Will Hela be nerfed or should I try the crystal



  • CFreeCFree Member Posts: 491 ★★
    We haven't even had a comment yet. Let's just wait and see what they say first.
    My point is everyone says it’s a bug with Thor but no one has explained how it isn’t in line with her passive ability:

    Passive – Spirits of the Dead

    Hela controls the Spirits of the Dead, using them to power her Fury Buffs, giving them infinite duration as long as she has Spirits.
    Each Fury Buff active on her drains her Spirits over time, but each strike of her summoned swords empowers them.
    If her Spirits are exhausted, her Fury Buffs begin to expire 1 at a time.
  • Mustard_TigerMustard_Tiger Member Posts: 21
    I tried last night, didn't get her but did get a 4* Thor Ragnarok, he'll have some nice synergy with my 5/50 hulk. So worth a try I'd think.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,986 ★★★★★
    I tried last night, didn't get her but did get a 4* Thor Ragnarok, he'll have some nice synergy with my 5/50 hulk. So worth a try I'd think.

    That Synergy is not bad. Indestructible for 5 seconds under 20%. Useful with Hulk.
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    Hey guys,

    At the moment we're working on a fix for the bug regarding her fury stack. With that said, please remember to keep comments about the discussion on the topic.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    Hey guys,

    At the moment we're working on a fix for the bug regarding her fury stack. With that said, please remember to keep comments about the discussion on the topic.

    The only thing that looks bugged is the spirits, I thought? Clear communication on this type of thing and having the latest information posted is a big help to us all, whenever possible.
  • OnlyOneAboveAllOnlyOneAboveAll Member Posts: 392 ★★
    Hey guys,

    At the moment we're working on a fix for the bug regarding her fury stack. With that said, please remember to keep comments about the discussion on the topic.

    Sweet! Thanks.
  • OnlyOneAboveAllOnlyOneAboveAll Member Posts: 392 ★★
    Is this fake?

  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    I typed in that Google forms url and it gave me a contest of champions suggestions and feedback form... At the bottom it says "this form was created inside of Kabam, Inc."

    Seems legit to me. Could be faked but they'd have to cross all the t's and dot the I's and ppl usually aren't that efficient at these types of things.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    It'd also be great to have a head's up on what sort of changes are going to occur to her. In another thread, Miike calls her "obviously bugged" but that seems like strong wording. At the same time, if it's so "obvious", I wonder how she made it thru the thorough testing that was done before public release? Also seems like with the Loki snafu happening earlier in the week, the second round of thorough testing would have definitely identifies this "obvious" bug and rectified it during the extended maintenance or the emergency maintenance that followed it.
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    chunkyb wrote: »
    Miike calls her "obviously bugged" but that seems like strong wording. At the same time, if it's so "obvious", I wonder how she made it thru the thorough testing that was done before public release? Also seems like with the Loki snafu happening earlier in the week, the second round of thorough testing would have definitely identifies this "obvious" bug and rectified it during the extended maintenance or the emergency maintenance that followed it.

    This. What is going on over there?

  • OmniOmni Member Posts: 574 ★★★
    edited November 2017
    Seriously, all a tester would have to do is test a champ similar to that of the more popular youtubers do...im not talking about the code testers who should be script testing. You must have game testers that actually play the game.

    Test the champ with the synergy team that would benefit said champ the most, against the most difficult content in the game and see what the damage amount is. If its too high by your standards, change the code.
  • DeadSilenceDeadSilence Member Posts: 11
    Nah they will call it bug to get their own way.. She was designed to be like that but none of their ever team tests out the champions enough to even know how they'll turn out. So once everyone has used all their 5* shards on Hela and taken her to rank 4, they will nerf her. Just like they have done with countless other champs. Just "my opinion" though, along with a ton of other players. But yeah she'll be nerfed...
  • caligarelinquocaligarelinquo Member Posts: 218
    Is this fake?

    It is not fake, but that agent in particular was misinformed, and referring to either information that was outdated or could see the future. We are working on a fix right now and will have it out as soon as possible.

    Thanks Miike, appreciate your response
  • MahonriiMahonrii Member Posts: 32
    What will be done for those that used shards or rank up materials under false premise?
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Hi All,

    I wanted to give you all an update on what is happening with Hela. We did discover a couple of bugs that were present upon release. The first of which was the issue where Hela was not losing her Fury Stacks as she gained souls, as well as one where she did not lose her physical resistance upon receiving a heavy strike. While we had actually already fixed the first issue, there was a secondary one that went un-noticed, because it's actually related to her Synergy with Thor (Ragnarok), and was causing an identical issue.

    We now have a fix ready for both of these, and are pushing it live very soon.

    Additionally, there is a small issue with the text in Hela's synergy with Thor (Ragnarok) where the Synergy incorrectly states she gains 10 Souls, instead of the 100 that it is meant to. It still functions correctly and grants the 100 souls, but is stating the wrong number. We have a small issue with fixing this right now, but will correct that in the future.

    Thank you all for reporting these issues as quickly as you did.
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    Hi All,

    I wanted to give you all an update on what is happening with Hela. We did discover a couple of bugs that were present upon release. The first of which was the issue where Hela was not losing her Fury Stacks as she gained souls, as well as one where she did not lose her physical resistance upon receiving a heavy strike. While we had actually already fixed the first issue, there was a secondary one that went un-noticed, because it's actually related to her Synergy with Thor (Ragnarok), and was causing an identical issue.

    We now have a fix ready for both of these, and are pushing it live very soon.

    Additionally, there is a small issue with the text in Hela's synergy with Thor (Ragnarok) where the Synergy incorrectly states she gains 10 Souls, instead of the 100 that it is meant to. It still functions correctly and grants the 100 souls, but is stating the wrong number. We have a small issue with fixing this right now, but will correct that in the future.

    Thank you all for reporting these issues as quickly as you did.

    Great thanks for the update Miike

  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    Why is the wording always so confusing? Why would she lose furies while gaining souls?
  • Crazybaca2323Crazybaca2323 Member Posts: 288 ★★
    Not that it really matters but Kabam can u just try to do better at testing things for the community, so we can have less drama when we use our resources or real money to purchase heros, I know things slip here and there but in all honesty you guys are not doing a very good job with your quality control on hero release! We all know this has become a proven fact and is really getting old!
  • Crazybaca2323Crazybaca2323 Member Posts: 288 ★★
    A lot of us members have been hard core and loyal players and for you (kabam) to just keep over looking things is not the best of business practices, you guys are making tons of revenue and could even make more if you did things better in regards to quality control and listing to your fan group a bit more no need to be so greedy all the time dam! Because at the end of the day this is a Mobil game and with the inflated prices for purchase is just crazy! Just do the right thing and maybe go back to basics a bit, that is what got u where u are at in the first place!
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