Battlegrounds Issues [Merged Threads]



  • Siva22akSiva22ak Member Posts: 82
    Every time i log in a battle grounds only saying no network connection @Kabam Lyra
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,449 ★★★★★
    edited March 2022
    DNA3000 said:

    Then don't test. I'm not sure why this has to be stated.

    Open beta tests are for people willing to test. This is how all open betas everywhere work, and it is universally considered to be the the most reasonable way to conduct these types of beta tests. Services do open betas, products do early release candidates, but no matter what they are called, they are basically open betas. You opt in voluntarily and you know what you're getting into, or you don't and you sit and wait for someone else to do it.

    But complaining about an open beta when it is completely voluntary is silly.
    Serious question…is there any significant testing actually going on here? Presumably, the point is to test the product and its impact on the developer infrastructure and resources. That would seem to require people actually playing. If there’s gameplay going on, it’s few and far between.

    Also, where’s mention of testing the effect of the beta on the rest of the game? My gameplay has been worse than it has been in months. Please tell me whatever testing gets done is also evaluating the effect on questing and everything else in game.

    Dr. Zola
  • Donal1981Donal1981 Member Posts: 63
    Try this battleground and just disconnected.
    And its saying no connection.
    Not working at all just wasted energy.
  • Cap45Cap45 Member Posts: 419 ★★
    I finally found a match and I’m choosing all my champs, and I get ready for the first match and then the game just stops. Then if u sign off and go back in, it immediately brings me to the exact same page. I can’t do anything else in the game right now, I’m going uninstal and re install right now but this is annoying
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,916 ★★★★★
    Fortunately this happens in a game company not financial institutions. This beta is a mess, I’d said this is an alpha to be exact.
  • 228228 Member Posts: 76

    @Demonzfyre No, I have not been in Act 7.4 beta testing and let me repeat this, I have ZERO interest to test anything prior to its release. I’m a paying customer and I’m only paying for a finished product. How Kabam or any other company for that matter, tests their products prior to their release, is not of my concern. If Kabam expects me to test their product, then I would expect to be compensated for that.

    I’m not sure why this has to be explained, but here’s your reply.

    So don’t play it then! Why you on the forums complaining about it? Clearly it says it’s a BETA. This is the point of a BETA.

    Smh everyone wants compensation…
  • XenoMorfXenoMorf Member Posts: 32
    Same story.. used lots of energy 4 matches can't get into any fight. Connection drops but only in battlegrounds
  • just098just098 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2022
    I get to the match and loose connection
  • Merigold00Merigold00 Member Posts: 11
    I am seeing posts everywhere that players cannot connect in Battlegrounds because the connection is dropping. I get to draft my attackers/defenders, the match starts but we cannot ever fight. Tried it twice.

    Who authorized this for beta release?
  • KyusushuiKyusushui Member Posts: 147 ★★
    I have same issue as soon as the fighting part starts I get disconnected
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,916 ★★★★★
    A beta is a beta because participants can actually PLAY it. If it still ends up with so-called connection issue / server load, participants stuck at initial selection and can’t even actually fight a match, is it still qualify a beta?

    If I create an A.I. stock selection platform for clients but they only ends up in providing risk appetite without any result generation, I won’t call it a beta and I don’t know how to provide any feedback.

    Without an estimation of sudden entry of many players? Is it the first time we face connection issue in this game?
  • ddudududubuddudududubu Member Posts: 3

  • Soslayan9Soslayan9 Member Posts: 45
    Same - four matches - all end up being called a draw because the connection is lost
  • ddudududubuddudududubu Member Posts: 3

    2 tries to play already, still haven't got to fight one time.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,967 ★★★★★
    Actually, the entire experience goes into feedback. That includes if they have the server capability to run it.
  • Captain_KatyCaptain_Katy Member Posts: 73
    This unplayable new component is ... exactly what we've all come to expect from this game. Five stars.
  • GalacticBurritoGalacticBurrito Member Posts: 93
    I had the exact same problem :(
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★

    Actually, the entire experience goes into feedback. That includes if they have the server capability to run it.

    do you think there's any sort of chance that it doesn't work all week and they just have to come out and say "we don't have the server capacity for this"?
  • BomberManBomberMan Member Posts: 58
    This game mode is so broken. Wasted 30 energy and a bunch of time picking champs only to have it fail and crash my app twice. I realize you guys just gave us 5 energy refills to test this but this is just throwing e edgy down the toilet.

