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Stand Your Ground Broken?

KurtxzKurtxz Posts: 28
edited March 2022 in Bugs and Known Issues
How is it possible that my first hit's heavy connects and goes in dealing damage and the second one gets blocked by Stand Your Ground mastery? Doesn't make any sense. Died twice because of it.

Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on


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    AverageDesiAverageDesi Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Kurtxz said:

    That’s exactly how it has always worked

    No it hasn't. And if it has, it's not logical. How would the opponent be able to block just the second hit, being hit in the face with the first?

    This has nothing to do with logic but game mechanics and recovery time. You can also do this if you're precise
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    SearmenisSearmenis Posts: 1,550 ★★★★★
    No, Stand your ground always worked like that. You may resist the first two hits from a Storm's heavy for example, and get hit by the 3rd kick. It's a life saver mastery some times though, way better than having more points to Perfect Block for example.
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    Tx_Quack_Attack6589Tx_Quack_Attack6589 Posts: 648 ★★★★
    Kurtxz said:

    That’s exactly how it has always worked

    No it hasn't. And if it has, it's not logical. How would the opponent be able to block just the second hit, being hit in the face with the first?

    It’s the same way that doom aura works, when active he becomes stun immune and unstoppable for the LAST hit of sp1 sp2 and heavies. Like i said that’s how stand your ground has always worked never said it made sense.
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    SearmenisSearmenis Posts: 1,550 ★★★★★
    Kurtxz said:

    Searmenis said:

    No, Stand your ground always worked like that. You may resist the first two hits from a Storm's heavy for example, and get hit by the 3rd kick. It's a life saver mastery some times though, way better than having more points to Perfect Block for example.

    I don't think you get what I'm saying: the first hit of my heavy GETS IN, the second one gets Stand Your Ground. How is it possible that Stand Your Ground applies on the second punch after already being hit by the first one?
    Because even the second hit has a potential of breaking your block. I don't think there's somewhere specified that if a heavy has two or three "parts", hits, that it's the 1st one that can break it
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    SearmenisSearmenis Posts: 1,550 ★★★★★
    Btw Perfect block is even more rare to happen, I really don't know why people keep having more than one point there. (Even worse than Unfazed that is, lol )
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    WorknprogressWorknprogress Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Searmenis said:

    Kurtxz said:

    Searmenis said:

    No, Stand your ground always worked like that. You may resist the first two hits from a Storm's heavy for example, and get hit by the 3rd kick. It's a life saver mastery some times though, way better than having more points to Perfect Block for example.

    I don't think you get what I'm saying: the first hit of my heavy GETS IN, the second one gets Stand Your Ground. How is it possible that Stand Your Ground applies on the second punch after already being hit by the first one?
    Because even the second hit has a potential of breaking your block. I don't think there's somewhere specified that if a heavy has two or three "parts", hits, that it's the 1st one that can break it
    This. Every hit of a heavy has a chance of being broken
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    phil56201phil56201 Posts: 977 ★★★
    She Hulk's heavy attack is slow enough between the 2 hits making it possible to recover and block the second hit in time to trigger stand your ground. Did you do parry/heavy in the examples above? Since you're in arena, it's very likely your opponent has 1 or more points in limber, making the recovery time even shorter.
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    SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Posts: 4,489 ★★★★★
    Let's take an example of Hercules and forget she hulk.

    So the people in comments are saying:
    While using hecr as attacker, if you use a heavy on defender, after first hit connects and break the block(doesn't matter if defender is blocking or not, as long as first hit connect), there's a chance that defender can resist second hit because of SYG?

    Hey @Karatemike415 @BitterSteel can you guys help us out on this one. Can this happen with us while using Herc or Mr. Negative.
    I think this is more of a she-hulk heavy hit box problem, than a SYG problem.
    I also think autoblockers may do this but not the regular champions.
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    SearmenisSearmenis Posts: 1,550 ★★★★★
    I don't see why not. If the 1st hit don't knock down the champ, he can block the second one. It's not that weird. The weird thing is you could avoid the 2nd hit of ant man's sp1 :p
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    Can think of it similar to Evade (see Corvus against Spider-Man, hoping all 3 hits of Corvus Heavy get thru and not have either the 2nd or 3rd evaded even though 1st strike landed).

