*Resolved* Loading Time / Game Down Issue [Merged Thread]



  • DarkZenDarkZen Member Posts: 295 ★★
    Device: Samsung S9

    Device Operating System: Android

    Mobile Carrier: Network in UK on O2

    Cellular or WiFi: issue with both. Wifi Virgin Media

    Game Version: 33.3.0

    Game Mode: Game Loading, Navigation, Request for help, going from screen to screen, moving in lanes, opening crystals

    Champions Affected: NA

    Active Boosts: NA

    Description of the Issue: Loading game can take over 1 minute regards if on wifi or mobile network. Once loaded, any action i want to do from simply moving lanes (AQ, AW and questing), opening crystals, reading new msg. Basically all the things i want to do takes between 5-15 seconds.
  • Fred1Fred1 Member Posts: 37

    I have exactly the same issue (starting 2 days ago)... The game is extremely slow in all contents (moving in AQ, loading screen, everything in game is slow, changing mode etc).
    Before this (and due to the patch 33.3.1) the game had some freeze but now it's almost unplayable !

    Device: XIAOMI Redmi note 10S (powerful except with MCOC)
    OS : ANDROID 11
    Game version 33.3.1
    4G or Wifi is the same
    All contents of the game are affected
    Game restart or clean does nothing

  • Pdexter86Pdexter86 Member Posts: 91
    Device and Version: iPhone 13 pro max
    Device Operating System: iOS 15.3.1
    Mobile Carrier: O2
    Cellular or WiFi: Both have very long loading times
    Game Version Installed: 33.3.0
    Game Mode: Everywhere except while in a fight. AQ, questing, arena
    Champions Affected: None, it’s a game issue in general
    Active Boosts: None
    Description of the Issue: loading into the game is taking 2 to 3 times longer than usual. Sometimes up to 4 minutes, it sticks on the misty knight screen, sometimes I have to force close the app or it does not go past that screen.
    Moving to the next tile in AQ or regular questing content is taking around 8 seconds from pressing the next tile to move to the game actually moving me along.
    Claiming milestone rewards and moving between screens in the main menu that require the game to load something is also taking between 8-10 seconds each time I press on them. Arena is showing similar behaviour when interacting the fight button and finish my round of 3 fights. Also when requesting help on my used champions
  • MordomanMordoman Member Posts: 33
    edited February 2022
    Game slow very slow android 7.0 Lenovo k6 note
  • Nemesis_2Nemesis_2 Member Posts: 2
    This is exactly what happened to me yesterday I was searching for every possible solution but i couldn't find anything, good to know I am not the only one with this problem. Does anyone know how to fix this? The game is way too slow to even bother playing now.
  • CristtCristt Member Posts: 15
    Nemesis_2 said:

    This is exactly what happened to me yesterday I was searching for every possible solution but i couldn't find anything, good to know I am not the only one with this problem. Does anyone know how to fix this? The game is way too slow to even bother playing now.

    We are waiting patiently for more info on this problem!
  • deepdennisdeepdennis Member Posts: 7
    Also have problem with game. Like I mentioned in: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/296854/game-responsiveness#latest

    Device and Version: iPhone 7 Plus (MNQN2PM/A)

    Device Operating System: iOS 15.2.1

    Mobile Carrier: Orange Flex (PL)

    Cellular or WiFi: Both

    Game Version Installed: 33.3.0

    Game Mode: Whole game, Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest, Alliance War.

    Champions Affected: n/a

    Active Boosts: n/a

    Description of the Issue: After almost all actions game takes extra few seconds to proceed. For example help request on champ after arena, match start or moving from node to node in quests.

