HG war bug solution does not help

As someone who spent over 1K on black Friday/cyber weekend deals, who never comments on the changes you guys make and do to this game. I find it appalling that your solution is to lower rewards claim by one war, which we don't even have that many wars left, and then say this war doesn't count. There are numerous alliances that are on the verge of moving up a bracket that this war not counting will deem their seasons dead. You guys are literally coming off your most profitable weekend and us players are now being screwed out of rewards that we work for and have even spent time, money, and resources to obtain through war efforts. Weather it through buying deals or grinding arena and content for what we want. I hope you take this comment and reconsider your plans, or at least have some sort of massive compensation
We were making the push to hit P2 and needed all remaining war rounds to hit the mark. Now just have to settle for P3 no matter what we do the rest of the season. I feel the slap in the face. Looking for a compensation ice pack to reduce the disappointment swelling from the game trend.
Unless you're not in the US, then disregard this comment.
So many alliances know they can move up, or atleast have a fair chance of doing so, but this cancellation isn't going to make that possible.
How are we supposed to stay motivated?
Putting aside changing multipliers as you go, the options for 3-war and 2-war finales have these options to move you up or down.
A 2-0 finish (out of 2) will do more for you than a 2-1 finish (in three wars). Unless you’re waving a magic wand and deciding your group will go 3-0, there’s no reason to believe you’re categorically worse off. Does this narrow the range of outcomes? Absolutely. If you’re upset about that, take a moment to reflect and consider whether your desired outcome was actually realistic to begin with.
You promised previously (after the last call for a boycott) to have a clear and open dialog with the players moving forward, but have failed to deliver on both aspects. When will there be enough pushback from the community to justify you living up to your end? Or will the whales once again have to resort to calling the company out and threatening boycott?
They should end the season and just give some compensation that bumps people to next tier. Easy fix.
You were NEVER going to do that. Even with 3 wars with no deaths and perfect diversity. You should thank them for sparing you from wasting resources on that hopeless climb.
No. Imagine a master 2 ally getting comp .
By your logic, it should recieve masters 1 rewards?
For tiers that are lower than p4, this comp solution is fine, but for alliances above plat4, where it gets very competitive, this would cause rage. Alliances would complain about unfair ways of giving rewards to players who did not deserve.
We don't like having to cancel War Seasons, but maintaining the fairness of a War Season to the best of our abilities is important to us, and to do so, we often have to take the nuclear option.
We know it isn't perfect, but we did this to do the best that we could without pressuring Alliances to still win in a war that was not supposed to count towards the Season in the end.
Asking for a “friend”
I definitely can see the answer to this being game economy, I get that it may not be realistic and would fully understand that. I was just wondering if this is ever a conversation going on in situations like this.