What champs did you rank as a 6* even though you had them as a maxed 5*?

So far, I’ve onLy done it with Apoc (took him to R3). I’m sitting on several other 6* awakened champs like Prof x and BWCV because I already have them as either maxed or fairly high sig 5*. Which champs deserve double duty in your opinion? Wrestling with whether to bump up the 6* Prof X today.
Will certainly rank Herc, Doom, and Warlock as well despite having maxed 5* versions if the RNG gods will show me some love.
That said, I don't have too many 6*s ranked up that I also have as 5*s, simply because a lot of the 5*s that I've ranked up are those that require high/max sig. I'm in no rush to rank up my 6* Aegon or Namor despite having them (unduped) for years. The only 6r2 champions I have that I also have 5r5 versions of are Kingpin and Claire. I'll rank up both to r3 when the opportunity presents itself simply because they are both excellent champions and I want them both to benefit from the Act 7 nodes.
Squirrel girl (rank 5/2)
All of them are rank 3 except squirrel girl as mentioned.
1 s200 5/65 DDHK and a r2 unduped DDHK.
And a s120 5* 5/65 DS.
Can't forget my crown jewel