Quick feedback on Cav EQ

I am a player who has taken a break from the game for many reasons already talked about at length in the forums. I haven't played Cav EQ in probably 3 or 4 months. It took too much time investment for it to be worth it at the time. This month I took some time off work and thought I'd putz around mcoc a bit more this week. Cav EQ was clear sailing for the most part until the Merc and guardians of the galaxy quest. Admittedly the TAGtical system is tedious when finding champs to use but it does change team comps a bit which was fun. Getting to the fun is the real issue with the system at the moment. Back on topic, the nodes for 3.1 in EQ are a miserable experience to me. Not one ounce of joy was had playing these paths that also happen to include bleed immunes? What is with that? As someone who has played a long time, lost interest, and then returns to what is honestly the worst Cav EQ I've played in recent and extended memory; that is a heck of way to drive me and maybe others back to not playing regularly. Messing with a core concept of the game with the Obstinate Charge is cool for a fight or a few. 36 fights? No thanks. I've already explored the first four chapters so I'll muscle with the extra time I have, but it definitely leaves a bad taste.
Anyway that's my disgruntled paragraph. It's just an opinion and I'm entitled to it just as you are to disagree with it.
Anyway that's my disgruntled paragraph. It's just an opinion and I'm entitled to it just as you are to disagree with it.
Here's the original message:
The dev team is well aware of the node/champion asynergy. It appears it was a mistake and some defenders were added to the usual list of defenders selected for that Cavalier buff. We are striving to have this be an exception, not the norm. Our apologies!
I also saw some chatter about the Cav EQ rewards. It turns out there are ongoing conversations evaluating potential changes for these rewards! Nothing concrete yet, but more information to come soon!
I initially hated the quest and used revives to just get the completion done. Was going to make a similar post to yours. I then spent some time trying out different options and practicing the difficult fights then once I got the hang of it, I got through it a lot easier. I didnt even mind the bleed immune on the bleed benefit node. I for one was glad I was challenged and felt accomplishment when I got the 100%. The rewards could have been better though.
Even the side quest, good difficulty, zero cost and decent rewards for the effort.
All in all I think the month was a win for the team.
I may have information to share on that soon...
Horrible node combo.