Whats the point in releasing only 1 half of the final SQ chapter?

Feels like completely pointless move that couldve been prevented if you planned this better by making it 4 chapters instead of 3. I thought i was going to be able to explore the entire thing today but instead you only get half the rewards for the chapter which is basically pointless. Either release the full thing this week or the full thing next week. This just shows extremely poor planning by the questing team.
This way, they’ll have something to do ever week.
After 3 weeks we are still over 8k points from getting all milestones in solo event. We better get what we need after next week. But i am not holding my breath that there won’t be an issue with the mtn bucks.
That’s just a complete failure on part of quest designing team nothing else.
that was insightful
I messed up the qoute lol. Kabam throwing me all of my game with this side quest
If only there was an announcement thread somewhere that outlined the quest unlocks weeks ago…. I’m sure people would have read through that and seen how this quest was going to work.
I personally would rather have it all releases day 1 so I can choose to take my time or finish it. I don’t want to spend more time on the game than I’d like.
Alternatively, just unlock the chapter fully this week.