But you have pretty good 6* champions.. weakest in the group might be Howard Duck and he isn't a slouch.. just stay with it and don't lose hope if luck sours and there is a down turn of quality champions.
I did some cavalier side quest for missing 6* shards and open a 10k 6* basic champion crystal More sigs in Sorcerer Supreme is good but I hope I awaken some of my other better champions.
Mine 🙏🏻 Now, Spidey 2099 or overseer? Silver surfer or aarkus?
Aarkus is good, Nebula is great, Cable is good (with Apocalypse synergy, Cable can stack degen, while Apocalypse get two genetic code).. Overseer is good too.. it depends on your other champions.. 5* champion at rank5 (higher sig level the better).
although, Silver Surfer is great.. I wish his attack damage was higher than what it is (compared to CGR, it’s lacking).. do you like playing Silver Surfer? If you say ‘No’.. why rank him. Pick a great champion you like playing.
Here is my list of 6* champions. It's been a long time since I got the first one, Red Hulk, but still most of them don't have much use. Out of 29 champions, I only have five at rank 2 (and only two of them are duplicates).
Of the total, I have achieved 9 this year, so I hope that within a year the list will have increased and improved significantly. Unstopable Colossus, Red Cyclops, Red Guardian, Emma Frost, Captain America, Purgatory, Howard The Duck, Invisible Woman and Ebony Maw.
Got the Tony Stark offer.. and have 1k unit.. open the 6* basic to get trollover 102nd Rocket.. (trollover from Knull and next champion was Moleman)..
Although it is a new champion.. a **** 6* is only good for arena which I don't really do much.. out of annoyance, I rank up a champion out of frustration..
I just needed 2k 6* shards and did not want to wait until tomorrow... so got the Peter Parker wallet. Open 10k 6* basic champion crystal 103rd Nightcrawler (new)
I pulled Ironman IW, Domino, Doc Ock, and Spider-Man Miles Morales. My initial thoughts were Miles Morales isn’t good, but playing him with certain champion synergy teams makes him better. Any thoughts on my champions?
I pulled Ironman IW, Domino, Doc Ock, and Spider-Man Miles Morales. My initial thoughts were Miles Morales isn’t good, but playing him with certain champion synergy teams makes him better. Any thoughts on my champions?
Miles is good if duped
maybe look when the original post was written lol
not wrong though, miles is pretty good especially when he’s duped
Got the Star-ore from the simple fight quest and pick 6* shards.. open 10k 6* basic champion crystal 104th Void (new)
'Fortune Favors the Lucky' - Longshot
Great pull but needs awaken and sig200.. not tech
Nice pull! He can still be useful imo w/o his dupe, e.g., in BGs (as both attack and defense) and as an AWD.
It's been awhile since I've posted so here goes: 108. AA! (really hoping for that dupe now!) 109. Mangog (duped) 110. Ironman 111. Hercules (this pull until Rulk are from AW/compensation) 112. Sersi! 113. Vulture 114. S99 (from nexus; other options were mojo and DH) 115. Rulk (from nexus; other options were elsa and anni; kind of wanted elsa, but ally told me to go with rulk) 116. Ronan (duped; this pull until Ultron are from EOP and July 4) 117. CapIW (class nexus; other options were LC and Rhino) 118. MrN! (2021 selector; I picked him over duping Herc or S99 b/c he's one of my favorites) 119. Ultron! (nexus; other options were psycho and roblin)
Out of the entire batch, MrN and Sersi are the most valuable for my account atm. I don't really like Herc or s99, but I recognize that they are both OP. Ultron is awesome but I have s200 r5 and so many other techs at the moment.
By completing Event Quest Subservice for 6* shards and Valkryie Store.. open a 10k 6* basic champion crystal Magneto OG (more sigs).. awesome mutant, but next champion over was War Machine
Are we comparing sizes here? Which is longer or which is wider? Lol.
If you follow this thread and have some comprehension on "Current 6* from first to latest" as title stated, I wrote this from time when I had 3 to 5 6* champion and I have updated if and when I pull 6*.. my 6* roster has gradually grown thru the years but has not become as massive as others.. have fair share of not so great pulls.. but in time has become respectable size.. Along the way, some other summoners have posted updates to their 6* roster and they have even better luck and larger roster than mine..
