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Mutant Nexus Crystals missing from Special Deals [merged threads] RESOLVED



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    Yeah same here both cav and TB
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    EclisisEclisis Posts: 1
    Same here
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    I’m having the exact same issue
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    BrodieHarrisBrodieHarris Posts: 6
    Same. I purchased, the supposed updated daily TB mutant crystal and didn’t receive the items either. It’s frustrating
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    R_Man_Do18R_Man_Do18 Posts: 16
    Same issue over here. 😪
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    GatmanGatman Posts: 0
    I bought my daily crystals and they are nowhere to be found!
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    LaughingboyLaughingboy Posts: 14
    I bought it but never got the new mutant crystal??
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    Capt_MegasauceCapt_Megasauce Posts: 140
    I’ve already submitted a help ticket, but I’m curious if anyone else didn’t receive their daily nexus crystal(s)? I purchased both Thronebreaker and Cavalier levels and was able to select my catalysts, but when I went to my stash, the nexus crystals weren’t there. I’m not surprised, bc the icon was broken and the description was the coded title text for the backend. Hopefully this gets fixed sooner than later. @Kabam Miike could you please pass this along for investigation? It would be greatly appreciated 😊
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    Capt_MegasauceCapt_Megasauce Posts: 140
    Same here. I bought both Thronebreaker and Cavalier. Submitted a help ticket, and hoping it doesn’t take 5 days to fix. Now I’m going to check my resources to make sure I got everything else.
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    I bought the thronebreaker and cavalier and didn’t receive either nexus crystals
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    Khellendros138Khellendros138 Posts: 551 ★★★
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    MidnightfoxMidnightfox Posts: 1,159 ★★★
    Well I hope this is resolved faster than the last crystal issue.
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    Same! I didn’t receive mine as well!
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    I received everything but the nexus crystal
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    BAStrongBAStrong Posts: 66
    Likewise, I checked to make sure my purchased went through and then checked my items and saw I had two of the thronebreaker/paragon tickets. No crystal though.
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    Capt_MegasauceCapt_Megasauce Posts: 140
    edited July 2022
    My guess is the backend call to the server wasn’t coded correctly. Probably as simple as a typo. The fact that it shows the coded text instead of the image is my reasoning. If it was coded correctly, it would return the image as well as make the correct API call to the backend. Must be intern season at Kabam. All jokes aside, this should be easily remedied.
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    Jaqu3zJaqu3z Posts: 6
    I purchased the throne breaker nexus daily deal and never got my crystal just the ticket . Are we going to get some sort of compensation or is this another situation where kabam doesn’t care
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    Same. How do u open a ticket?
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    Deckard2192Deckard2192 Posts: 15
    Same same. Purchased the CAV and TB nexi.
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    Th0rIRLTh0rIRL Posts: 31
    Same here , bought both Thronebreaker and Cav and didn't get the crystals.
    The fact that after 8 hours of the incident there is no comment from admins is very bad. There should obviously be some type of compensation along with the missing crystals.
    I would be ok with an extra x5 Godbomb Cav Crystals (they don't cost that much and don't have a great 6* rate).
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    MrsHerinMrsHerin Posts: 1
    I did not get my Cavalier or Thronebreaker Nexus crystals either.
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    Sakic19Sakic19 Posts: 98
    I did not get my Cavalier or Thronebreaker nexus crystal either. Kabam, what is going on?? You want 3500 credits for The 6* nexus and cavalier nexus crystal offer. Are you crazy!?! Not worth it especially when your game is broke (still)!
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    CSGCSG Posts: 9
    Same here. I thought it was just me.
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    I bought both cav and throne breaker and chose my cats and got my stamp but no nexus
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    Dr_Murse1Dr_Murse1 Posts: 1
    Same here. Honestly I don’t even know why I bother anymore. Their greed is insane
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    I’ve just experienced the same issue
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    MDiver01MDiver01 Posts: 1
    Same here.
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    DeemonbalaDeemonbala Posts: 31
    Purchased it and but not received the item crystal itself appeared to be bug . Taken a screenshot of cavilier as i can't show thronebreaker as it is already purchased
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    HoopethHoopeth Posts: 1
    Same issue here. This sucks.
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