AI Tweaks and the Effectiveness of Taunt



  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 913 ★★★
    Guardian’s taunt doesn’t seem like it’s working at all.
  • jdrum663jdrum663 Member Posts: 551 ★★
    MSRDLD said:

    Guardian’s taunt doesn’t seem like it’s working at all.

    I don't think anyone's is.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    @Kabam Zibiit can we please get something other than radio silence on this?

    The AI is holding onto specials for an extended period of time and it’s extremely frustrating. Especially against passive power gainers who are just gaining power until Sp3.

    My alliance is losing a war today that we could have won on the tie breaker, had a nova boss not held onto his sp1 for 30 seconds, jumping back and forward and getting to an sp3.

    Just a confirmation that this post has been seen, it’s costing us wars, items and fights.

    Any word on this yet?
  • TimeGenesisTimeGenesis Member Posts: 732 ★★★
    Still no confirmation on this i take it?
  • JPeanutsJPeanuts Member Posts: 50
    Unless you’re fighting with Doom. AI cannot stop throwing specials. Never seen Mordo’s Sp 1 or 2 until I started fighting him with Doom…
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,979 ★★★★★

    I’m gonna present my feedback here as constructively as I can here, I think that’s always important when disappointed.

    I know there’s been a lot of talk about Kabam silently reading threads and taking it back to the team, like in this thread

    But I’m afraid if that’s the case it’s not actually enough here. I appreciate not every thread can be replied to, but if there is a moderator reading this thread and you’re picking and choosing which ones to reply to and which ones to take the feedback silently on, it seems a mistake to not choose this one to reply to.

    There has clearly been a change in the AI, and at this point the reasoning doesn’t matter in regards to why we don’t have confirmation or comment on it, we would just like a comment on it. This AI change has been noticed by so many players, and staying quiet on this is not a good look. Regardless of the reasoning.

    I can think of a few scenarios, and whatever the scenario is, or whatever Kabam currently think the scenario is, replying in this thread is the best way to communicate with us. Being silent and taking the feedback to the team is not enough here.

    Here are the scenarios I can think of, all lead to communication with us.

    1) there’s been a mistake and the AI profile has updated out of your control - talk to us, let us know there’s been a mistake and you’re working on fixing it

    2) you’ve decided to update the AI profile without announcing it - explain why there was no announcement and explain that there has been a change instead of pushing it live and letting us find out and deal with it

    3) there was supposed to be a future update to the AI, and it’s accidentally gone live - explain the situation and confirm there has been an unintended change.

    4) changing something else in the game has caused the AI profile to change - tell us this is the case and let us know you’re working on fixing it

    5) you don’t know what’s caused it - tell us, and let us know you’re trying to find out

    6) you don’t believe or know if there is an AI profile change - in which case I’m sure many will disagree, but if that is the case, tell us you don’t think that, and please confirm if the game data is showing the same amount of special attacks being shown, or that the AI is acting identically to before these issues started showing up

    7) the nightmare scenario, one that I dont think is true at all, you aren’t reading the thread or don’t plan on replying. Not sure what to suggest here, if it’s not being read it won’t matter. If you don’t want to reply, I’d urge to reconsider.

    Regardless of any of the above scenarios, I don’t see any benefit to leaving us in the dark. I hate to assume, and I would hope there’s a great explanation for why there hasn’t been a response. Hey, maybe next week you’ll come back and say we fixed it! And this post will have aged very badly, but as of right now, in my view there is 0 evidence to let me discern whether you are ignoring this issue and haven’t even opened the thread, or whether you are 15 minutes away from posting an update to it.

    This is what I hoped Miike meant by “we work our hardest to ensure that we communicate as much as we can”. Then please, just drop in a small comment of where you are with our concerns. Whether you are just beginning to look at it, or about to fix it. We just want something.

    Going to go ahead and link to the other AI behavior thread.

    The two are slightly different (one focuses on taunt, the other general behavior) but the crux is the same.

