Prepare to Enter the Battlegrounds! Open Beta March 14-21



  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 3,969 ★★★★★
    I'd like a little more time on the selection screens. It feels rushed.

  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Gmonkey said:

    Why does my selected champion for defense keep switching. Picked hyperion, magically places my torch instead. So frustrating.
    When I place first this happens so often. Select lockin screwed over

    The timer is shorter for who places defender first. You end up running out of time before you expect to and that's how it happens I think. You're trying to place as you're running out of time and it bugs out
  • instabraminstabram Member Posts: 5
    First off there should not be an energy cost while this is in beta. Seems like this mode is designed to be awesome for players who complete end game content while growing accounts are just getting railed. Im currently cav but have only been matched with thromebreaker/abyss level players so I’ve only lost. Zero fun and no rewards like what is the point in spending energy to just get slapped around.
  • becokastbecokast Member Posts: 38
    I hate the add on nodes like masochism, I just want purely interact with my oponent instead of playing around a node combination. Masochism means I can only use intercepts and physical damage which ruins some perfect counter setups.
  • krystolixkrystolix Member Posts: 80
    Honestly, the nodes are why I won't be playing this. Such a letdown. Even with perfect counters the nodes ruin everything. Can only play one way.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,058 ★★★★★
    edited March 2022
    Anyone has a matchup against same opponent 3 consecutive times? I had that twice.
  • Hilbert_unbeatable2Hilbert_unbeatable2 Member Posts: 805 ★★★

    Xmn88 said:

    Why the opponent’s hero rating gets tripled after the selection stage??? Like from 8k when being picked to 24k in the fight. It’s ridiculous

    First one is base rating without nodes and masteries applied. Next one is with them applied.
    And also with nodes applied
    I said nodes applied haha
    My bad
    Maybe didn't read due to arena grind hangover
  • Jake125Jake125 Member Posts: 4
    How do you report someone cheating in battle grounds
  • NoobdaNoobda Member Posts: 787 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike are we gonna get rewards for battle grounds in April Beta ? coz Playing a whole month without any rewards will be lame and after a point , will kill the interest of the new mode . Just curious.
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    Noobda said:

    @Kabam Miike are we gonna get rewards for battle grounds in April Beta ? coz Playing a whole month without any rewards will be lame and after a point , will kill the interest of the new mode . Just curious.

    If they removed the energy cost for the next beta that would be much more appealing if no rewards. Or even objectives would be nice 🤷‍♂️
  • Black_Tiger_200Black_Tiger_200 Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2022
    6-year player, 2nd time posting — mostly to thank Kabam for this new game mode.

    Played 10 matches for the first time today. Enjoyed it; fun, quick and OK with the nodes. Only complaint is the 15 energy cost. Reduce or eliminate the cost, and I’m in.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,301 Guardian
    _spec said:

    @BitterSteel Well AW Is the best fit for your football team example, as for battlegrounds it's a pvp 1v1 system if these advantages were to be rewarded then it makes more sense if they only allowed participants' rosters in summoner showdowns. I'm fine with it as it is right now, but what I suggested makes it better

    Each Summoner Showdown event is a singular contest. Battlegrounds is a competitive game mode in a progressional game. The Summoner Showdown reflects its nature as a singular contest. Battlegrounds reflects its nature as just a piece of a progressional game for which progressional status is rewarded.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,301 Guardian
    Yuhoe said:

    Xmn88 said:

    Why the opponent’s hero rating gets tripled after the selection stage??? Like from 8k when being picked to 24k in the fight. It’s ridiculous

    First one is base rating without nodes and masteries applied. Next one is with them applied.
    And also with nodes applied
    Then Kabam should make it free energy to try if it is a beta. I’m not sure how the points get carried over when it goes live but it’s demoralising to get points reduced when it is the system’ fault after working to gain points.
    Nobody carries over ratings and points from a beta test to a live competitive mode. That would be insane.
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,609 ★★★★
    I’m glad mgmt are running a beta….good to work out the bugs etc.

    As for BattleGrounds itself…I like the tactical element. Once it is 100% ready and we know what we’re playing for I’ll play but I have done like 7 goes on beta and I’ll now wait for the next update before doing anymore
  • TheKiryuTheKiryu Member Posts: 266 ★★★★
    Beta is beta and there will be many issues.

    Overall i am in love with the game mode!

