[Android] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • CoachKCoachK Member Posts: 6
    I am a thronebreaker player and have been playing this game for years. I wasn't going to update but my phone auto updated last night. this morning the timing on the parry is way way off. I am getting wrecked. then after getting hit the defender continues to hit you through the block. this game at this time is unplayable. this bug makes every defender unblockable and unstoppable. I haven't been wrecked like this for many years. this bug makes aq and aw unplayable. please fix this asap, it is really bad.
  • CoachKCoachK Member Posts: 6
    In-Game Name: AvengeThisSucka
    Device Model: Samsung Galaxy 21 Ultra 5g
    Device Operating System: Android
    Cellular or Wifi: Both
    Game Version: 25.0.1
    Game Mode: AW, AQ, and Event Quest

    I am a thronebreaker player and have been playing this game for years. I wasn't going to update but my phone auto updated last night. this morning the timing on the parry is way way off. I am getting wrecked. then after getting hit the defender continues to hit you through the block. this game at this time is unplayable. this bug makes every defender unblockable and unstoppable. I haven't been wrecked like this for many years. this bug makes aq and aw unplayable. please fix this asap, it is really bad.
  • Kenny1887Kenny1887 Member Posts: 15
    In game name- kenny1887
    Device model- Samsung galaxy a 52 5g
    Device operating system-android
    Cellular or wifi- both
    Game version- latest
    Game mode- all modes
    Had to download newest update finally and Game worked normal before and just few mins later w new update, parry fails half the time,unable to do cav difficulty just got beat down, Game now unplayable. Please fix.
  • Rakee007Rakee007 Member Posts: 6
    In-Game Name: Rakee007
    Device Model: Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro
    Device Operating System: Android Version 11
    Cellular or Wifi: Both
    Game Version: Latest 33.3.0
    Game Mode: All modes
    since the last update simply Dex, blocking and parrying not registering and its lagging seriously.
    its been six years now with the game and this makes challenging mode extra challenging by taking off the Parry, Block and Dexing so till we get this sorted out I will stop playing,

  • FenrizulvFenrizulv Member Posts: 13
    IGN: King Nothing
    Device: Xiaomi POCO X3 NFC
    O.S.: Android 11
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game version: latest update, 33.3.0
    Game mode: all modes
    Can't play at all. Game is totally unplayable. Lags and lags here and there. Everywhere. Fix this soon pls
  • whyme_why6whyme_why6 Member Posts: 87
    name : whyme_why6
    Device model : galaxy s21fe 5g
    Device Os : latest version
    cellular and Wifi : both
    Latest update of MCOC
    Issue : loading screen for long duration without actually loading the game and its just black
  • Ethanhunt179Ethanhunt179 Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2022
    In-Game Name:
    Device and Model:
    Xiomi Redmi 9 prime
    Device Operating System:
    ANDROIDos 11 RPA
    Cellular or WiFi: wifi
    Game Version:
    Game Mode: All of them
    Description of the Issue:
    I'm having serious Lag in gameplay...parry is not working and there is problem in block too....sometimes it blocks sometimes it doesn't....Because of that my alliance will suffer.... This started after recent updates
  • CoachKCoachK Member Posts: 6
    In-Game Name: AvengeThisSucka
    Device Model: Samsung Galaxy 21 Ultra 5g
    Device Operating System: Android
    Cellular or Wifi: Both
    Game Version: 25.0.1
    Game Mode: AW, AQ, and Event Quest

