[iOS] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • ToneYardieToneYardie Member Posts: 2
    My alliance has totally CRASHED!!! When I enter a fight my champion and opponent does not show but time ticks continues until it eventually TIMES OUT. That repeats with all 3 Champs. I have
  • Ted_n00bgentTed_n00bgent Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    edited November 2021

    In-Game Name: pl0w
    Device and Model: iPhone 7 Plus
    Device Operating System: 15.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi
    Game Version Installed: 33.0.0
    Game Mode: aq, arena
    Description of the Issue: champions stop hitting mid combo constantly after 2 or so hits. Just stands there not registering screen taps. Also, champions unable to dash backwards while defender is charging heavy. Frozen in place or drops block.

    Expand this to all game modes. Additionally I’ve had issues getting cornered on one side of the map by defenders that refuse to throw specials instead just spam heavy attacks even if I start baiting the specials from the other side of the map. On occasion I am experiencing this frozen or dropped block while defender throws a special.
  • Deder80Deder80 Member Posts: 740 ★★★
    Speeds80 said:

    Games worse than ever, these gradual bug fixes aren’t achieving anything: it’s gotten worse. dex timings are the most off ever can’t reliably dex most s2s usung the timing I’ve learn over the last 5 years, can’t swipe back reliably it keeps parrying, aq and aw parry just fails 20% of the time as if I wasn’t blocking. this sucks on any content where you can parry ie most end game content, I’ve given up on content it’s too frustrating, I’m watching resources expire because to try and play hard content like this is a joke iPhone X latest iOS latest game version

    I totally agree. There are times i can’t even dex. My champs just stand there get punished! I’m so close to quitting this game. I’ve already lost some really good players over this. Kabam doesn’t care tho. To many other players still spend enough they can care less about the ones say something or don’t like what’s going on😢
  • Ashjenk1984Ashjenk1984 Member Posts: 1
    The bugs and lag issues are a joke on this game people spend so much money on this game and the rewards are pathetic !!! No wonder why people stopped spending money on this game ! Every update there is always something wrong or an ongoing problem kabam need to sort it out or they will lose more and more players that spend money
  • AmazinsandorAmazinsandor Member Posts: 12
    These lag and bugs are making the game intolerable. After 5 or so years I am ready to stop playing. Maybe we need a class action suit to recover all our money we laid out during our time here. The regular rewards are outdated the things they give us for their failures are inadequate ( by the way what happened to Glory being included ). This is total BS
  • Deder80Deder80 Member Posts: 740 ★★★
    Device and Model: iPhone 8+
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.8.1
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: newest version
    Game Mode: AW!!!!
    Description of the Issue:

    This is so unfair damn it! I CAN NOT control my champs at all! You guys either need to shut down AW or fix this damn game! I’m a high paying customer and my game is not working properly; I CAN NOT dex properly. Half the time my champs just stand there and take damage til I die or the AI seems to knows I cant do anything and continues to attack back to back to back all mean while block isn’t work right. If I block my champ charge forward to this continuous attack on me!!! Half the time I can not parry; when I parry or hit the block button my champs will some how release the block and I take the incoming attack or my champs charge for right into the attack! And AI is cheating when it comes to intercepts; I cant intercept half the time; when i know I should intercepted they intercept everything!!! Your allowing your AI to cheat! And this is bull ****! If this was us cheating your system we would get banned. I’m extremely frustrated with your development of this bugs they planted. Programs don’t have a mind of their own. They only do what the programmer has programmed them to do! So reverse the bugs and make this game fair. Cause it’s not fair right now. Us summoners are suffering.
    I love this game a lot. I’m loyal to this community and my team. But if this doesn’t get fixed soon im done investing my time and money into something broken and can’t be fixed. Kabam, that’s not what I want, nor is it what other summoners want but it’s going to happen more and more if y’all don’t get the game fixed.
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,519 ★★★★
    In-Game Name: BowTieJohn
    Device and Model: iPhone 6
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.5.4
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: v 33.1
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Game crashes often during loading, whether in arena, questing, leveling up, etc. This has continued even after the most recent update here in December. This is annoying as I'm losing duel credits, time, and opportunities for further progress as time is limited. I have just now lost two duel credits as it crashes before the fight begins. This is something I was expecting to see some fix between the last three updates.