    Dr. Zola
  • TimeGenesisTimeGenesis Member Posts: 732 ★★★
    mmm d silence is still deafening me..

    maybe as players we aren't making enough noise about this hence why it is being ignored..

    or maybe to add to @ BitterSteel's scenario

    8) Select few players are being used as guinea pigs for this new AI. - Highly doubt this scenario, but again some communication would be great.

    All I want for Xmas is a response or acknowledgement of this from anyone on Kabams team
  • te_dua_shumte_dua_shum Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    I'm bumping this thread because I didn't want to open a new one to share this info: kabam has removed the "opponent is more likely to use SPs" part from Taunt's description. You can still read it if you click on the blue word "taunt" but not if you just read the description. Was this intended or not? Is it intended that we have to check the blue word? Is this just an error and the text should be there? Or it's intended for Taunt to not increase Specials activation anymore, and there's an error when I click on the blue word?
    I'm really trying to understand ^^"
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,979 ★★★★★

    I'm bumping this thread because I didn't want to open a new one to share this info: kabam has removed the "opponent is more likely to use SPs" part from Taunt's description. You can still read it if you click on the blue word "taunt" but not if you just read the description. Was this intended or not? Is it intended that we have to check the blue word? Is this just an error and the text should be there? Or it's intended for Taunt to not increase Specials activation anymore, and there's an error when I click on the blue word?
    I'm really trying to understand ^^"

    Where is that description change? In a particular champ?

    Dr. Zola
  • te_dua_shumte_dua_shum Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    @DrZola it went away from any champion that had it: The Overseer, Guardian, Miles Morales, Starky and all others ^_^
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,979 ★★★★★

    @DrZola it went away from any champion that had it: The Overseer, Guardian, Miles Morales, Starky and all others ^_^

    Got it.

    This call out then…

    Dr. Zola
  • te_dua_shumte_dua_shum Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    yes, that is exactly what I was writing about, the description seems to have been moved into that pop-up box. I think it's intentional (and kabam didn't actually remove the effect) because Taunt without the "SPs more likely" would basically be a Weakness, and because champions like Miles Morales have in their Taunt description a different Atk reduction and this conforms to what it can be read in the box ("unless otherwise stated").
    A word from a moderator would still be appreciated... please ^_^
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,387 ★★★★
    DrZola said:

    @DrZola it went away from any champion that had it: The Overseer, Guardian, Miles Morales, Starky and all others ^_^

    Got it.

    This call out then…

    Dr. Zola
    It seems the actual effect is 30% less likely to throw a special attack..... and that 30% less likely seems to happen 99% of the time.
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,362 ★★★★★
    Just seeing this thread because it was in the bug section but yes this is annoying especially in map 8. Some AI seem programmed never to throw a special once they reach 2 bars also - they will take blocked hits or ignore the openings you give until they can corner and force you to take them to 3 bars or they'll get it themselves.
    In map 7 before map 8 was released I had the same issues @BitterSteel mentioned on that prove yourself pathway with vision and his unblockable specials being fired at very weird points in the fight. Used to drive me up a wall even with CG and cosmic power boosts.
  • TimeGenesisTimeGenesis Member Posts: 732 ★★★

    yes, that is exactly what I was writing about, the description seems to have been moved into that pop-up box. I think it's intentional (and kabam didn't actually remove the effect) because Taunt without the "SPs more likely" would basically be a Weakness, and because champions like Miles Morales have in their Taunt description a different Atk reduction and this conforms to what it can be read in the box ("unless otherwise stated").
    A word from a moderator would still be appreciated... please ^_^

    @te_dua_shum the pop-up is common for some abilities. You will find the same with Coldsnap, Petrify prolly some others too.
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★★
    It s a discussion about AI. Mods won't even say "hi" in a thread of the kind as always...
  • TimeGenesisTimeGenesis Member Posts: 732 ★★★
    Maybe they dont want to admit there is "another bug" in the game that could potentially require further comp.

    Or they dont want to further upset people that a change was made without any announcements.
  • Camby01Camby01 Member Posts: 572 ★★
    Taunt does nothing other than make the defender more passive, much like a power gain. Period. It is working as they intend. On an otherwise already passive AI, just makes it worse to play. Power sting, porker poppers, etc... put them on a defender and watch what happens to the AI.
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