AW season needs to get canceled

No point in trying your hardest to rank up and progress in the game, waste resources and what not if you can’t even move up in war. We’ve won every war since new season but keep barely moving backwards. Still the same tier and rank, even after winning the 3 or 4 wars we’ve had already. Going another 2 weeks with no movement after multiple wins is disheartening and pointless, at this rate it’s almost better to not even start matchmaking cause every time we’ve won we just get knocked down some ranks.
On top of this Battlegrounds seem to be bugged as well. Dash back wasn’t working properly. Champs were staying like they were stunned. We need a fix or cancel or compensation
Plus, you don't give any relevant information about your alliance: tier, rating, how many battlegroups you run, that sort of thing. You could easily win every war, and still drop in bracket because war seasons are scored on points, not wins. Without knowing the specifics, it is impossible for anyone to determine what your issue is, if any.
For at least some people (I'm one of them) resource management related performance lag can manifest as exactly that behavior. Before doing any important fights, like in war or battlegrounds, I would recommend restarting the game client first. This means actively force-closing the game and then restarting it. If you put your phone down for several hours and then come back to it and start the game, the game might look like it is restarting because it is logging you back into the game. This is *NOT* a game client restart. This is the game client restarting your session. Any resource exhaustion issues can still be present until a force--close. Only a force-close and restart is guaranteed to clear these kinds of issues. If you didn't force close the app, don't assume the phone did. It didn't.
The war ratings aren’t increasing as fast as previous seasons, that’s true, but I don’t think it means the season should be cancelled. Some small compensation should be fine.
As others have mentioned, tier 11 is a little low for Gold 2: it is probably as low as you can get and still be in Gold 2. So it is likely the case that while you're winning at the start of the season, you're still having trouble keeping ground with alliances in tier 10 or 9 or even 8 that have higher multipliers than you. To move up from Gold 2 to Gold 1, you probably would need to get above tier 8. Probably tier 6-7 is around where Gold 2 starts, plus or minus.
This is something of an issue between Silver 1 and Gold 1. The relative tier gaps in those brackets is substantial, and requires a lot of effort to climb from one to the other. That's due to the fact that those brackets are larger, and so you have to climb over a lot more alliances to reach the next higher season bracket. That's just the way it worked out.
To put it another way, you don't move up when you win. You move up when you overtake another alliance. And if you can overtake them, someone else behind you can also overtake you. And you aren't impossible to overtake just because you win.
We were P3 rank 122, won a war and went down 8 ranks to 130. It's quiet common.
That's what happened when your tier multiplier is lower than the ones who won their war and went above.
Same here. No diversity-points (we have full diversity in all BGs).
Why is the group getting fewer than 20 war rating points per win?
The same thing happened to us for war number two and beyond this season.
Your description about the tiers is spot on, but this change has created stagnation. Let’s assume war pairings at lower tiers are fairly even - a coin flip. Under those conditions, 1 in 8 alliances will string together 3 straight wins and 1 in 8 will string together 3 straight losses. That used to be a 300 point swing in war rating - one group up 150 and one down 150. Now that number is more like 60 each way and 120 total. The end result is that alliances are more entrenched at their tiers no matter how successful or disastrous their season. And this seems to have happened without any real discussion.
These are the screenshots of first 4 season wars and our tier. I made this post already still this fits appropriately in here so just putting it.
Never in my mcoc experience as leader of 2 different alliances have I ever seen a no change of tier when you win 4 consecutive season wars. Stuck on same tier 6 till eternity this season. We have been to tier 5 a season back with only 2 back to back win.
My 2nd alliance is stuck on tier 7 and this on tier 6.none has changed tier.
I don't know why many aren't speaking about. Seasons has been cancelled with many smaller issues than this previously.
This issues is affecting the alliances that are middle tier and trying to imrove with their efforts.
One bug in tier 1 alliance and whole season gets cancelled within 24 hrs. Is cancelling season that tough because tier1 people are not affected by it? They have no higher tier to go?
And you only care about tier 1 alliances?
If so just make a banner of notifications and say soo" we only cancel seasons when tier 1 people are affected"
When you’re confronted with a wave of anecdotal incidents like this, the answer isn’t “this happens sometimes.” You should look to see if there’s something you can attribute the phenomenon to. In this case, it’s obvious AF - war rating isn’t changing nearly as much after war. As a result, there’s far less upward and downward mobility.
Was this announced anywhere? I truly could’ve missed it but it doesn’t appear that the first war worked this way, just war 2 and after.
And I am not sure how it would be bugged for your alliance and not everyone's.
But Winning 4 wars back to back will promote you from tier 6 to tier 5 in a non buggy game