    Hoping it is going to be addressed sooner than later.
  • Xbr0ckXXbr0ckX Member Posts: 3
    In-Game Name: xbr0ckx
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: iOS 15.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: Version 33.1.1
    Game Mode: Story Quest, Event Quest, Arena
    Description of the Issue: whenever fight starts in quest, after 3 or 4 fights then screen will frozen in the middle of the fight and application will stop and i need to start the app again. After starting again it will take directly to that fight, then i have to fight from the beginning.I think this issue is causing my progress in story quest (especially Act.6) to get cavalier title. This same issue is also in arena but difference is i can't fight that fight again and it's showing the result i lost that fight and sometime it will cost my multiplier point in arena.
  • 1Samuel11Samuel1 Member Posts: 1
    This is very big
    edited December 2021
    Iso 7
    ISO 14.8.1
    I use both wifi and 4G
    Updated to 33.1.1

    I logged in yesterday(Thursday 16, December to have a wonderful message to claim some tier 5 class catalyst fragments, it then crashed before I selected anything, I went to restart my application to my surprise when I loaded in I didn’t have a choice anymore of what I wanted, check my catalyst and it picked mystic for me.. idk what to do I been putting everything into my tier 5 tech, if I could get any help for my account selecting the right thing or switch them or anything please let me know. I’m not on here very much (first time actually) you can reach me at my email agetosetsuna@gmail.com
    I love mcoc been playing since 4th anniversary, small suggestion! If thing of this nature tier 5 gift are given make a “are you sure” prompt would love to see this miss clicks or miss scrolls happen al the time. Thank you for reading my post-RAGE CLUSTER
  • KhaosSKhaosS Member Posts: 25
    In-Game Name: KhaosS
    Device and Model: iPhone 6
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.5.4
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 33.1.1
    To every fight is crash , when i try to fight is close the game and to everything what i try to do.
    please to something and this problem, because this is happen and 1month ago and 2 month ago. and still is the problems.
  • mort_07mort_07 Member Posts: 475
    there are 2 versions of the return to desktop error.

    1st version: it announces itself when the game can be used in slow motion. shortly afterwards it crashes.

    2nd version: when reaching a reward or a milestone.
    there is a crash at the start of the fight, in the middle or at the end.

    iPad mini 4
    iOS: 15.2
    Last Update from Game.
  • Babakos84Babakos84 Member Posts: 8
    Game is cracking and falling down.

    iOS 15.1
    iPhone SE
    after the start of new event quest
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,519 ★★★★
    In-Game Name: BowTieJohn
    Device and Model: iPhone 6
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.5.4
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: v 33.2.0
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Game continues to crash in every aspect of the game. Right now it has done it about 4-5 times in trying to do the side event which has led to two of my champions being K.O. on the first fight again Dr. Voodoo. This is annoying as it wasn't this bad earlier when doing the monthly quest. I hope there can be some resolution as I am losing time every time this does it and affecting my side quest progress.

  • Trizzy_MillzTrizzy_Millz Member Posts: 30
    In game name: Trizzy Millz
    Device and model: IPhone 11 15.1 and 15.2
    Connection type: WiFi and cellular
    Game version:33.2
    Game mode: Arenas, event quest, side quest.
    There is EXTREME lag for blocking inputs. Throughout most of this debacle, the timing issues were not extreme. Noticeable, but not extreme. Now it feels like attempting to parry will cost me a combo to the face. I whatever change was made, if any, has only exasperated the ongoing issue.
  • DarthMingoDarthMingo Member Posts: 49
    In-Game Name: Darthmingo
    Device and Model: iPhone 12 pro
    Device Operating System: iOS 15.1.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi
    Game Version Installed: v 33.2.0
    Game mode: Uncollected EQ Great Shadow quest...i beat the boss for the quest, timed out once i beat him. Go figure typical punches thrown by kabam. Prompt to reconnect to game. No biggie. Thinking I'll just be at the boss again half health, or maybe that champ i used would be KO'd...NOPE!!! COMPLETELY ERASED MY PROGRESS AND ON TOP OF THAY TOOK MY ENERGY!!! Quest at 0% no record of me beating the quest or even being in it!!!

