Lmjones998Lmjones998 Member Posts: 13
So marvel just dropped an absolute bomb 😭 8 new series and 5 new films, 2 avengers movies released in 6 months and Namor in the trailer for wankanda forever 😭


  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★

    Disney is doing what they do best, take over a popular series, then oversaturate it with endless quantity over quality before burning everyone out and destroying the mcu.

    what is that supposed to mean? "burning everyone out" will never happen, and yesterday was clear evidence of that
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★

    Yesterday was clear evidence of them not burning people out you say, well I respond to that saying what does that mean I don't even know what happened yesterday, oh wait it's because I've been burnt out since start of phase 4.

    But you might still be a die hard for now but they doing to mcu what they did to Disney and but by bit the fans disappear. I guarantee you I'm not the only one burnt out by how Disney is handling the mcu and gave up on caring or watching it.
    if you haven't watched since the beginning of phase 4, then how are you able to criticize what they're doing with the recent projects?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,093 ★★★★★

    i guess I’m the only person who liked Eternals 🤷‍♂️

    Wakanda Forever looks visually stunning and I’m excited to see what they do. The future looks bright and I’m enthusiastically awaiting to see it. Secret Wars is gonna be great.

    I liked it.
  • ChatterofforumsChatterofforums Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    edited July 2022

    if you haven't watched since the beginning of phase 4, then how are you able to criticize what they're doing with the recent projects?
    I never said I haven't watched, I said burnt out, and what do you think burnt me out too much low quality content being forced out at way too quick of a pace. I watched several phase 4 items out of feeling I needed to since I had watched everything since the first iron man, but I haven't enjoyed a single phase 4 show or movie that I've seen (a couple were tolerable and fairly decent but nothing enjoyable).

    Also, why do you care so much if I don't have positive vibes to the current MCU world?
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,099 ★★★★

    Some one actually liked Eternals 💀

    I think Eternals would have worked better as a TV series, but hey there was money to be made. Yet to see the point of that movie, though I did enjoy it.

    I was a huge Star Wars fan growing up, but now I can’t be bothered with their new releases. Yet to watch Obi Wan Kenobi, never watched Mandalorian. I’m already feeling the burn out with Marvel as well.

    I’ll probably wait till Thor: Love & Thunder releases on Disney+ to watch it. Might as well make use of the subscription while I have it.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,312 ★★★★★
    Addyos said:

    I think Eternals would have worked better as a TV series, but hey there was money to be made. Yet to see the point of that movie, though I did enjoy it.

    I was a huge Star Wars fan growing up, but now I can’t be bothered with their new releases. Yet to watch Obi Wan Kenobi, never watched Mandalorian. I’m already feeling the burn out with Marvel as well.

    I’ll probably wait till Thor: Love & Thunder releases on Disney+ to watch it. Might as well make use of the subscription while I have it.
    Your actually missing out then. The mandalorian is great series. Book of Boba fett, not so much. Obi wan was also good.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,967 ★★★★★
    Addyos said:

    I think Eternals would have worked better as a TV series, but hey there was money to be made. Yet to see the point of that movie, though I did enjoy it.

    I was a huge Star Wars fan growing up, but now I can’t be bothered with their new releases. Yet to watch Obi Wan Kenobi, never watched Mandalorian. I’m already feeling the burn out with Marvel as well.

    I’ll probably wait till Thor: Love & Thunder releases on Disney+ to watch it. Might as well make use of the subscription while I have it.
    The new movies weren’t that great (asides from rogue one) and most of the other stuff has been lacking but the Mandalorian is some of the best Star Wars in a while. The story and characters are good and the locales and fight scenes are excellent. Highly recommend.
  • TheLegend27TheLegend27 Member Posts: 1,319 ★★★★★
    Huh, so they really just went ahead and solidified Hulk's role as comic relief? Hard pass. I might come back to the MCU when they stop screwing up characters and ruining a bunch of the OGs simply for a new wave of money makers.

    Also, Namor looked awful lol.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Can we please mark posts spoilers even if it’s just from trailers, not all of us watch trailers/keep up to date on all the information revealed about films to make sure things stay surprising. Thanks!
  • Hera1d_of_Ga1actusHera1d_of_Ga1actus Member Posts: 2,441 ★★★★★
    Dadmammu said:

    I love how everyone in the universe and their mother is so unhappy with the state of the MCU.

    We just lost, Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Thanos, and years of story arc to a wonderful finale that was Infinity War, and Endgame which were perfect endings.

    Yes I will agree the content it a lot, and it’s a lot to take in especially after years of what we got to know as the original MCU, plus the emotional toll the finale brought us. take a break, come back when you’re ready because so far every single one of these movies/series/shorts has a purpose. That is them dealing with either grief of what just happened to them (5years of dust + loss + Thanos) or building of characters, origin stories, and information to understand the new hero's and villains in the world as it is restored. Bright and very fun, interesting times are ahead and this part of the MCU is probably the least exciting, I know. In order to understand the magnitude of what’s ahead you’ll be thankful you put the time in now because if you thought the multiverse and time travels was hard to keep up with at times, buckle up.

