6* Max Sig Crystals. Is it time?
With 6 stars being so prevalent in the game and sig stones become more and more available....is it time for the release of max sig crystals for 6 stars? I don't think they need to reward a full 275 shards or +2 sig stones (although that would be nice), but something rewarding for duping a max sig 6 star. Right now if that happens....it's a gut punch. You've essentially wasted 10K+ 6 star shards and have nothing to show for it. What is everyone's thoughts?
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
And I say this as someone barely affected by it with 1 6* sig 200. 10k 6* shards wasted on a dud is bad enough, it’s worse when it adds 24 iso bricks to your account and that’s literally it
Overall I would like 6* max sig crystals.
Even if it was a case of 10 random 6* sig stones I think that it'd hurt less. I don't think anybody could value 1 random sig stone above 1k 6* shards.
So if you spin a featured 6 star... its that. If you do a cav crystal... then your respin might just be a 3 start champ / piss you off even more... and probably choose not to do.
Kabam wins (people spending) and players win by at least having a choice.
You should never take a random 4* champ over a 6* from a nexus cav, ever. That's something that I've doner because the 4* gave better rewards than another copy of my sig 200 Cap IW.
750+ 6* shards as the main drop with a chance at 6* sig stones and AGs.