Battlegrounds Issues [Merged Threads]



  • Athena48Athena48 Member Posts: 18
    I can't even get past the first round. I always lose connection when the first fight is supposed to begin.
  • Adi_tyaAdi_tya Member Posts: 94

    Boost up your freaking servers
    Why even do an open beta if your servers aren't upto the mark
  • Gogeta91199Gogeta91199 Member Posts: 990 ★★★★

    I'm really excited to play this mode but I can't get past the first round it always disconnects.

    Same! Everything goes smoothly but when the match is about to start connection issues pop up.

  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,612 ★★★★
    So far all I have been able to achieve is the loss of two lots of 15 energy
    (Tried twice)

    The game loses connection on the pre-fight page

  • bm3eppsbm3epps Member Posts: 1,157 ★★★
    😩connection issues after timer gets to 0
  • Adi_tyaAdi_tya Member Posts: 94

    Definitely not worth the frustration
  • Mike_23Mike_23 Member Posts: 8

  • firemoon712firemoon712 Member Posts: 546 ★★★
    I said it long ago and I'll say it again, a PVP mode will crash the servers.
    I guess I was right...
    And I wanted to play this mode so badly.
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,479 Guardian
    Dang thought I was about to get in again. Draw.
  • Julio_Vega1Julio_Vega1 Member Posts: 39
    Refund of energy? I lost 15 points and couldn't fight
  • BeeweeBeewee Member Posts: 551 ★★★★

    I said it long ago and I'll say it again, a PVP mode will crash the servers.
    I guess I was right...
    And I wanted to play this mode so badly.

    Maybe this will incentivize kabam to upgrade past the potato and hamster wheel servers.
  • Adi_tyaAdi_tya Member Posts: 94
    Beewee said:

    I said it long ago and I'll say it again, a PVP mode will crash the servers.
    I guess I was right...
    And I wanted to play this mode so badly.

    Maybe this will incentivize kabam to upgrade past the potato and hamster wheel servers.
    Nah, knowing them, they will just scrap the PvP
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,547 ★★★★★
    The fights aren't starting at all
  • rcm2017rcm2017 Member Posts: 596 ★★★
    Fights getting stuck here every single time. Till now didnt get a single fight to test it out. Hopefully later on maybe... :'(

  • LatamayoLatamayo Member Posts: 29
    Battlegrounds needs to be taken down and removed immediately because it is so far from a workable functioning state this game mode is so broken , It is very far and I mean very far from anywhere near ready for a beta test ! It's completely pathetic It's aggravating to even attempt to do it multiple times like I have just for the nonsense to never even allow me to fight a single time! What a joke why do you guys not test at all your selves !? What's going on over there I mean for real... this is sad !
  • Adi_tyaAdi_tya Member Posts: 94

    Can we get an emergency maintenance or literally anything to remotely make it better?

    We are identifying and fixing these issues, but as we said when we announced this Beta, Stability issues were to be expected. This is a Stress Test for the system and the game.
    If it was a stress test then why keep the energy requirement to enter? Even with the 5 refills you gave, isn't it just a waste of energy?
  • LatamayoLatamayo Member Posts: 29
    Yeah but the thing is this may be a beta ... But it is nowhere near ready or in a beta state It's far from that stage ! With such a broken game mode it needs to be pulled down and seriously worked on and finished getting it to an actual beta state and then don't give it to the entire game to try it there needs to be a select amount of players that volunteer to go into the beta ( you know all the weird players that are defending it since they must enjoy playing things that don't work! Lol ) instead of putting it out for the entire game to participate in or attempt to participate just to be let down over and over and over ! I mean come on this is embarrassing kabam !
  • MAERvelGODMAERvelGOD Member Posts: 322 ★★★
    Beta as in beta testing... We can't even get close to testing because the game disconnects everytime 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩
  • Lucyfermismo007Lucyfermismo007 Member Posts: 8
    I have played two matches one i have lost without participation in fight and another was draw without participation in the fight i am very Disappointed with kabam
  • KiRa_300KiRa_300 Member Posts: 4
    I have been facing the same issue. Firstly matching itself took very long time. And then after marching, without even playing, it says network issue and says draw even without participation.
    Very disappointing
  • Camby01Camby01 Member Posts: 572 ★★
    I'd say working as intended, but I got a warning for that a few days ago, so I won't.
  • Camby01Camby01 Member Posts: 572 ★★

  • Camby01Camby01 Member Posts: 572 ★★
    This is beyond the pale.
  • chips60chips60 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2022
    Please hire a good SRE\DevOps.... ur load balancers\sparxcdn sucks.. @Kabam Miike
  • powerpitcherpowerpitcher Member Posts: 16
    Battle Ground of Contest is crashing alot.It always show network error.
  • Skywalker3221Skywalker3221 Member Posts: 156 ★★
    I have yet to get through even the first round. It just tried to connect as soon as I’m at the “get ready to fight” screen then times out. Then when I go back in I see it’s a draw.

    Anyone else?
  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    Sadly, same here. Haven`t been able to try it yet. As soon as the first match starts I get connection issues and the game throws me out.
  • QueNstyQueNsty Member Posts: 12
    I can’t get into the first fight but 1 time…. I was so excited. Hope they get it together soon…..
  • Crys23Crys23 Member Posts: 805 ★★★★
    What I'm curious is if kabam took any steps to improve the servers before releasing this mode.
    Because they could barely handle the game load before. This was obviously gonna break them.
  • Shah123Shah123 Member Posts: 5
    Match has not started, it's showing internet issue although everything is running smoothly...
    Without fighting just loosing the matches... Kindly resolve else close this **** battleground being totally unfair
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