All my Iron men- the make up

The final battle against Iron man in the legendary he is so overpowered, it took way to many tries to defeat him and as compared to the people I was using. I spent almost 3000 credits to defeat hi. Just the one time. Not sure if anyone else is having this issue
This is not one of them
Not at all
The stampede node mean that this fight can be done by every single champion in the game and it can be done easily
I’m not here to try and call you out, but don’t know how else to put it, if you really read and understand the node combinations, or if you’re struggling, watch a few videos you can solo this fight with ease with basically anyone you want
The combination of nodes sets up a tricky fight, and then gives you the perfect way to counter it with any champion, and the lead up to the fight is not tricky so you should have 5 champions to attempt it with
Not to mention that it costs one energy per move, so it’s not at all punishing to just restart the quest if you fail after 5 practices
There is a lot of time left to get this done and I genuinely think anyone spending a single unit on this fight is mad
True an absolute unit 16 heavies 10 charges and boom
I’m Cavalier, and Legendary difficulty is often a stretch for me. There are many months when i try the legendary side quest and quickly decide to stick to epic instead. But this month seemed very manageable up until the most recent chapter: low energy cost, unlimited entry, plenty of practice opportunities. I completed each path for chapters 1 and 2 in 3-5 attempts without using any potions.
IMIW seemed harder, but not terribly so. Used Doom, Torch, Magneto, Angela, and Rogue for the synergy. After some practice, I was able to get to the boss with my team mostly intact. IMIW kept killing everyone, but Mags and Angela combined could consistently get him down to under 30% health. Okay, that’s not terrible, seems like I ought to be able to close out that fight with a couple revives, right?
Wrong, still not sure why but something in his kit or the nodes seems to make the end of the fight WAY harder than the start. I keep going in, and he keeps one-hitting me with constant autoblock, armor that gets stronger the lower his health goes, crazy power gain, and unblockable specials that fire off before I’ve even hit him with a full combo. By the end I was lucky to knock more than 1-2 % off his health per revive.
And its especially frustrating because I had burned so many revives I felt I had no choice but to keep going. Here’s hoping the last quest is less terrible.
something should have clued you in after spending the first 1K units, that maybe u aren't ready for legendary or you are missing key champ for romance synergy.
Best advice regarding above referenced roster Magneto, Nimrod & Hercules etc.
Timing a heavy to interrupt the defenders heavy was difficult, yet the only thing that consistently did damage.
Especially since the boss was aggressive, and only got more aggressive when low on health. stun reflection, striking an auto-block which grants buffs increasing auto-blocking. Unblock-able beginning to sp1. A couple of second auto power gain, per bar. Plus the usual buffing-up of defender stats, I agree made this character overpowered in my opinion. And once invested got sucked into a cycle to close out the fight as a matter of principle.
It was a bittersweet victory.
As stated above came online for a more efficient way/advice to achieve 💯 completion
When i have to deal with that kind of content, i really wonder if people find this kind of fights to be fun. But maybe threre's people that do : some loves to do chores so, rince & repeat stuff should be fun for some.
What is recommended for that fight is to use characters with dots (Torch is really nice here, Void in a slow pace) or strong counter/hitter like Cull, Corvus or Red Magn.
Good luck too all... and try to find some fun.
And next time, if it's just to argue about how many units were used, better to ask what team he used, or help him with ytb vids or forum posts. That would be nicer.
All my iron men-suit up, snap, and then die(daily routine)
My team consists of: Doom, Kingpin, Colossus, Domino and CRR..
The progress felt almost felt like trudging thru quicksand.. but it was pleasantly rewarding.. if I had another class tier5 catalyst I could have rank3 a 6*.. but I'll probably rank2 a 6* and rank5 a solid 5* champion.
My rewards were awful thou
6* Spiderman OG dupe (from the 6* shards)
mythic crystal netted me ironfist (now sig200).. thats natural sig200..