Announcing: Act 5 Chapter 2

The Grandmaster’s game is only just beginning… As Summoners are caught between the increasingly tense struggle for control of the Battlerealm, the conflict comes to a head as the Collector’s power wanes. The ISO-Sphere’s power dwindles through the treachery of the Grandmaster, but a final effort from a Summoner must occur for the Contest to truly change… forever.
Put my Class down flip it and reverse it.
Like a cornered animal, the Collector lashes out in fear at his Brother’s increasing power. Enlisting the help of M.O.D.O.K., the Collector has activated a fantastic new contraption that reverses all class relationships across this section of the Battlerealm. But beware: M.O.D.O.K. is a master of deception, and while you may still see that you have an advantage, take heed of the Collector’s misdirection! Read on below for more specific details.
Collector Bound
Act 5 Chapter 2: Collector Bound will arrive at ~10:00 AM PDT on June 7th, 2017. Prepare yourselves, Summoners!
How long does this quest run for?
Like Chapter 1, this’ll be around until the end of the universe. Whenever that is.
How hard is this Chapter?
It is super hard. It is much harder than Chapter 1. Act 5 is permanent content, and we want it to be hard for a long, long time. This doesn’t mean we want to make it impossible, but we definitely want to make sure that Act 5 Chapter 2 can’t be breezed through.
So, on a scale of Act 1 to Labyrinth of Legends, where does this fall in terms of difficulty?
You should not be able to easily do this if you haven’t completed Road to Labyrinth, and even then, this will be a challenge.
Who are the bosses of Act 5 Chapter 2?
Some Secrets must be kept. Others are simply truths that have been in front of you the whole time…
Alright man, but seriously, who are the bosses?
Sat atop a throne of stone, be prepared to fight alone. No longer resting but instead provoked, a cosmic power shall be revoked....
You’re not telling us, are you?
No. You’ll have to wait.
How many Icemen?
There’s 2. One in Quest 2, and one in Quest 6. We have made significant changes to their original abilities in response to feedback from our Beta Testers (thanks guys and gals) to address potential frustration. Also, keep in mind the new “Role Reversal” Buff in this Chapter (info below) may open up new, previously unconsidered options for dealing with some trickier fights.
So you did another Beta Test?
Yes! We actually delayed the release of Act 5 significantly from its original intended launch to the current launch date because we wanted to have time to make changes based on the feedback of our testers. Additionally, we wanted to ensure that major bugs were remedied before its release. We can’t thank our testers enough for their time and devotion to helping us make Act 5 as good as it can be, and we also want to thank you for your patience.
The Grandmaster’s game is only just beginning… As Summoners are caught between the increasingly tense struggle for control of the Battlerealm, the conflict comes to a head as the Collector’s power wanes. The ISO-Sphere’s power dwindles through the treachery of the Grandmaster, but a final effort from a Summoner must occur for the Contest to truly change… forever.
Put my Class down flip it and reverse it.
Like a cornered animal, the Collector lashes out in fear at his Brother’s increasing power. Enlisting the help of M.O.D.O.K., the Collector has activated a fantastic new contraption that reverses all class relationships across this section of the Battlerealm. But beware: M.O.D.O.K. is a master of deception, and while you may still see that you have an advantage, take heed of the Collector’s misdirection! Read on below for more specific details.
Collector Bound
Act 5 Chapter 2: Collector Bound will arrive at ~10:00 AM PDT on June 7th, 2017. Prepare yourselves, Summoners!
How long does this quest run for?
Like Chapter 1, this’ll be around until the end of the universe. Whenever that is.
How hard is this Chapter?
It is super hard. It is much harder than Chapter 1. Act 5 is permanent content, and we want it to be hard for a long, long time. This doesn’t mean we want to make it impossible, but we definitely want to make sure that Act 5 Chapter 2 can’t be breezed through.
So, on a scale of Act 1 to Labyrinth of Legends, where does this fall in terms of difficulty?
You should not be able to easily do this if you haven’t completed Road to Labyrinth, and even then, this will be a challenge.
Who are the bosses of Act 5 Chapter 2?
Some Secrets must be kept. Others are simply truths that have been in front of you the whole time…
Alright man, but seriously, who are the bosses?
Sat atop a throne of stone, be prepared to fight alone. No longer resting but instead provoked, a cosmic power shall be revoked....
You’re not telling us, are you?
No. You’ll have to wait.
How many Icemen?
There’s 2. One in Quest 2, and one in Quest 6. We have made significant changes to their original abilities in response to feedback from our Beta Testers (thanks guys and gals) to address potential frustration. Also, keep in mind the new “Role Reversal” Buff in this Chapter (info below) may open up new, previously unconsidered options for dealing with some trickier fights.
