And the comp is out. What are your thoughts on overall package?



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  • Carnage313Carnage313 Member Posts: 359 ★★★
    MegasBack said:

    Let’s be honest with our selves and the game team for a second and admit that after a year of issues, many of which still occur, this was subpar. Major issues are still going on and kabam seems out of touch with its player base and oblivious to the issues still occurring and what we received do nothing to make up for the amount of health potions and revives that we’ve burned trying to counter this rough patch of the game. I hope the game lasts I really do but it’s hard to imagine how that will be the case. I and the many other players that are disenchanted with the game currently aren’t asking for everything to be given to us of for kabam to go broke giving the game away. What we are saying is that after everything we’ve been through with the game issues would it have been too much for a pick ten nexus or even better a nexus that allowed you to pick 1 champ from the entire basic pool. Hell after sticking it out through their issues it’s really close to the least they should have done but instead we got the least they could have done.

    It’s just shows the true reflection of how they “appreciate “ their customers/players. But hey there’s new deals in the store today. Make sure you go buy them up.

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  • AxewAxew Member Posts: 619 ★★★★
    Since the control issues persist to this day and haven’t improved much, I’m assuming we will be getting another one of these compensation packages in the far future. Please take the community response into account when creating that package.
  • Vance2_jrVance2_jr Member Posts: 789 ★★★★
    Overall, I’m ok with it. I would have liked some revives \ refills, but it wasn’t terrible. Also didn’t hurt that I got a 6* AA from my nexus. I prolly would not be so cool with the overall package if I pulled a junky 6* tho. My guess is a lot of people who have bad pulls will be less than impressed. A lot of people with really good pulls will be very impressed. RNG, baby. RNG.
  • Brutus2099Brutus2099 Member Posts: 52
    The package was 90% there. There should have been potions, revives, 3 T5B, 6 T2A and a T5 class cat selector.

    Then I’d consider it fair for the rubbish state of game to this point in time.

    Since the game is still rubbish I’d think we will be due another one of these by December.
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    If I claim the compensation I have to select the t5cc as soon as I open it right? Like it won't go into my inventory? I don't have anyone I'd really care to take to r3 right now, so kind of hoping for a banger from the 6* crystal. But I can guarantee I will chose the wrong cat and pull a good 6*
  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,194 ★★★★★

    If I claim the compensation I have to select the t5cc as soon as I open it right? Like it won't go into my inventory? I don't have anyone I'd really care to take to r3 right now, so kind of hoping for a banger from the 6* crystal. But I can guarantee I will chose the wrong cat and pull a good 6*

    Yes. You can save it in your inventory and just watch out for the expiry.
  • AxewAxew Member Posts: 619 ★★★★

    If I claim the compensation I have to select the t5cc as soon as I open it right? Like it won't go into my inventory? I don't have anyone I'd really care to take to r3 right now, so kind of hoping for a banger from the 6* crystal. But I can guarantee I will chose the wrong cat and pull a good 6*

    Yes, as soon as you claim it a menu will come up prompting you to choose your class catalyst, you cannot save it. So make sure you know what class you want before claiming the items.
  • PGK88PGK88 Member Posts: 84
    edited June 2022
    From all the comments, it seems like most people will be happy if Kabam delivers some potions and revives (just like they used to do on 1st of every month till the input issues were said to be solved) on the first of July 😊
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  • PGK88PGK88 Member Posts: 84
    The_Chump said:

    Tell me more about the economy of the game

    Take story quest from chapter 1-5- add couple of Hercules in the team- clear paths..
  • ShiroMikazukiShiroMikazuki Member Posts: 568 ★★★
    i cant complain with my pulls :)

    could not be happier (and yes i used my rank up gem on hyperion)
  • PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    It was ok but a few things were missing
  • TrubluMateTrubluMate Member Posts: 385 ★★★
    I think we all had an idea in our head of what the bare minimum compensation would be, to what would likely be the compensation up to what we hoped for. I think some aspects (crystals) were at the lowest acceptable end, the rank up materials were middle to slightly above (mainly for TB r4 materials), and the revives and other consumables were non existent.
    Personally myself I was happy to trade consumables for rank up materials.
  • Skywalker3221Skywalker3221 Member Posts: 156 ★★
    Did they end up making a way for overflow glory to go to… overflow? Just had AQ week end and then the comp gives most of us way too much glory for the slotted stash
  • Berlad8Berlad8 Member Posts: 114
    mixed feelings.
    is the compensation great? absolutely.
    but did it really compensate all the bugs that we have almost a year and still didn't really fixed? absolutely not.
  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,097 ★★★★★
    The rank 4 material was nice. It got me my second R4, but i’d have gotten that when EOP rewards came in so saved me a week.
    Honestly there should have been a Carina Store Kabam provide 3 different compensation packages so we can choose suits our accounts the most. The nexus gave me nothing but 3 trash options so meh. As much as I’d like units, with July 4th being so close they are never giving units, they want us to buy them.

    The compensation wasn’t bad. It wasn’t good, it just was what it was. But after a year of gameplay hell this should have been balls to the walls great. Kabam should have pulled out all the stops. Like most players (there’s a lot that feel the compensation is great or wasn’t needed at all) this didn’t make me feel appreciated for sticking with the game through a year of broken (and still it still is broken) mechanics. But it’s not like it’s gonna make me quit over it either. By this point I’ve accepted that Kabam is what it is, do just above the bare minimum when it comes to player satisfaction.
    So I don’t think this will compensation will cause a mass exodus, but it will make them care less about the game.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,205 ★★★★★

    Oh, I can become Paragon today with this. Nice

    That sounds like it's really significant - I think I recall you saying you were going to be slightly short before July 4th, or next bit of EoP, or something?

    Happy for you getting the boost you needed.

    The real question, though... Ebony Maw to Mystic r4?
  • Sirius0130Sirius0130 Member Posts: 135
    I think people should stop belly aching and just be thankful that kabam still puts effort out to this game and it’s players i for one was pleasantly surprised
  • JestuhJestuh Member Posts: 274 ★★★

    I think people should stop belly aching and just be thankful that kabam still puts effort out to this game and it’s players i for one was pleasantly surprised

    They do get paid for that you know. And the company makes ridiculous profits.

    I don’t you should thank people for doing their job poorly.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,174 ★★★★★

    I think people should stop belly aching and just be thankful that kabam still puts effort out to this game and it’s players i for one was pleasantly surprised

    If our complaints are read and understood then there’s a chance they do better next time.

    30% t6 and t3 is generous but doesn’t matter much to me in 2022. I will have about 10,000 units and spend 30-50 bucks at July 4. I would have been much happier with “less valuable” options like two more nexuses or a class AG.
  • TrenzaloreTrenzalore Member Posts: 182 ★★★
    Compensation wasn’t nearly enough. It’s a good reminder of how little they value their players and should be considered anytime they offer a “deal”.
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