    This is part of the reason I lost interest in incursions because of the bugs and the time suck with little pay off. This has left a sour taste in my mouth right from start.
  • BruteForce247BruteForce247 Member Posts: 32
    Same issues here
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  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,449 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Not so much testing as trying to figure out what's wrong. People are still attempting to match, but the problem seems to be now that while the matches are going in quicker, something is breaking further down the pipeline and people are getting disconnected while in the process of entering the first fight of the match (I've seen that a couple times now). That might suggest they found and addressed the bottleneck in the match system, but that unmasked another bottleneck in the match instancing system that is causing players to be unable to connect to their first fight - its broken, it doesn't actually exist, it cannot be connected to, etc.

    Yeah it seems like nothing productive is happening, because Disney is trying to test Disneyland but right now everyone is stuck in the turnstiles and can't reach the rides. But that just means the turnstiles are broken, and they need to be fixed before anything else in the park can be tested. It is a boring part of testing and fixing, but still a necessary one.

    I personally haven't seen slowdowns in other parts of the game so far, but then again such performance issues tend to be intermittent and tend to affect players randomly (except for you, the game seems rigged to smack your performance in the face reliably).
    Cool. Clearly. I’m still running on the Z server all by myself ;)

    Dr. Zola
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    Vcee said:

    Battlegrounds of Garbage 🗑️

    It's doing what it's supposed to be, providing feedback and pointing out things to fix before live. It sucks not being able to actually play it yet, but this is a test and not the final product
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★
    Reference said:

    A beta is a beta because participants can actually PLAY it. If it still ends up with so-called connection issue / server load, participants stuck at initial selection and can’t even actually fight a match, is it still qualify a beta?

    If I create an A.I. stock selection platform for clients but they only ends up in providing risk appetite without any result generation, I won’t call it a beta and I don’t know how to provide any feedback.

    Without an estimation of sudden entry of many players? Is it the first time we face connection issue in this game?

    Yes, it still qualifies as a beta. You posted here in this thread and that question has been answered several times already. Part of the testing is the connection, whether it's matching or getting into the match. The whole process is in beta, not just the game play.
  • MaxGamingMaxGaming Member Posts: 3,211 ★★★★★
    Skiddy212 said:

    People need to chill. This is a brand new game mode and is advertised as a BETA, of course there will be bugs. Nothing new is perfect. My god

    I tried to say that aswell but some people don't always see it that well
  • Ghost2690Ghost2690 Member Posts: 9
    Never have understood how kabam can hype something up (in this case, for better part of 2 yrs), get overwhelming good feedback from ccp, and NOT think, "Can our servers handle most of the players jumping into this mode constantly for a week? No? Ok, let's take care of that before we release."
  • Man_I_LOVE_This_GameMan_I_LOVE_This_Game Member Posts: 1
    Man they knocked this one out of the park!!! Have you noticed how cool the screen looks when it wigs out right before dropping your connection?! It's freaking SWEET! Not only does it never get old, it happens every time!! Loving it!!
  • Catfish68Catfish68 Member Posts: 0
    I’ve started 5 battles and each one has ended in being disconnected is there a fix?
  • DKnzDKnz Member Posts: 9

    Thanks for your feedback, apologies about the connection issues you've been experiencing so far! As with all new shiny features in game, the sheer amount of players trying to access Battlegrounds at once may cause some stability issues. This is beta and there are some kinks to iron out but rest assured we're aware and on the case :)

    What a joke. Oh we didn't expect lots of people were going to try to play this.

    Tried it once, wasted all the time of selecting people etcetecetc, went to go into the first fight and got a connection issue.
    Decided maybe it was a one off, or maybe the other person disconnected. Nope same thing again.
    Waste of time and energy.

    I suggest you remove it until you can get it stable.
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