So you did another Beta Test?
Yes! We actually delayed the release of Act 5 significantly from its original intended launch to the current launch date because we wanted to have time to make changes based on the feedback of our testers. Additionally, we wanted to ensure that major bugs were remedied before its release. We can’t thank our testers enough for their time and devotion to helping us make Act 5 as good as it can be, and we also want to thank you for your patience.
Like Chapter 1, we developed some new buffs for Chapter 2. Something you guys seemed to appreciate the first time around was our deeper dive into each buff, so here we go:
Role Reversal
Power Shield
We made this Buff specifically to shift the strategy of fights drastically. Champions with high Special Attack damage or damage-dealing secondary effects will shine here. Our tests with this Buff, which is conceptually pretty simple, yielded some really interesting results. We found that the battle felt a lot more tense throughout, but had a huge amount of payoff when landing Special Attacks.
UPDATE (06/09/2017 @ 4:13PM PDT)
Vitality Rush
This one is used in a more limited section than the others, but its function is primarily to give more incentive to Maintaining a high level of play, taking as little damage as possible, to help your Champions take down weakened bosses.
This Buff isn’t dissimilar to Burden of Might from Chapter 1 in that it’s meant to add more weight to who you bring into the Quest. Instead of adding some detriment to your Champion, however, this gives a benefit to the other Champion. The idea here is to bring in Champions who have minimal or no Buffs, and outpace any healing the enemy might do. Keep in mind, things like Heal Block and other Regeneration-related abilities do affect Buffet...
EDIT: There is a second version of this used in 5.2.4 which Regenerates 10% instead of 5%, however, it's only used on 2 fights (Magik and Doctor Strange) unlike the 5% version (which is a global node).
This is essentially the opposite of Buffet - and its design is pretty much the same from a meta objective standpoint: Bring characters who Buff themselves, and not characters who apply lots of Debuffs. This one is a bit trickier since you won’t be able to apply Heal Blocks all the time, but you can apply Debuffs while Masochism is in the 7 second cooldown, and they won’t be eaten when it comes back (it’s only the next one that activates while it’s active that gets eaten).
Also, it’s important to note that we don’t use Buffet and Masochism at the same time.
EDIT: This information was incorrect. Buffet and Masochism are used together on 2 fights in Chapter 2. Specifically in Quest 5.2.4: Magik and Doctor Strange. This is the only instance of this occurring
If you saw this and thought: “Sounds a lot like hot potato” then you’d be pretty spot on. While we are continuing to try and avoid straight up degenerations, we designed Bane to be completely avoidable with the right timing. It’s means to create “pockets” of tension throughout the fight, encouraging you to shift your play style between aggressive and defensive frequently to maximize its effectiveness on your opponent. Many of our Beta Testers noted that Bane was actually a huge help to them, since it deals damage to your opponent more often than it deals damage to you, especially if you have the right rhythm down.
What am I getting from doing Act 5 Chapter 2?
Read on below to find out!
I did that… What the heck is “Grandmaster’s Favor?”
There’s some things we can’t reveal without spoiling the entire thing, but rest assured, being in the Grandmaster’s favor is an… advantageous proposition...
How will Legends work for Act 5?
Legends won’t be calculated for Act 5 Until Chapter 4 is released, so you don’t need to worry about being the first to completely master Chapter 2. Once Chapter 4 is on its way, we will make sure to give you plenty of heads up so you can be prepared.
This list includes the rewards per quest in addition to the Chapter Rewards:
Chapter 2 Completion
Chapter 2 Exploration
Imagine if you have all the good cosmic 4*s at rank 5 already. And you get a cosmic rank up gem. Wow
complete and utter garbage as rewards. you need to start doing something for your High end players.
the slowness of progression is utterly ridiculous now.
We are the ones that break our backs playing map 6, week in week out. for the pittance of T2A Shards that we get from the crystals.
Was a shame that leaked write up of chapter 2 and plans was actually exciting. This is just boring to be frank.
I will wait to see how are the nodes like. They sound fun like chapter 1 was, but I still have some questions about them.
If someone wants a hint for the "Power Shield" node, just use Spider-Gwen L1 all the time. Pure skill and pure dama.... oh wait, maybe not.
This is an ongoing thing, they've made a big push to move the game to 5*s but haven't really updated the rewards in a way that reflects this. The people who will be hitting this event don't really need what's on offer (hint: I'd prefer t4bs to t4c shard crystals. By a lot. So would everyone else in my alliance).
4*s just aren't as useful as they used to be, whoever is designing these rewards should adjust to this reality.
Source say: Kabam is losing money.
Hope that secret rewards is spectacular