Is the minimum aw only 2 this season for season rewards?

I received a message on 7/22/2022 from Kabam stating the 5 minimum aw to get rewards is down to 2. Is this true? Any mods can confirm this?
@Kabam Miike
@Kabam Zibiit

@Kabam Miike
@Kabam Zibiit
They also said up here that someone sent them similar pic of mail couple days ago, and was asking to join since only 2 wars supposedly needed.
Although does maybe help @Kabam Miike figure this out (that same December message has popped up out of nowhere several times in last 6 months).
MAYBE has to do with person getting message NOT currently being in an alliance ? (or not being in one back in December, and recently got back into an ally) ???
Yea, it could be because i didnt have an alliance at the time and maybe it triggered a code to send me the message. Anyways, kindda bummed out since I actually joined one and contributed… coulda just stay put until next season.