    Screenshot or Video: https://share.icloud.com/photos/015efMpUohAjRHxhD5ANdTHVA
  • Turkey_Tone83Turkey_Tone83 Member Posts: 74
    It's so bad it's laughable. Game stalls every fight up to 3-4 times each fight. It's obviously an Android issue the game files have gotten so compacted that devices other than iOS can't handle it anymore. Worst state the games been in on Android in 7 years. Hell give me back update 12 issues 🤣🤣🤣
  • JoseOkJoseOk Member Posts: 278 ★★
    iPhone max xs 512 gig
    Updated game
    iOS 15.2.1

    Game is unplayable right now . It’s taking over a minute to load game , even basic movements taking forever. Kabam, you’re going to have a lot more people quitting this game shortly if you don’t fix this soon.
  • RD_1132RD_1132 Member Posts: 4
    It's borderline unplayable now. Please Kabam do something about this. It's taking forever to load and play. Arenas are taking 5 times as longer. Why is it always like this with Kabam?
  • GoldenLordGoldenLord Member Posts: 59
    Everything except the fight itself is slow. Thought it was my end, but I guess everyone is in the same boat. Takes like 2 minutes longer to log in, moving to another tile takes an additional 10 seconds, loading screen takes an eternity.
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,513 ★★★★★
    Everything except fights is sooooo slooooooooooow!
  • HyogasaintHyogasaint Member Posts: 28
    Device: Motorola One Fusion

    Device Operating System: Android 11

    Mobile Carrier: Movistar

    Cellular or WiFi: Issue with both.

    Game Version: 33.3.1

    Game Mode: Game Loading, Navigation, going from screen to screen, moving in lanes, opening crystals

    Description of the Issue: Ever since Feb 17th loading the game can take over 1 and a half minutes on wifi or mobile network. Once loaded, any action such as start a quest, moving through lanes, opening crystals, selecting fights in arena, takes more than 15 seconds, sometimes the game just put a blank screen.

  • GenuineDudeGenuineDude Member Posts: 2
    Same here

    Device and Version: iPhone 12

    Device Operating System: iOS 15.2.1

    Mobile Carrier: Orange FR

    Cellular or WiFi: Both

    Game Version Installed: latest

    Game Mode: Whole game, Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest, Alliance War.

    Champions Affected: n/a

    Active Boosts: n/a

    Description of the Issue: Game slow since yesterday. 5 s to move between 2 tiles, 10-15s to enter a menu.
  • kenadroidkenadroid Member Posts: 542 ★★★
    Arena feels so sluggish. Like there's an additional 5-10 seconds per screen and animations in arenas.
    Claiming one to two stuff in the stash also loads a lot longer than before
    Oppo Find X2 Pro 512/12GB
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,661 ★★★★★
    On Apple devices, the time it takes to start the game is longer. I have experienced when on Wifi, and when on cellular network. I started noticing this within the past 3 days. I have not done any updates in that time period.

    On my iphone, I am stuck on the Misty Knight loading screen for maybe 10-20 seconds. It takes even more time when I start the game on my iPad, more than 30 seconds.
  • Donal1981Donal1981 Member Posts: 63
    Yes. The loading time taking do looooooooooong tiiiiimeeeee.. I even can have a cup of jasmine tea while waiting the loading time between arena and quest 🙄
    The request help in champions screen sometimes freeze and need to restart .
    Please fix it guys. Thank you.
  • zerodudezerodude Member Posts: 46
    edited February 2022
    I'm having the same issues, it's a lot clearer when changing accounts to my minis, takes a lot more time to log in and go through different screens.