    Just because someone is hit once doesn’t mean that they can’t get ready to do something other than continuing to get hit automatically from all the rest of them.
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    SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Posts: 4,489 ★★★★★
    edited February 2022
    So you guys are saying, using double/multiple hit heavies in a war was never safe?
    We are yet to see an evidence of second hit getting resisted after first hit connects.

    HT, Capiw, Mr.N, Rulk, Shulk
    aegon, NF, Elsa, falcon, stealth
    Apoc, AA, Domino, havok, OR, Sunspot
    Ghost, Nebula, Peni, Vision
    Angela, Corvus, Herc, Hype, Medusa, VP
    Diablo, Tigra.
    These are some of the Top attackers with multiple hit heavies. What some of you are saying will make them obsolete if a defender can resist connected heavies.
    So if defence is running 5/5 SYG, does that means the defender have 50% chance to resist mid multiple hit heavy?
    No it doesn't.

    Can think of it similar to Evade (see Corvus against Spider-Man, hoping all 3 hits of Corvus Heavy get thru and not have either the 2nd or 3rd evaded even though 1st strike landed).

    Just because someone is hit once doesn’t mean that they can’t get ready to do something other than continuing to get hit automatically from all the rest of them.

    Auto-block and evade are unique abilities.
    Medusa autoblocks while being stunned does she had time to recover? It's an ability. An auto-evade can happen anytime, just not under stun effects or mid special.

    [Side note: I faced this some months ago, Just like OP posted, Rocket Racoon's Heavy hit box is also bugged. I came out of his heavy after first hit connected. here's a link to a comment I made https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/1951428/#Comment_1951428 ]
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    phil56201phil56201 Posts: 977 ★★★

    phil56201 said:

    She Hulk's heavy attack is slow enough between the 2 hits making it possible to recover and block the second hit in time to trigger stand your ground. Did you do parry/heavy in the examples above? Since you're in arena, it's very likely your opponent has 1 or more points in limber, making the recovery time even shorter.

    Limber has no effect on anything but stunn duration. Getting hit in a combo and recovering half way through is a not a game mechanic in a normal champs base kit.
    yes it does. If you parry, and the stun duration is reduced, the opponent can recover fast enough to put up block and proc SYG. It's worked for me and against me many times.
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    AverageDesiAverageDesi Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    KaLikOT said:

    Can think of it similar to Evade (see Corvus against Spider-Man, hoping all 3 hits of Corvus Heavy get thru and not have either the 2nd or 3rd evaded even though 1st strike landed).

    Just because someone is hit once doesn’t mean that they can’t get ready to do something other than continuing to get hit automatically from all the rest of them.

    Evade is different from blocking. Are you telling me its normal when you are in the middle of a combo that an AI can block before you ended your combo?
    For heavies, yes. It's just that since most of the AI you fight does not have SYG, it never comes into play
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    Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Posts: 4,495 ★★★★★
    It is extremely annoying, and I hate this mastery, precisely why I will never assign a tigra to aw.
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    WorknprogressWorknprogress Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    So you guys are saying, using double/multiple hit heavies in a war was never safe?
    We are yet to see an evidence of second hit getting resisted after first hit connects.

    HT, Capiw, Mr.N, Rulk, Shulk
    aegon, NF, Elsa, falcon, stealth
    Apoc, AA, Domino, havok, OR, Sunspot
    Ghost, Nebula, Peni, Vision
    Angela, Corvus, Herc, Hype, Medusa, VP
    Diablo, Tigra.
    These are some of the Top attackers with multiple hit heavies. What some of you are saying will make them obsolete if a defender can resist connected heavies.
    So if defence is running 5/5 SYG, does that means the defender have 50% chance to resist mid multiple hit heavy?
    No it doesn't.

    Can think of it similar to Evade (see Corvus against Spider-Man, hoping all 3 hits of Corvus Heavy get thru and not have either the 2nd or 3rd evaded even though 1st strike landed).

    Just because someone is hit once doesn’t mean that they can’t get ready to do something other than continuing to get hit automatically from all the rest of them.