    this bug just cost me 3 revives in the first 2 fights of aq. the timing of everything is off. stuns don't last. they hit through blocks. timing of parry is a mess.
    *** if you can't fix it them shut the game off until you fix it!!! this is stupid and frustrating! I have never seen the game this bad in the 5 years I have been playing!!!!😡🤬
  • FenomenFenomen Member Posts: 4
    In-Game Name: k0d0ga
    Device and Model: Xiaomi mi9
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 33.3.0
    Game Mode: All
    Description of the Issue: Issues with blocks, parry, dexes after the update
  • GeoradGeorad Member Posts: 64
    It is a joke fps 4. Impossible to play. For some fights it is ok and then something like that.
  • GeoradGeorad Member Posts: 64
    It is a joke. Fps 4
    In-Game Name: Georad
    Device and Model: Black shark 4
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 33.3.0
    Game Mode: All
  • TheGr8est123TheGr8est123 Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2022
    In-Game Name: Gr8est!
    Device and Model: Samsung S21 Ultra
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 33.3.0
    Game Mode: All (AQ, event quest, arena)
    Description of the Issue: terrible lag between input control vs what is seen visually. For parry to work it has to done earlier than usual so it doesn't work on a well timed block. If you do a well timed block, it is too late and as if you didn't block and you get hit in the face. So after a 5 hit combo it is very hard to parry again as usual. Same thing in dexing, must dex earlier than usual otherwise you get hit. I'm getting wrecked in all game modes and most troublesome is map 8. I'm an endgame player with thronebreaker title and this all happen after the update last night. Terrible game performance.
  • Fernando42173Fernando42173 Member Posts: 4
    In game name fernandonyc
    Device samsung sp9+ android
    Cellular and wifi
    Game version 1199522
    Game mode All

    Didn't have a problem before, I just did the update to get the events for this month and now parry, block are way off, they don't register.
    When I'm on wifi, after fights the phone loses connection, I already had that happen to me in AQ.
  • Pixuladeoro1Pixuladeoro1 Member Posts: 2
    With the last update My POCO X3 NFC have lag horrible and delay. Imposible play with this bug.
    Fix it please. All POCO X3 NFC users are having problems to play.
  • Ashar1Ashar1 Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: Ashar1
    Device and Model: POCO X3 with 120 refresh rate.
    Device Operating System: Android 11
    Cellular or WiFi: Issue persist using both.
    Game Version Installed: 33.3.0
    Game Mode: In all Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: After updating game there is huge frame drop, animation and touch are not coordinating with each other. I don't know what is happening I am a Thronebreaker in game but dying like I am playing this game first time in my life. Please do needful ASAP.

  • DockDock Member Posts: 5
    In game name Dockjolly
    Device samsung Galaxy S20+ Android
    Cellular and wifi
    Game version 1199522
    Game mode All

    You've got to fix this block/dexterity issue. All of my fights that I play like normal (several years of playstyle) is like I am fighting an unblockable fight? Come on.. I didn't just decide that I'll wake up one week and forget how to block, parry, and dex an opponent. Map 6 is unplayable because if I play as cautious if I have to with these bugs then I will almost be dead with the unavoidable damage anyhow. Needless to say that if I play like I should be able to then I die faster?

    My issues are BLOCKING for the most important part, this is broken unless I start blocking before yall created the champ that is about to hit me. Parry/dexterity, this function only works on accident when I am afraid that my block isn't going to work due to the issues and I send all four fingers across my phone with the fear of dying(only then do I see the parry/dex prompts) currently 4 fights into map six with unnecessary deaths not to mention I can't get through the first four fights of the new event without losing three to four champs without explanation?..

    The update triggered something that had wrecked the ability to play this game with any enjoyment at all.
  • suntzu83suntzu83 Member Posts: 18
    In-Game Name: sun tzu83
    Device amd model: Samsung s20e
    Wifi and cellular
    Game version 25.0.1
    Game modes aq, side quest

