Gauntlet run 2022 Discussion thread

Couldn't find a so here's a thread to share all your tips and tricks, reward opening, and more from this year's gauntlet!
No idea how to beat it myself, I failed on doom right away so I suspect I won't deal with this one very easily given I'm **** at super long fights for some reason, but that's just me
Good luck in your gauntlet runs summoners!
Couldn't find a so here's a thread to share all your tips and tricks, reward opening, and more from this year's gauntlet!
No idea how to beat it myself, I failed on doom right away so I suspect I won't deal with this one very easily given I'm **** at super long fights for some reason, but that's just me
Good luck in your gauntlet runs summoners!
Really wish the preview showed the real values so I can determine the path and damage output instead of these 4 star modded ratings ;-;
Also u can take help from YouTube videos of last year & some people have started doing it this year as well
My team will be Ibom, Hercules, Fury, Apoc, AA (Horseman)
Feel like this is a good team.
Team: Hercules (R4), Peni (R4), Falcon (R4), Magneto (R3), Torch (R3)
Doom - Magneto. 2 SP3 and he’s dead.
Terrax - Herc. Ramp up, nuke him down.
Vision - Herc. Nuke down, mags finish
MODOK - Herc. Smashes after sp1, mags finish
Ham - annoying because he’s so passive. Falcon
Weapon X - Peni until I remembered he’s metal. Mags after. Easy life
Thing - Falcon. Easy fight
Korg - Falcon, herc nuke to finish.
Dragon man - annoying. Used the team here. Mags pretty ineffective
Black Panther - Herc nuke
Nightcrawler- Falcon. He’s still gonna evade, so lock on and hit into block to switch his mode. Easy after that.
Gwen - Falcon. She still evades like crazy, so be careful
Domino - Peni. 2 SP2s with spider sense charges built up and she dies so quickly
Mojo - Torch cleaned up. Mags finish
Ibom - I didn’t bring a poison immune, so used a combo of Falcon and herc. Not awful
Apoc - Peni was awesome until he went incinerate immune. Herc finish
Sasquatch- I hate lifecycle. Brought Peni for this fight and she was very ineffective. Torch carried
Killmonger - no armor break = a lot of damage. Herc nuke
Void - power shield isn’t fun here. Herc nuke was the only option, but it took time
Fury - not too bad. Herc and Falcon carried
Nameless Thanos - so much easier than I remembered. Used the team here, herc and Peni did most of the damage, falcon finish as he’s avenger.
So there’s that. Peni can definitely be subbed out, but she did well enough for most of it I wasn’t mad bringing her. On to the next challenge!
Archangel (horseman)
Proxima (combo shield only)
Gladiator Hulk (basically terrax only)
There wasn’t any one spot I felt exposed, frankly but I had enough items and crystals it didn’t hurt.
Don’t forget with aegon that you can pause, quit the fight to kill yourself, and keep your combo.
If you have awakened Hercules then don't use Aegon. It's a waste. Hercules can do everything Aegon does without ramp up and one more spot for Proxima M.
Apocalypse and Hercules will clear 2/3 of the quest for you. You need specific for some really hard fights, which are Spiderham, Sasquatch, Mojo, Dragonman.
I suggest you bring Void for Sasquatch. I used Apoc and it lasted forever while it can end in 2 minutes with Void. He is the best counter for this fight and this fight alone can define your run.
For HT I'm not sure, I think you need his pre-fight abilities.
Can't say about Stryfe because I don't have him. But I don't think Cable is needed because you need to heavy and any fight you are able to heavy you can use Hercules for same results.
i used 30% boost,and i don't run suicide.
Terrax-Cheeze with Kitty
Vision-Cheeze with kitty
Ham-ProfX with 200% power boost
WeaponX-Apoc with team help
Korg- Apoc. It's a great fight to build up his evade charges. just parry wait until the stun about to end then do M-L-L-L.
Nightcrawler-Apoc solo
Spider gwen-Apoc solo
Mojo-easy solo with S99+free healing from the stagger debuffs.
Ibom-Ghost+200% power boost
Apoc-Ghost+200% power boost
Sasquatch-Spidey99 solo
Void-Team. for me it was the hardest fight of the quest.
NF-Apoc with team help
Thanos-Spidey99. he is probably one of the best option for this fight. after one Sp2 he just block Thanos from gaining power with the Wither debuff,and it makes the fight very easy.
Good luck to everyone.
Saw a video with Kitty so might have to give that a go. Also have a 5/65 Hercules at sig 200 but not sure if that will be strong enough.