Most noteworthy is Worknprogress 6* roster, Thanks4playing roster is also shaping up nicely.
If my 6* roster progress shows others who pull mediocre or meh 6* that in time they too will pull better champions.. then it is worth it.
I only have few 6*s but they have their uses
94. Gambit
95. Nimrod!
96. Cable!
97. Guilly
98. Maw
99. Night Thrasher
100. Iron Man
101. Storm X
102. Rhino
103. Morningstar
104. Peni!
105. Antman
106. MODOK
107. Hawkeye
I'm at a ~27% worthy champ rate (i.e., worth ranking up to r3), so I guess that's not bad.
More sigs in Sorcerer Supreme is good but I hope I awaken some of my other better champions.
'Fortune Favors the Lucky' - Longshot
100th 6* Sasquatch (new)
Carina Care Package is pretty ok
Magneto OG (awaken)
'Fortune Favors the Lucky' - Longshot
5* Guillotine (more sigs and 6* shards)
6* Groot (more sigs)
Thanks to the Spectacular Summoner Calendar 6* shards and 5* Guillotine got me to 10k 6* basic champion crystal
101st 6* Jabari Panther (new)
'Fortune Favors the Lucky' - Longshot
I hope I edit correctly.. last time I omitted an entire row of champions.. if done correctly, all in all 101.
Mine 🙏🏻
Now, Spidey 2099 or overseer?
Silver surfer or aarkus?
although, Silver Surfer is great.. I wish his attack damage was higher than what it is (compared to CGR, it’s lacking).. do you like playing Silver Surfer? If you say ‘No’.. why rank him. Pick a great champion you like playing.
Here is my list of 6* champions. It's been a long time since I got the first one, Red Hulk, but still most of them don't have much use. Out of 29 champions, I only have five at rank 2 (and only two of them are duplicates).
Of the total, I have achieved 9 this year, so I hope that within a year the list will have increased and improved significantly. Unstopable Colossus, Red Cyclops, Red Guardian, Emma Frost, Captain America, Purgatory, Howard The Duck, Invisible Woman and Ebony Maw.
I have quite a few 'dupe' or 'platinum' star that are rank1.. not sure I would rank2 or rank3 them.
102nd Rocket.. (trollover from Knull and next champion was Moleman)..
Although it is a new champion.. a **** 6* is only good for arena which I don't really do much.. out of annoyance, I rank up a champion out of frustration..
103rd Nightcrawler (new)
sigh.. going to rank up a tech.
not wrong though, miles is pretty good especially when he’s duped
I'm at 103 6* and tech is probably my weakest class.
104th Void (new)
'Fortune Favors the Lucky' - Longshot
Great pull but needs awaken and sig200.. not tech
It's been awhile since I've posted so here goes:
108. AA! (really hoping for that dupe now!)
109. Mangog (duped)
110. Ironman
111. Hercules (this pull until Rulk are from AW/compensation)
112. Sersi!
113. Vulture
114. S99 (from nexus; other options were mojo and DH)
115. Rulk (from nexus; other options were elsa and anni; kind of wanted elsa, but ally told me to go with rulk)
116. Ronan (duped; this pull until Ultron are from EOP and July 4)
117. CapIW (class nexus; other options were LC and Rhino)
118. MrN! (2021 selector; I picked him over duping Herc or S99 b/c he's one of my favorites)
119. Ultron! (nexus; other options were psycho and roblin)
Out of the entire batch, MrN and Sersi are the most valuable for my account atm. I don't really like Herc or s99, but I recognize that they are both OP. Ultron is awesome but I have s200 r5 and so many other techs at the moment.
Dormammu (more sigs)
'Fortune Favors the Lucky' - Longshot
I wish Dormammu had more damage and crit damage.
Magneto OG (more sigs).. awesome mutant, but next champion over was War Machine
'Fortune Favors the Lucky' - Longshot
Legendary MTN Selector [Mythic or 3k 6* shards]
pick Mythic Crystal which has 20% chance 6* champion and 80% 5* champion.
Killmonger (awaken)
'Fortune Favors the Lucky' - Longshot
Most noteworthy is Worknprogress 6* roster, Thanks4playing roster is also shaping up nicely.
If my 6* roster progress shows others who pull mediocre or meh 6* that in time they too will pull better champions.. then it is worth it.
Well... what do you think about it?