    The input seems even worse than previously. In aq I lost entire team in 1st 2 fights as it wouldnt block or parry. Champions would just freeze on spot, neither would it block on command most of the time, Thus my champs die like sitting ducks. The side quest i have to keep quitting and retrying because of the lack of consistency of block and parry.
  • pivanofilo1pivanofilo1 Member Posts: 1
    In-game name: Pivan
    Device and model: Pixel 6
    Device operating system: Android 12
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game version installed: 33.3.0
    Game Mode: story quests, alliance quest, alliance wars, event quest and arenas
    Description of the issue: parry and block are not working properly, it has to be done before it should be.
  • BaDMiTTeNsBaDMiTTeNs Member Posts: 8
    So ive noticed on my lg v60 thinq that when the game has a secondary app(google maps) open or another active overlay(timer/stop button menu for screen recording) while the game is running, the fps seem to be smoother, but the second you stop screen recording it goes back to lagging or fps lacking horribly, whatever the problem is. Hope this helps as the game is currently unplayable.
  • BuenriBuenri Member Posts: 8
    In-game name: Buenri
    Device and model: Samsung A32 5G
    Device operating system: Android 11
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game version installed: 33.3.0
    Game Mode: story quests, alliance quest, alliance wars, event quest and arenas
    Description of the issue: parry and block are not working properly, it has to be done before it should be.
  • bazingampbazingamp Member Posts: 141
    In-game name: bazingamp
    Device and model: Samsung Note 10 Plus
    Device operating system: Android 12
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game version installed: 33.3.0
    Game Mode: Everything. Story quests, alliance quest, alliance wars, event quest, Incursions and arenas
    Description of the issue: Parry and Block not working. Very close Parry encounter works but not all the time. Defender dashing and when we try to parry , it fails 90% of the time. Even it doesn't block. Not sure if frame rate or what but it used to work fine before the latest update
  • FolksdefenderFolksdefender Member Posts: 10
    In-game name: folk's defender
    Device and model: Xiaomi mi11
    Device operating system: Android 11
    MIUI : 12.5.3
    Game version installed: 33.3.0
    Game Mode: Every modes.
    Description of the issue: Parry, Block and dex not working it fails 90% of the time. In some fight, and even when i move on Map, It seems like frame rating drop from 60fps to 12fps.. totally unplayable
  • Jalane12Jalane12 Member Posts: 8
    Galaxy s9 plus
    Cellular and wifi
    The new February quest have not downloaded into my accounts. I have deleted and installed the game again and still no new quests. I have logged in 5 times today seeing if there is just a lag but still nothing. The old quests disappeared but nothing new showed up.
  • Brooksie967Brooksie967 Member Posts: 2
    In-game: brooksie967

    Honestly this game is so unplayable right now and has been for months. I just want Kabam to give back the money I stupidly spent on the game and have them delete my account.
  • AnaxagorAnaxagor Member Posts: 62
    Updated to v. 33.1.1 Image still twitches on the arena. Small lags. Minor. Smaller than before, but still. Poco X3 Pro. WiFi. Android 11. Anaxagor. I have no open apps during the game. I use 25% brightness display.
  • SalaminSalamin Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: Salamin
    Device and Model: xiaomi 11 lite 5g
    Device Operating System: 11
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 33.3.1
    Game Mode:
    Description : Hello. After the update, new fragments and crystals themselves are not displayed.

  • YellowmasterYellowmaster Member Posts: 19
    The game play has become really pathetic. Parry issues and lagging. Am contemplating not playing the game anymore.
  • RenaxqqRenaxqq Member Posts: 1,718 ★★★★★
    In-Game Name: renaxqq
    Device and Model: Nokia 7 plus
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: V33.3.1
    Game Mode: All modes.
    Description of the Issue: game was so smooth before hot-fix. Menus and gameplay. Now everything is laggy as it was before hot-fix (v33.3.0). Hot-fix should have been aimed only for specific android devices.
  • TheGr8est123TheGr8est123 Member Posts: 2
    In-Game Name: Gr8est!
    Device and Model: Samsung S21 Ultra
    Device Operating System: Android 12
    Cellular or WiFi: None
    Game Version Installed: V33.3.1
    Game Mode: None
    Description of the Issue: Lag is much much better after new update. 33.3.0 was horrible but 33.3.1 is a lot better.
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