Legendary for players who are further in the game's progression. I still haven't completed Abyss nor explored Act6. I cannot realistically think I can do the highest tiers of events with this big steps ahead of me.

    It is a bit salty because I used to be able to breeze through legendary difficulties, but times change and so must I. And admitting my defeat in this seems like a good first step
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,893 ★★★★★
    What would be helpful is some type of statement from the team about the role of SQ/EQ in game.

    Is SQ/EQ “bonus content” that will fluctuate in difficulty and rewards for all but the most advanced rosters at each level?

    Does it fall under ordinary course progression content? Is it different for SQ versus EQ?

    For me, it grows harder to tell between Story, EQ and SQ which is actually meant to be the mainline method for progression, if there is a single one anymore. The lines feel blurred among the various questing modes, and the static nature of certain rewards make things like EQ seem like just another part of regular progression.

    But it would be nice to understand what the intended vision is. That might clarify some of the misconceptions—high and low—about whether content is over/undertuned.

    Dr. Zola
  • Saru2244Saru2244 Member Posts: 182
    As many other parts of the Game, the main Problem ist the Balancing. The Difficulty of the Event is made for Thronebrakers but the rewards are made for Cavaliers. So both did not fit together.

    And the most Thing I can´t understand is: we know that there ist still the Parry / DEx - Issue. We know, that many Players are still struggeling, having Problems to keep the Game going. And then Kabam made an Event which such stingy Rewards? I'm not sure if Kabam lost track
  • Amms90Amms90 Member Posts: 338 ★★★
    Last month for the first time in a year or so I had to use a revive in the side quest. Not that many times. I believe in 28 runs I used maybe 4-5 revives. Which is not too bad but still it tells that the difficulty level has increased considerably. This month I cleared first week no issues, but had to use 1 revive for the annilhilus boss linked with the middle path, on both my runs from the outer paths. Anni with +500% health + the local nodes + the other linked node was a lot to handle for my 5/65 doom. I admit I didn't play as well as I could, but the paths were so annoying that I'd rather revive and get it done than restart the path. Also when I did the middle path it took some 200+ hits to kill korg... it's a bit too much. I'm tb and I have a decent progress in story content (act 1-2-3-4-5-6.1-7.1-7.2-7.3 fully explored. Act 6.2 half explored. 6.3 and 6.4 just completion done), I have variants 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 fully explored and variants 1 and 3 just completed. And I have done my first abyss run last summer. All in all I feel like I'm an endgame player with quite the developed roster (10 6s r3, 85 6s champs and 32 5/65), with decent skills. And yet last 2 months when I had to use a 5/65 because it was the best choice for the fight I kinda struggled to finish the sq path itemless. I feel like legendary difficulty for the side quest requires a specific rank 3 6 star, or else to be very very skilled using a 5/65. I feel like most people here... the difficulty level is inadequate to the prize. Everybody said so in the previous comments and I agree: if you want to please the top 1-2% of the player base who finds every piece of content to be too easy then don't just make everything worse for the other 98-99%. I think more Carina challenges or something like that would be the right choice to target the requests of the super skilled players who want a great challenge, while the eq and the sq should stay at a considerably lower level. I found the annihilus boss with +500% health to be considerably harder than most act 7.3 bosses. That's just bad design and it's a matter of fact. I would appreciate it if the mods could report our feedback to the team and they could adjust the difficulty of the sidequest to a level that is adequate to the prize we get from that. I won't complain when I use a bunch of revives to do a Carina challenge (even though the labyrinths and the cyclope one are so sick I'm still trying to find the will to do them)
  • NastyPhishNastyPhish Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    I can’t make a single positive comment about the difficulty. In honesty it seems like they are just trying to charge us for rewards we used to get for free.
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