    But please, along with all other bugs and issues, MATCHMAKING needs some serious rework.

    It is such a bad set of rules for finding a match its crazy.

    Atm it is virtually impossible for me to match anyone.
  • Shah123Shah123 Member Posts: 5
    Battleground becomes so pathetic, after winning the fight game crashed, results loss.. It's awkward... Very awkward... Kindly resolve else close it...
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,694 ★★★★★
    Rough start side , it’s been a lot of fun and I’ll be excited when Battleground returns.
  • JvankeulenJvankeulen Member Posts: 6
    I see a lot of reports of connection issues. but what i personally experience is a black screen bug. where after completing a fight i do not go to the next round, but just get stuck in a black screen and have to restart the game. If it helps i play on a samsung J6 and these issues seem to mostly occur when i time out the fight. (i think it might only happen when i lose the round but cannot confirm since i cant see the results, it just feels like it happens more often after rounds i dont feel confident about winning) On reopening the game it will have resulted in a loss, no option to finish the rest of the match. Just wanted to make sure the team is aware of this since this gamemode will be my favorite if working properly
  • D_Ace_71D_Ace_71 Member Posts: 149
    Played some more rounds today…sadly, I think the majority were “won” by me, but not really…. After the first fight ends…win, lose, or draw…the game locked in a hyper spinwheel/strobe…after force close and restart, the match is over, the fight doesn’t register in the history, but it shows I won the match. Not sure what it shows my opponent, but, well, yeah, there it is. Here’s to hoping we’ve provided enough feedback to help fix things for go-live.
  • PirateJonPirateJon Member Posts: 82
    Love this mode. I think rewards and matchmaking can be tiered like wars. Also want a chat feature and ability to duel friends. Thanks
  • PrinceOfAlexPrinceOfAlex Member Posts: 29
    Entry cost is nonsense when no rewards are granted
    Unless you are limiting the players that would like to try it
  • D_Ace_71D_Ace_71 Member Posts: 149
    Overall…it grew on me, it did. 34 matches, ignoring glitched matches I “won” due to the glitch, probably batted about .500 - felt good, some losses made me groan, others made me laugh, same with the wins. I can dig it.
  • GeoradGeorad Member Posts: 64
    First. Without entry cap it will be "play or loose" mode, only challenge it will be time spend to play. Boring not challenging. En average one hour a day will be fine. It means 6 battles.

    Second. Kind of divisions to separate the most skilled players from beginners. For example:
    1st - 10000 players with only 6* to use
    2nd - 20000 players with 5*
    3rd - 30000 with 4*
    4th - 40000 with 3*
    5th all others with only 2* to use

    Third. Max two weeks playing to get prices and rank up or down division. For example last. 5000 from first go down and first 5000 from second go up etc.
    For two weeks cap on 60 match with 30 obligatory (penalty points if didn't play unless 30) and 30 optional.

    And at last maybe some bonus points for performance. If 15 for win match, get 1 for each of your attackers alive;
    1 more if keeps more then 80% health;
    1 if defender was beaten
    1 if your defender stayed alive
    1 if opponent attacker killed
    5 if win in 2 combats
  • PrezSharky3721PrezSharky3721 Member Posts: 3
    I think Battlegrounds is great just as it is. 5 energy is not a lot when you consider the fact that you're fighting from 2-3 times.
    I'm pretty disappointed that we won't get rewards, however, because I had spent A LOT of time playing it before it went off. Plus, it was crazy hard.
    Really fun, I hope this becomes a norm.
  • leftykiller8leftykiller8 Member Posts: 14
    Suggestion for Battlegrounds:
    Limit it to the 3* and/or 4* roster. The reasoning is simple. This will make it a matter of skill that all people can compete on. I’m Thronebreaker, but still have only four 6* Rank 3 champs, and zero Rank 4 champs. Under the current system, Battlegrounds is extremely advantageous to Whales, and people like Brian Grant (who plays this game as a full time job). Whereas making the simple star restriction, would most Uncollected players an even skill based playing field against even people of Thronebreaker level.
  • NeverWasBornNeverWasBorn Member Posts: 66
    please, set a limit of ranking matches per day or battlegrounds will turn into a long arena-like grind. battlegrounds should be a test of skill, roster and game knowledge not how many hours can you play it daily. friendly matches can be limitless.
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