  • Sun_Spot46Sun_Spot46 Member Posts: 68

    I cannot see any of the Grandmaster Anthropomorphic Crystals in the special tab on any of my iOS devices. I can however see this on my Android device.

    Please confirm how this can be corrected? As I am collecting the shards but cannot open any of them.
  • eRkoeRko Member Posts: 7
    In-Game Name: eRko
    Device and Model: iPhone 11
    Device Operating System: iOS 15.0.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Both, Wireless
    Game Version Installed: 33.2.0
    Game Mode: LOL
    Description of the Issue: After update started to crash or lag not sure what. Im in the middle of finishing carina challenge and im not able to finish it because everytime i die the loading screen freezes and i have to restart the game. It will take me week to finish it with these restarts and without of joy to play this game. I want my resources back.
    Thank you
  • Ted_n00bgentTed_n00bgent Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    In-Game Name: pl0w
    Device and Model: iPhone 7 Plus
    Device Operating System: 15.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi
    Game Version Installed: 33.2.2
    Game Mode: all
    Description of the issue: blocks not registering, I have been missing a lot of blocks lately or it’s like they are unblockable without being unblockable, failed dexterity, the connection symbol is frequent these days, ai able to block a special attack when I throw it mid combo, which brings me to the fact that when the ai blocks my special and my special pushes me back a good distance I will immediate press block and the defender will have time to shoot across the screen and hit me before the block comes. However when I block the defenders special and try to immediately punish they are blocking instantly.

  • mariondorsettmariondorsett Member Posts: 8
    In-Game Name: Mariondorsett
    Device and Model: iPhone 11
    Device Operating System: iOS 15.1 (19B74)
    Cellular or WiFi: Both wifi and celluar (TMobile)
    Game Version Installed: 33.2.2
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Arena
    Description of the Issue: When in the Lion of Olympus arena, select a champion and move it into one of the slots. Select the synergy button on the left and a dialog will pop up with:

    An unknown error has occured. Please try again later.
    ... and when clicking out of the dialog, the game crashes.

    Restarted my phone.. didn't help.
  • 91W_CMB91W_CMB Member Posts: 19
    In-Game Name: 91W-CMB

    Device and Model: iPhone 11, Model: MH8K3LL/A

    Device Operating System: iOS 15.2

    Cellular or WiFi: Issue happens when using BOTH cellular data and WiFi.

    Game Version Installed: 33.2.2

    Game Mode: Arenas: All Arenas.

    Description of the Issue: Game/ App crashes after clicking the icon to view a champ's synergies in Arenas. Error pops up. Then game/ app crashes. Affects all champs (all levels, rankings, etc.)
  • RedVirrusRedVirrus Member Posts: 4
    Ios 15.2
    iPhone 12 Pro Max
    Both wifi and cellular
    Latest version

    When you try to tap the synergies button you get an error screen after which the game crashes
  • RedVirrusRedVirrus Member Posts: 4
    Ios 15.2
    iPhone 12 Pro Max
    Both wifi and cellular
    Latest version

    When you try to tap the synergies button you get an error screen after which the game crashes

  • RedVirrusRedVirrus Member Posts: 4
    Ios 15.2
    iPhone 12 Pro Max
    Both wifi and cellular
    Latest version

    When you try to tap the synergies button you get an error screen after which the game crashes

  • Hambone_Zone1Hambone_Zone1 Member Posts: 31
    IGName: HamboneZone
    iPhone SE 2
    IOS 13.7
    5G Wi Fi
    Latest Game Version

    If I check a champion’s Synergies when putting a team together in the pre-match screen, I get a MS_ID_(IDK what was here) message. My game then crashes and I have to restart.
  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,714 ★★★★
    edited January 2022
    Samsung Galaxy S10+
    Android version 11
    One UI version 3.1
    In arena, the game will show error msg and crash.. the update actually has more bugs than before.
    Here is picture of crash screen (not sure if the numbers or error msg helps you guys)

    I pick 6* Kingpin and error msg shows up.. then game crashes.
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