Putting the Free AW Revives to Work

...or at least our opponents' revives.

My alliance has had an absolutely abysmal AW season so far. We've had a bunch of close losses in a row so we fell hard in the matchmaking. Eventually, we pulled ourselves together just as we happened upon an unsuspecting alliance who was just not ready for us. I feel a little bad for them.
But hey, at least their revives were free.

My alliance has had an absolutely abysmal AW season so far. We've had a bunch of close losses in a row so we fell hard in the matchmaking. Eventually, we pulled ourselves together just as we happened upon an unsuspecting alliance who was just not ready for us. I feel a little bad for them.
But hey, at least their revives were free.
Gotta give them some props, though. They were severely outgunned but ultimately managed to get down two out of three bosses and explore a decent percentage of the map. I did not expect that when I first saw that they had so much trouble fighting our champions.