    You’re digging way too deep man. They’re just boring and uninspired movies at this point in time, even if they “have a glorious purpose” in the overarching story
  • TesladonTesladon Member Posts: 351 ★★
    I’m holding off to see what the next crack at X-Men is like. Sony was hit or miss there. More hit than miss for me. Loki was cool. I liked the Sam and Bucky show. Wision was weird but it worked, Agatha and Bettany were great. Hawkeye was all over the place for me. Haven’t seen Moon Knight or Kamala Khan yet.

    More Daredevil and Jessica Jones though, I’d get down with that. With or without Power Man and Iron Fist. Punisher and Blade as a buddy cop franchise…sign me up.
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,099 ★★★★
    @Buttehrs @SpideyFunko I know Mandalorian is a great show. The Last Jedi basically soured my enthusiasm for anything Star Wars-related for a while, a void which Marvel did fill. I recently started watching older stuff like Clone Wars to re-famaliarise myself with canon material, so I’ll eventually get to the newer series.
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★

    Disney is doing what they do best, take over a popular franchise, then oversaturate it with endless quantity over quality before burning everyone out and destroying the franchise.

    You are buggin. Just stop it 😂😂😂
  • PowerOfACandlePowerOfACandle Member Posts: 351 ★★★
    MCU has become garbage now. I miss Stan Lee.
  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★

    i guess I’m the only person who liked Eternals 🤷‍♂️

    Wakanda Forever looks visually stunning and I’m excited to see what they do. The future looks bright and I’m enthusiastically awaiting to see it. Secret Wars is gonna be great.

    My response to all the haters is the same, “Idgaf, I know I’m gonna enjoy it”

    And yeah I also liked eternals. Would’ve liked more makkari screen time.
  • Mr.0-8-4Mr.0-8-4 Member Posts: 508 ★★★

    Disney is doing what they do best, take over a popular franchise, then oversaturate it with endless quantity over quality before burning everyone out and destroying the franchise.

    I agree with this. Disney does some cool stuff with their shows but it often has conflicting tones and they cater to the younger generation, while leaving the rest of the fanbase disappointed.

    If I had to spitball a quick solution, I would suggest that Disney creates a "Marvel -NOW " type of production line, in which they make movies/shows that cater to a younger generation but are self contained movies that don't interfere with the MCU continuity. I'm aware that the younger audience would want there to be tie ins but we could treat it like Marvel's Ultimate universe (which was part of universe but a different reality).
  • SuelGamesSuelGames Member Posts: 947 ★★★
    edited July 2022
    I absolutely hated the decision to kill Tchala along with Chadwick, should have been recasted, but considering they went that way, i think the plot they chose was the least worse (not sure if that expression exists) they could have gone without Tchala. Assuming from what they showed on the trailer and the leaked script, im at least curious and intrigued about the movie. Trailer was pretty good imo and at least i know they will honor Chadwick in the best way possible.

    About the other movies, i absolutely loved Spiderman, Shang Chi and Doctor Strange, i rly dont get the hate for the last one. Thought Eternals was solid as well, ive my critics about some projects of course, but the only absolute trash projects from this phase so far imo were Black Widow and Ms Marvel.

    And even tough im nostalgic about the OGs, i know the show must go on and im excited to see what they got for us in the future
  • krystolixkrystolix Member Posts: 119 ★★
    They dropped a bomb of more mediocre entertainment. At least Disney+ is cheap lol.
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,536 ★★★★
    I will say that Thor: Love and Thunder was a let down in comparison to Thor: Ragnarok. There was too much humor in it. For a character like Gorr this movie was way too silly. Thor: Ragnarok had a better balance of humor and seriousness in it.

    For the other movies we have gotten in Phase 4:
    - Black Widow
    - Shang Chi
    - The Eternals
    - Dr. Strange: MOM
    - Spider-Man No Way Home

    I believe all of them were done well. Some better than others, but felt overall they were good additions to the MCU. Sadly I feel like Thor: Love and Thunder is on the bottom of the list as far as Phase 4 movies. Besides the excessive silliness I feel like they left out potential characters which could have been included which would have been helpful to the story of both the movie and the MCU moving forward. Thor's character arc in this movie felt a bit backwards. They could have explored his missing Jane/his love and still maintained a Thor which wasn't destructive and instead could have been at time sad/frustrated/confused.

    Here is my personal ranking:

    Black Widow
    Shang Chi
    Dr. Strange: MOM
    Spider-man No Way Home
    The Eternals
    Thor: Love and Thunder
  • SuelGamesSuelGames Member Posts: 947 ★★★
    dude.. Black widow was the worst.. what are u smoking?

    - awful timing since she s dead, adds nothing to the MCU
    - mind control due to pheromones, rly? Main female hero protagonist getting faceslapped like a b...
    - dont get me started on what they did to my boy taskmaster..
    - waste of red guardian as the drax of the movie (comic relief)

    only good thing about that movie was Nirvana intro and Yelena
  • DanthexmanDanthexman Member Posts: 197

    I like something and that is a controversial opinion among the fanbase

    sound familiar to you?
    Here's another unpopular opinion...I liked eternals but thought Black Widow was garbage and Shang Chi was meh at best. She Hulk looks good and I'm excited for Secret Wars.
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