Battlegrounds should be better

The title says it all.
The matchmaking is horrible.
Doing a fight tale away so much time.
Too much fights to complete the objective (think that every fight costs you energy and not all the fights result in a victory)
And last but not least.....the prizes are very very very......bleah
The matchmaking is horrible.
Doing a fight tale away so much time.
Too much fights to complete the objective (think that every fight costs you energy and not all the fights result in a victory)
And last but not least.....the prizes are very very very......bleah
I don’t see how they could make this mode any faster.
I like the rewards. Fits my needs at least.
I have had a ton of fun. Don’t care when I lose. I achieved every objective without “grinding” or refreshing champs.
They can create a different energy cost
I managed alright with 5 depleted changes, but now with 10 depleted champs, I'm kinda losing matchups due to roster strength.
It sucks when you have free time but your champ be like
I can think of ways of fixing it, everyone has mentioned it. Most who say it sucks they usually say why, and they say this is how it could be better.
And you say it takes too many fights to complete the reward objectives because not every fight ends in victory. I don't even know how anyone could respond to that particular complaint.
And actually, I can think of at least two distinct ways in which the live version of the game mode will be completely different from the current beta. One is obvious, one I'm not allowed to comment on.
The obvious one is: the reward system for the live version of battlegrounds cannot *possibly* be identical to the current one, for the obvious reason there's no reward for high rating. The live mode will either have a completely different reward system, or it will have a completely new addition to the current objective-based one that actually rewards winning. The current beta is comparable to the rewards for winning and losing wars in Alliance War, with none of the bracket-based season rewards.
The one I can't comment on is an addition to the way the mode will work when it is live, that some people have conjectured about but hasn't been announced yet, that I suspect most people would feel the mode requires before going live.