I can't believe i'm saying this, but I believe Kitty Pride has finally dethroned Quake and Ghost.



  • RavenKeeperRavenKeeper Member Posts: 279 ★★★

    Polygon said:

    Its like saying Ultron is better than Nimrod because he has more general use. Nimrod may be more selective in his primary use being against mutant, but he DOMINATES mutants to the point where you’d probably want to r4 him over Ultron

    Nah Ultgod is worth ranking over nimrod because he has obviously dethroned quake and ghost.
    Well yeah, Ultron isn’t countered by true strike, cowardice or armour break therefore…

    Ultron > Kitty/Ghost/Quake

    You missed the entire premise of this post i see
  • RavenKeeperRavenKeeper Member Posts: 279 ★★★

    Trust me dude, it’s mot worth arguing. Even if it were true that kitty is better than quake and ghost, these comments would be the same and you’d only get clowned on. Better to leave it to yourself and let it show with the content going forward.

    Yeah I'm seeing that, people don't understand. Oh well
  • BeeweeBeewee Member Posts: 564 ★★★★
    If true focus ever comes back (it wont) ill agree with you
  • RavenKeeperRavenKeeper Member Posts: 279 ★★★
    Beewee said:

    If true focus ever comes back (it wont) ill agree with you

    Beewee here
  • NoobdaNoobda Member Posts: 787 ★★★
    Why am I seeing this funny post today on the first page lol
  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 605 ★★★
    Kitty has top 3 but not number 1 Bcs with quake not having to hit the opponent makes her the most broken champ in the game other champs have to so nodes that effect hitting the opponent those will effect kitty and ghost unlike quake
  • TrongNovTrongNov Member Posts: 319 ★★★

    As someone with a R3 sig 200 Kitty, let me point out some things that I’ve noticed and then give my semi-relevant opinion.

    Quake and Ghost are notable for being able to ignore most abilities and nodes in the game because of their respective play styles and abilities. They definitely have their weak points, but they are few and far between.

    I will also add that I would consider the fact that 5/65 is as high as you will be able to take quake for the forseeable future will temper how great she is. Her abilities are still great and all, but the fact that you can take Ghost and Kitty up to Rank 4, eventually rank 5, as well as the often overlooked 6* Adrenaline mechanic (giving a fairly decent player +10-25% health on any given fight) would give them the edge if they happened to be evenly matched based on abilities.

    Kitty has a similar mechanic to ghost that allows her to ignore a lot of nodes, and the kicker is that when awakened, you have the same utility that Ghost needs a synergy partner for. Some people keep saying that Kitty does not benefit from debuffs like ghost does, but while ghost only phases off damaging debuffs and turns them into furies, Kitty can phase them (taking no damage), and even gain her own buffs with the Magneto synergy. Ghost has a super useful synergy for unblockable specials, but Kitty can have all her attacks be unblockable with a synergy, and her synergy partner (Tigra) has a much higher ceiling than Ghost’s (Wasp). Ghost has access to buffs and passives, while Kitty also has access to buffs and passives. Kitty has debuffs that can be massive or active, while Ghost cannot place debuffs. Kitty has incinerate immunity, and while not being able to incinerate the opponent does limit her damage, she is still totally usable and does well. Ghost has a good short combo for limiting the opponent’s power, but she really does not benefit from more than 1 hit combos. Kitty can excel with a 1 or 2 hit combo when phasing (super increased crit rate, comparable to ghost) but she also dows decent damage and can still crit on the rest of her combo. Once Ghost attacks, she is more open to getting retaliated against if you don’t dex properly, and the phase really only helps you get an intercept. However, if you intercept improperly, the phase is immediately over. Kitty has a phase that allows for mistakes while still letting you back off or try for another intercept. Ghost does not do well against miss counters, but Kitty actually does better against them. Ghost’s phasing can be shut down with an armor break (a fairly common debuff) but Kitty’s phasing is really only countered by champs that deny prowess.

    These are not the defining points of either champ, but I wanted to answer a few questions/assertive statements I have seen so far. I also wanted to shine light on some reasons that I like Kitty just as much as Ghost (except I actually have Kitty as a 6*, still waiting on that Ghost).

    TLDR: not saying Kitty is better than Ghost or Quake, but providing some context to why I think she is pretty comparable to at least Ghost. Quake is still on another level purely mechanically, although I would argue that Kitty/Ghost being available as 6*s does make up some ground in that respect now that 6*s can more significantly pass up 5/65s.

    Ps. I definitely don’t agree with all of the previous points made on either side, but I wanted to add my two cents and actually provide some explanations and insight into Kitty since so many people have not gotten the chance to test her out yet.

    Why is the disagrees. I have both of them (Ghost and Kitty) as 6* sig 150, Ghost is at rank 4, Kitty at rank 3. I pulled Ghost like 2 years ago. I do love playing wirh both of them and believe I'm skilled enough. Im confident to say Kitty is at the same tier with Ghost.

    Kitty's basic atks dont hit hard but her sp2 on suicide can do almost 200k or even much higher if you can stack prowesses above 20 and think of all the things she can do but Ghost can't.