    Auto-block and evade are unique abilities.
    Medusa autoblocks while being stunned does she had time to recover? It's an ability. An auto-evade can happen anytime, just not under stun effects or mid special.

    [Side note: I faced this some months ago, Just like OP posted, Rocket Racoon's Heavy hit box is also bugged. I came out of his heavy after first hit connected. here's a link to a comment I made https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/1951428/#Comment_1951428 ]
    If the first hit is a block attempt it registers as the subsequent hits as still having block applied from what

    When first hit connects, opponent is no longer blocking.
    Says you? Bc that's obviously not how it's been working forever
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    AverageDesiAverageDesi Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    So you guys are saying, using double/multiple hit heavies in a war was never safe?
    We are yet to see an evidence of second hit getting resisted after first hit connects.

    HT, Capiw, Mr.N, Rulk, Shulk
    aegon, NF, Elsa, falcon, stealth
    Apoc, AA, Domino, havok, OR, Sunspot
    Ghost, Nebula, Peni, Vision
    Angela, Corvus, Herc, Hype, Medusa, VP
    Diablo, Tigra.
    These are some of the Top attackers with multiple hit heavies. What some of you are saying will make them obsolete if a defender can resist connected heavies.
    So if defence is running 5/5 SYG, does that means the defender have 50% chance to resist mid multiple hit heavy?
    No it doesn't.

    Can think of it similar to Evade (see Corvus against Spider-Man, hoping all 3 hits of Corvus Heavy get thru and not have either the 2nd or 3rd evaded even though 1st strike landed).

    Just because someone is hit once doesn’t mean that they can’t get ready to do something other than continuing to get hit automatically from all the rest of them.

    Auto-block and evade are unique abilities.
    Medusa autoblocks while being stunned does she had time to recover? It's an ability. An auto-evade can happen anytime, just not under stun effects or mid special.

    [Side note: I faced this some months ago, Just like OP posted, Rocket Racoon's Heavy hit box is also bugged. I came out of his heavy after first hit connected. here's a link to a comment I made https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/1951428/#Comment_1951428 ]
    If the first hit is a block attempt it registers as the subsequent hits as still having block applied from what

    When first hit connects, opponent is no longer blocking.
    Says you? Bc that's obviously not how it's been working forever
    Says you? If it's bugged forever doesn't means it should work forever.
    Where does it say that once the block is broken you can't block again?
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    SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Posts: 4,489 ★★★★★

    So you guys are saying, using double/multiple hit heavies in a war was never safe?
    We are yet to see an evidence of second hit getting resisted after first hit connects.

    HT, Capiw, Mr.N, Rulk, Shulk
    aegon, NF, Elsa, falcon, stealth
    Apoc, AA, Domino, havok, OR, Sunspot
    Ghost, Nebula, Peni, Vision
    Angela, Corvus, Herc, Hype, Medusa, VP
    Diablo, Tigra.
    These are some of the Top attackers with multiple hit heavies. What some of you are saying will make them obsolete if a defender can resist connected heavies.
    So if defence is running 5/5 SYG, does that means the defender have 50% chance to resist mid multiple hit heavy?
    No it doesn't.

    Can think of it similar to Evade (see Corvus against Spider-Man, hoping all 3 hits of Corvus Heavy get thru and not have either the 2nd or 3rd evaded even though 1st strike landed).

    Just because someone is hit once doesn’t mean that they can’t get ready to do something other than continuing to get hit automatically from all the rest of them.

    Auto-block and evade are unique abilities.
    Medusa autoblocks while being stunned does she had time to recover? It's an ability. An auto-evade can happen anytime, just not under stun effects or mid special.

    [Side note: I faced this some months ago, Just like OP posted, Rocket Racoon's Heavy hit box is also bugged. I came out of his heavy after first hit connected. here's a link to a comment I made https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/1951428/#Comment_1951428 ]
    If the first hit is a block attempt it registers as the subsequent hits as still having block applied from what

    When first hit connects, opponent is no longer blocking.
    Says you? Bc that's obviously not how it's been working forever
    Says you? If it's bugged forever doesn't means it should work forever.
    Where does it say that once the block is broken you can't block again?
    Where does it says once block is broken you can block again?
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