My pulls were objectively fantastic, but subjectively just solid since I already had a few of them. One new champ I wanted but that isn’t a blockbuster, additional sigs on two existing great champs that I’ve already ranked, and a first time awakening (iHulk).
That said, I’ve had amazing luck recently - Knull, Doom, Medusa, Omega Red, and iHulk in the past two weeks and Kitty Pride two weeks before that, so honestly my main objective for Spring Cleaning was rank up and awakening mats. In that regard, a huge success.
My Doom is now R3, and I lucked into a Mystic AG for gifting that I’ve been holding for him. With Kitty, I’ve been debating using my romance awakening gem on her or holding it for Herc, so went ahead and awakened her given the new generic this weekend. Also ranked my iHulk and Sersi to R2, and have gems to rank my two top targets (Herc and Omega Sentinel) straight to R3 once I pull them. So, all in all very happy with the results from the weekend.
However, I was split between using the gem on Spidey 2099 or Hercules. Finally used it on Hercules, and then pulled Spidey out of the very next 6*. That’s the first time that’s ever worked out for me like that.
Used the generic gem on my Namor and took him to R3. Also pulled 5* Kitty and Mr Negative but i'm out of mutant iso. Mr N is going to r5 today. Also got a 6* Ikaris and awakened my Silver Centurion. Pretty happy with those pulls. Although no sight of Stryfe
EDIT: Namor will go to sig 200 once i finish exploring act 7
I explored 7.4 during the weekend as well so I kind of had a big opening and don't remember which pull came from which rewards. But here they are:
* Miles Morales dupe, finally awakening him. R3 candidate. * Spider-Pig, really happy about that. R3 candidate. * Green Goblin, nothing special but he's fun to have in case of a buff. R1 candidate. * Invisible Woman, at least a new addition to the Fantastic Four synergy team. R2 candidate. * Captain America (Sam Wilson). I'm really excited for him. He doesn't seem to have the greatest damage but his utility is through the roof so I'll most likely rank him up and try him out. R3 candidate.
Also got OG Widow and 2 4* Warlock from BG Cav Nexus
Still have to grind the remaining Duobloons for 2 more Cav Nexus, but these pulls already so worth the grind can't complain if I pull 2 3* next.
I was lucky enough to pull Goldpool,Warlock and Hercules. It was the most luck in 24hrs that I’ve ever had in this game.
Sci t5cc to r3 ihulk
5* star nimrod, Peni, Kitty
Got my 6* CAIW and Herc to rank 3. Good weekend. I have 5 rank 3's now
That said, I’ve had amazing luck recently - Knull, Doom, Medusa, Omega Red, and iHulk in the past two weeks and Kitty Pride two weeks before that, so honestly my main objective for Spring Cleaning was rank up and awakening mats. In that regard, a huge success.
My Doom is now R3, and I lucked into a Mystic AG for gifting that I’ve been holding for him. With Kitty, I’ve been debating using my romance awakening gem on her or holding it for Herc, so went ahead and awakened her given the new generic this weekend. Also ranked my iHulk and Sersi to R2, and have gems to rank my two top targets (Herc and Omega Sentinel) straight to R3 once I pull them. So, all in all very happy with the results from the weekend.
6* crossbones
Both of them are pretty good so I'm happy.
However, I was split between using the gem on Spidey 2099 or Hercules. Finally used it on Hercules, and then pulled Spidey out of the very next 6*. That’s the first time that’s ever worked out for me like that.
Used the generic gem on my Namor and took him to R3. Also pulled 5* Kitty and Mr Negative but i'm out of mutant iso. Mr N is going to r5 today. Also got a 6* Ikaris and awakened my Silver Centurion. Pretty happy with those pulls. Although no sight of Stryfe
EDIT: Namor will go to sig 200 once i finish exploring act 7
* Miles Morales dupe, finally awakening him. R3 candidate.
* Spider-Pig, really happy about that. R3 candidate.
* Green Goblin, nothing special but he's fun to have in case of a buff. R1 candidate.
* Invisible Woman, at least a new addition to the Fantastic Four synergy team. R2 candidate.
* Captain America (Sam Wilson). I'm really excited for him. He doesn't seem to have the greatest damage but his utility is through the roof so I'll most likely rank him up and try him out. R3 candidate.
But all in all, I was happy.
Would’ve been more excited if I didn’t already have Kitty @ R3 sig 200….
I did decent