Grandmaster Gauntlet Team :-
* 6*r3 unduped Apocalypse
* 6*r4 sig200 CGR
* 6*r3 unduped Nimrod
* 6*r4 sig80 Torch
* 6*r1 unduped Heimdall* (why not ? Saved resources)
1. Doom - Apocalypse - SOLO
2. Terrax - CGR - SOLO
3. Vision - CGR - SOLO
4. Modok - Apocalypse - SOLO
5. Spider-Ham - Apocalypse - 1 Revive
6. WPN-X - Nimrod - SOLO
7. Thing - Apocalypse - SOLO
8. Korg - 2x team revive*
9. Dragon Man - Torch - 1 Revive
10. Black Panther - 1x team revive*
11. Nightcrawler - Apocalypse - SOLO
12. Spider-Gwen - Apocalypse - 1 Revive
13. Domino - Nimrod - 1 Revive
14. Mojo - 1x team revive*
15. Ibom - 1x team revive*
16. Apocalypse - Nimrod - SOLO
17. Sasquatch - 1x team revive*
18. Killmonger - CGR - SOLO
19. Void - 1x team revive*
20. Nick Fury - 1x team revive*
21. Nameless Thanos - 2x team revive*
Attack boost - 30% boost & 15% boost
Health boost - 20%
Cosmic power boost 200% - 2
No Suicides mastery setup*
Revives lvl2 - 4
Team Revives lvl2 - 10
HP received from 1000 units bundle (all used up)
Units spent - 1000 (thanks to cavalier unit bundle offer ) No stash inventory used*
I should have saved more team revives, I wasn’t healing up full, whereas saved plenty of health potions. Overall, heimdall synergy help me a lot specially getting those fill solos with R4 CGR. I’m loving him & he’s my go to champ for usual questing.
R4 Hercules (duped, max sig)
R3 Apoc (unduped)
R3 Nimrod (unduped)
R3 Torch (unduped)
R3 S2099 (sig 20)
Doom – Hercules, only use medium-heavy combo to avoid glancing; avoid parrying him during his aura; 1 revive
Terex – Hercules, keep intercepting, pretty easy and quick, 1 revive
Vision – Hercules, solo, push him to sp3 with your sp3 to get the indestructible protection
Modok – Hercules, relatively easy, 2-3 revives
Spider ham – Hercules, 4-5 revives, tricky but not bad
Weapon X – Nimrod made it easy; 1 revive
Thing – Hercules; easy when you pay attention to his rock stacks, 1 revive
Korg – Team/Apoc/Hercules; his block penetration and damage was ridiculous; Apoc kept dying so fast; 10ish L1 revives, 3-4 L2, 1 Team revive, bunch of potions
Dragon man – S2099/Hercules, S2099 died pretty quickly, Hercules cleaned up; 2-3 revives
BPCW – Hercules, just wait out his unstoppable, it was easy to handle; 1 revives
Nightcrawler – Nimrod died quickly, not a good match up if you don’t have patience for his evade; finished with Hercules for the rest of the fight, 3 revives
Domino – easy, straightforward fight with Nimrod; 1 revive
Mojo – Team/S2099, Hercules died pretty quick here with the degen and stagger so he can’t go immortal, so I stuck with S2099 and grind it out; 6-7ish L1/L2 revives
Ibom – Hercules took him down to 40-ish percent; finished him with Nimrod; not as difficult as I expected
Apoc – Nimrod died almost instantly because of the robot degen node from bleed with suicide mastery; used Hercules to finish him; straightforward fight
Sasquatch – threw the team at him to get him down to about 40%; after not making much headway with S2099 and Torch, I switched off suicide mastery and then max out despair, petrify, pacify, and bumped up assassin to 3 points; this significantly helped reduce his regen with Torch; eventually got him down with Torch by parrying and heavy and let the incinerate kill him off slowly; 10ish L1/L2 and bunch of potions
Killmonger – easy fight with Hercules; 1 revive
Void – nuke down with Hercules; 3-4 revives
Nick fury – Apoc/Hercules, straightforward fight; 2 revives
Thanos – straightforward fight, switch back to suicide mastery, and nuke down with Hercules in 3-4 revives
Overall, I used about 40 L1, 14 L2, 5 L3, and 4 Team revives and a bunch of health potions. I got a bunch of these items from the Cav 1k unit offer so they were put to good use here. I’m clearly not a very good player but was happy to not reach my unit stash for additional units for doing this challenge.
As for the team, I don’t think I would have made any changes. S2099 was great with Mojo but wasn’t as useful with DM and Sasquatch as I expected – most likely due to my poor playing skill. If I had AA I would have switched S2099 with AA. Hercules like many people said nuked through everything with ease. Nimrod made the fights very easy against Weapon X and Domino. I tried Apoc with Sasquatch but it requires a lot of skill to ramp up sp1, sp2, a bunch of heavies and sp3 to make the debuff permanent; that was beyond my ability so I was glad to have Torch as my counter to Sasquatch despite having to change my mastery set up mid fight.
I ran suicide mastery from Doom to Sasquatch, turned it off at Sasquatch, and turned it back on at Thanos.
The fights that took the majority of my revives were Korg, Mojo, and Sasquatch. Hercules mostly did the rest.
As for the rewards I opened 2 features and got:
My nexus I got:
Totally worth it!