    She can heal forever if you run suicide, takes no dmg while in phase, if you time it right you can avoid recoil, powersting dmg, dmg from hurt locker, can fight thorn enemies or thorn nodes easily - for example: to fight Electro, dash in 2 hits then dash out then repeat. She's immune to stun while in phase (enroaching stun is now a joke for her), goes unblockable while dashing in just like NF with 16 tatical charges. Way easier to master. I guess not many ppl have her yet so they don't see how crazy Kitty can be.

    Not saying that she dethroned Ghost bc if I thought that I wouldnt have ranked 4 Ghost but I do think they share the top spot now. They are 2 most powerful 6*s you can have, they support each other in a questing team.
  • RavenKeeperRavenKeeper Member Posts: 279 ★★★

    Polygon said:

    Its like saying Ultron is better than Nimrod because he has more general use. Nimrod may be more selective in his primary use being against mutant, but he DOMINATES mutants to the point where you’d probably want to r4 him over Ultron

    Nah Ultgod is worth ranking over nimrod because he has obviously dethroned quake and ghost.
    Well yeah, Ultron isn’t countered by true strike, cowardice or armour break therefore…

    Ultron > Kitty/Ghost/Quake

    You missed the entire premise of this post i see
    You didn’t say anything in the OP apart from talking about their counters to conclude that Kitty is better. So if Kitty is countered by less than Quake and Ghost which means she’s better - why can you not extend the same faulty logic to say that because Ultron is countered by less than Kitty he is better than all of them?

    And if you don’t agree with that logic, then you cannot agree with that logic to conclude that Kitty is better than ghost and quake.

    So which is it: Kitty is better than ghost because of less counters? Or do you have any other arguments to back up your case?
    Oh I didn't know Ultron could avoid all incoming damage. When did that buff happen?
  • RavenKeeperRavenKeeper Member Posts: 279 ★★★

    Trust me dude, it’s mot worth arguing. Even if it were true that kitty is better than quake and ghost, these comments would be the same and you’d only get clowned on. Better to leave it to yourself and let it show with the content going forward.

    Yeah I'm seeing that, people don't understand. Oh well
    You seems to not understand the point. You started this conversation yet didn't answered single question. Personal opinions are welcomed but if you wanna implicate as general rule or fact, you need have some solid and valid arguments to support it. You want others to belive you and support your claim but can't even put a valid argument to support your claim. Yet you blaming others for not understanding your claim/theory/argument which don't have any concrete evidence.
    I literally explained my point in the post.
  • RavenKeeperRavenKeeper Member Posts: 279 ★★★

    Polygon said:

    Its like saying Ultron is better than Nimrod because he has more general use. Nimrod may be more selective in his primary use being against mutant, but he DOMINATES mutants to the point where you’d probably want to r4 him over Ultron

    Nah Ultgod is worth ranking over nimrod because he has obviously dethroned quake and ghost.
    Well yeah, Ultron isn’t countered by true strike, cowardice or armour break therefore…

    Ultron > Kitty/Ghost/Quake

    You missed the entire premise of this post i see
    You didn’t say anything in the OP apart from talking about their counters to conclude that Kitty is better. So if Kitty is countered by less than Quake and Ghost which means she’s better - why can you not extend the same faulty logic to say that because Ultron is countered by less than Kitty he is better than all of them?

    And if you don’t agree with that logic, then you cannot agree with that logic to conclude that Kitty is better than ghost and quake.

    So which is it: Kitty is better than ghost because of less counters? Or do you have any other arguments to back up your case?
    Oh I didn't know Ultron could avoid all incoming damage. When did that buff happen?
    I’ll try one more time, if it doesn’t work then I’ll give up trying to explain it to you.

    In your original post, you do not make any points other than talking about each of the 3 champs counters. You use that to conclude that Kitty is the best. That is not a good basis to conclude how good a champion is.

    Number of counters is not equal to how good a champ is. Archangel has more counters than iron fist, he has more counters than colossus, he has more counters than Elsa bloodstone. Why is archangel better than those champions? Because of other reasons that we all know.

    So when you say Kitty is better than ghost because she’s countered by less, you may as well be saying Iron fist is better than archangel because he’s countered by less.

    Here is the question you need to answer in order for people to listen to your argument and actually consider it seriously: what other parts of Kitty vs Ghost means that Kitty is better than ghost, other than how much counters each champion. We’ve determined that number of counters is not a suitable metric to judge how good a champion is. What else does Kitty have that makes her better than ghost.
    Dude. "Counters" determines what fights they can and cannot take. Your examples are absolutely horrible. To say Archangel has more counters than Elsa is insane. AA can shut down most nodes in the game. Colossus gets countered by a ton of nodes, Elsa can't do much in the game overall, and Iron fist? Are you kidding me? I legitimately believe you're making bad faith arguments just to be annoying. Either than, or your mental capacity is that of a child.
  • GrassKnucklesGrassKnuckles Member Posts: 1,957 ★★★★★
    I wouldn't say she dethroned them as much as I'd say she joined them
  • Phillip14233Phillip14233 Member Posts: 581 ★★★
    Ghost and quake are still the most broken champs in the game. Ghost with suicides and a full synergy team is unmatched to this day
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,157 ★★★★★
    The_Chump said:

    Polygon said:

    Its like saying Ultron is better than Nimrod because he has more general use. Nimrod may be more selective in his primary use being against mutant, but he DOMINATES mutants to the point where you’d probably want to r4 him over Ultron

    Get where you're coming from but I'd send Ultron to r4 for this very reason. Nimrod is selective and dominates in this area. Ultron is great everywhere but doesnt necessarily dominate anywhere, to the extent Nimrod does anyway. I dont need Nimrod to be r4 to dominate against mutants and so I'm prob better off using these precious resources elsewhere, as r4 will not change much for Nimrod's uses. Ultron needs r4 more imo
    @The_Chump On 2nd thought, I agree with you. You won’t see much of a benefit with r4 nimrod since he already dominates.

    However I think ghost is actually more worthy of r4 than ultron. For someone thats not as skilled with ghost the extra damage would be nice and she had a ton of use in difficult content like act 6 (even if she gets banned in war)
  • shield456shield456 Member Posts: 1,980 ★★★

    No champion will ever be better than quake. It’s just not something the developers will let happen. You lost me when you said she can dethrone quake.

    Also. Your logic is slightly flawed as you’re pretty much only basing it off what counters each champion. In this game we don’t bring champions based on what they get countered by, we bring champions based on what they counter. We bring champions to their ideal situations, that’s the whole point of choosing a team.

    Quake counters about 99% of the nodes in the game, that’s why she’s top. She gets countered by a couple of nodes that are more common than prowess removal, but they are not common enough to actually stop her being useful in so much content.

    To take your logic and apply it elsewhere, if amount of counters makes a champion worse:

    Archangel, there are 28 bleed immune champions and 33 poison immune champions. That’s about a quarter of the entire game. Wow, archangel gets countered by soo much. Not to mention bleed immune and poison immune nodes, cornered, immune to AAR screws with his utility.

    Colossus however, only really gets countered by nullify and spite sort of nodes that punish buffs. His kit lends itself to an overall great amount of use, but he doesn’t often excel. Does that mean colossus is a better champion?

    No, there has to be more to it than that. The only other point you make in your original post is that you can take 0 damage from any source, but in any situation where you take damage either one or the other of ghost or quake can do that as well. Thorns - quake it. unavoidable damage - ghost it etc. So what else do you have in favour of your argument? What actually sets Kitty apart? Because right now, you may as well be saying colossus is better than archangel because he has less counters and he’s bleed immune.

    After that, in the comments you’ve just clapped your hands together, sat back and said “my work here is done, no need to reply to any more points” even though @Hoitado raised new points you hadn’t addressed. You gotta back up an opinion like this, or nobody is gonna take it seriously.

    As for my own opinion, I’m not sure yet. I know Kitty will never be better than quake. It’s just not going to happen, quake’s design was so unintended that it gets around so much, Kabam won’t let it happen. As for ghost, there needs to be time to tell. Not enough people have her yet, she hasn’t been tested enough yet, the new champ hype needs to die down and we need to see where she really stands. I personally think that Kitty and ghost will be on equal footing, where there’s no real discernible better champion. You just use one here, and the other there.

    I completely agree but when she's against void? Void does give debuffs periodically without contact.
  • shield456shield456 Member Posts: 1,980 ★★★

    Hercules > Everything else

    Hercules has a timer on his immortality and it can be nullified. But I do agree that Hercules is probably #4 in the game after Ghost
    U mean, Kitty, quake, ghost and hercules?
    Um then u just did forget doom and nick? I feel like they r still better than him. And as far as kitty is concerned, hercules is better than her and ye.
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  • edited April 2022
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  • RavenKeeperRavenKeeper Member Posts: 279 ★★★

    Ghost and quake are still the most broken champs in the game. Ghost with suicides and a full synergy team is unmatched to this day

    Tell one thing Kitty can't do that Ghost can?
  • RavenKeeperRavenKeeper Member Posts: 279 ★★★
    shield456 said:

    Hercules > Everything else

    Hercules has a timer on his immortality and it can be nullified. But I do agree that Hercules is probably #4 in the game after Ghost
    U mean, Kitty, quake, ghost and hercules?
    Um then u just did forget doom and nick? I feel like they r still better than him. And as far as kitty is concerned, hercules is better than her and ye.
    Doom and Nick are both gods but Kittty can simply do more in the game. For example, Kitty doesn't need Doom's main utility (power control) because she can just tank sp3s.
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  • RavenKeeperRavenKeeper Member Posts: 279 ★★★

    @BitterSteel pretty sure he is just trolling, trying to revive the thread every few days for more views. Don't bother

    I'm the one trolling, but dude legitimately just tried to say colossus and Elsa have less counters than AA.

    As long as the opponent can bleed and poison, AA shuts down their abilities as well as any node abilities. Bad faith argument.
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian

    @BitterSteel pretty sure he is just trolling, trying to revive the thread every few days for more views. Don't bother

    Yeah, at this point I agree with this as well
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