    Device: Samsung Galaxy M52 5G

    Device Operating System: Android 11

    Game Version: 33.3.1

    By the way I'm from Brazil :)
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  • KyriosRaisKyriosRais Member Posts: 65
    i have skip 4 star arena now. this is so bad. on featured 6 star, it usually takes only 1 hour to reach 6M. now 2 hours !!!! damn
  • MrTicTac19992008MrTicTac19992008 Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    Ya, its been so slow for me for last few days. Takes ages to log in, switch screens, move in a quest. Its so annoying. On Android - Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE
  • MILOHERO1MILOHERO1 Member Posts: 1
    I am an android user and almost never felt any of THE other buggs from last 5 years i have played this game. I woke upp yesterday and tryied to start THE game and THE start take from 3-4 minute and Every Time i try new page it takes like 30-40 seconds. THE fighting is working well but this game is unplayable as it is now and i have Been playing arena a lot Every Day for 5 years. Cant play arena anymore as it is. Plz fix this NOW
  • KyriosRaisKyriosRais Member Posts: 65
    Device and Version: iPhone X
    Device Operating System: iOS 15.3.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both have very long loading times
    Game Version Installed: 33.3.0
    Game Mode: Everywhere except while fighting.
    Champions Affected: None
    Active Boosts: None
    Description: Loading issue, today 2 times in war stuck, 3 times in AQ stuck, my arena grinding ruined cause of this. now I'm going to skip 4-star arena cause it takes soo much time. Usually only take 1 hour to reach 6M milestone on 6 star featured, now 2 hours !!!!. loading screen longer than usual, every button takes couple of seconds to respond (next fight, find match etc).
  • kenadroidkenadroid Member Posts: 542 ★★★

    i have skip 4 star arena now. this is so bad. on featured 6 star, it usually takes only 1 hour to reach 6M. now 2 hours !!!! damn

    So much wait for transitions and loading screens 🤮
  • Amms90Amms90 Member Posts: 364 ★★★
    if I try to do a few arena fights, the loading time takes longer than the fights themselves... this is a big issue because I'm not willing to wait for ages for the game to load every single fight... not to mention if you want to switch from one area of the game to the next one... getting out of arena to check aq was horrible
  • ronmonronmon Member Posts: 11
    My load times are horrible. This is the first time I've posted about this sort of issue, but I am because it has become such a disruption. I've a busy life so I play mcoc because of how accessible it is, I can hop on and knock out a fight in AQ while walking down the hallway for instance. But in recent days, I can't get anything done... load screens go on for minutes at a time for the simplest action. This morning I can't even log on to move in AQ, can't get past the load screen. Kabam needs come out and communicate on this quickly, I was left feeling like I was crazy or it was my wifi that was the problem until I started seeing everyone else complain about the same thing. Device information:
    iphone 8 plus
    ios 14.8.1
  • Suresh548Suresh548 Member Posts: 19
    Same problem for me though. Taking ages to login to the game. Please fix this Kabam. Deploy more servers and do the load testing.
  • CristtCristt Member Posts: 15
    After the update for Android users 33.3.1 things were working well, then all of a sudden on the 16th Feb. Around 7pm Easten time...Boom its running slow.
    I left this game 2 1/2 years ago because of the inconveniences with updates....returned thinking by now things will be different!

    I truly hope we get this resolved quickly because, at the current state, I have no interest in loging in.
    Missing the last 12hrs of arena and now the new arenas, it hurts, to say the least.

    Any sort of response would feel good at this time.
    seeing that many inculding myself thought it was my phone or my internet that wss the problem.

    Android s10
    Wifi and data- same on both
    Game Version- 33.3.1
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    I honestly think there should he some sort of things sent to mail. I'm not able to grind arena or do quests properly. I can but the time it takes is so ridiculous it's not worth it to even try
  • PoofingersPoofingers Member Posts: 9
    Device: Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G
    Device Operating System: Android v12
    Mobile Carrier: Verizon
    Game Version: 1202935
    Game Mode: Game load, Navigation, Hero Selection, Item Selection, Crystal Opening, Screen Transition, EVERYTHING except for in-fight content.
    Champions Affected: none
    Active Boosts: none
    Description of issue: Game load now takes over 45 seconds. All actions (outside of combat) take 10-15 seconds to execute. In-combat gameplay has no issues. Screen transitions take 15+ seconds to load. Arena, which is very selection and transition heavy, is unplayable. Issue started on 2/16. Prior to this, no significant load times, though "internet connection issue" symbol was not uncommon. Tested on 1 gig wifi, 4G, and 5G. Loading issue is consistent across all.
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