Apology to Forums (DDHK thread)

Dear forums,
Many of you would have seen my overexcited thread where some of us noticed an unreal spike in DDHK’s damage.
However, there is still a serious bug affecting this synergy, and I can’t tell if there is one affecting his Rage mechanic as well. Let’s get into the details.
1) The Kingpin synergy was modified to offer a 5% increase in damage every time you gained a Rage debuff, but at some point, the damage begins to decrease over time, and finally, you end up doing no damage at all:

And finally the grand finale, no damage at all:

The damage increase at the beginning is really exciting, but I’m not sure that the Rage bonus was intended to work that way. The way it currently works is it adds a compounded 5% to the total Attack over time (including Rage bonus, then it falls off). So what that means is:
0 Rage: Base Attack
1 Rage: Base Attack + Rage 1
2 Rage: 105% x (Base Attack + Rage 1)
3 Rage: 110% x (Base Attack + Rage 1)
And so on until it peaks (Beyond God Tier), falls and leads to 0 damage.
However, from the description, you would imagine it to work the following way:
0 Rage: Base Attack
1 Rage: Base Attack + Rage 1
2 Rage: Base Attack + Rage 1 + 95% Rage 1
3 Rage: Base Attack + Rage 1 + 95% Rage 1 + 90% Rage 1
I’m not the expert, but I think this needs to be thoroughly investigated in his base kit before the synergy is investigated. Speaking of his base kit:
2) Without any synergies, DDHK is still quite abysmal. I don’t think the Rage mechanic gives an Attack bonus at all. I also don’t think the Rage from the SP2 gets Purified in Murdock Boy. Maybe it does. But it feels like both are bugged.
Kabam didn’t fully fix the KP synergy, they just put a beautiful rug over a cracked floor. DDHK still gets huge damage, but when used wrongly (or over time) all the bugs still prevail.
So I’m genuinely sorry for the hype forums, I got super excited, because there is something to be excited about, but it’s really faulty.
@Kabam Miike / @Kabam Jax if you don’t mind investigating.
Many of you would have seen my overexcited thread where some of us noticed an unreal spike in DDHK’s damage.
However, there is still a serious bug affecting this synergy, and I can’t tell if there is one affecting his Rage mechanic as well. Let’s get into the details.
1) The Kingpin synergy was modified to offer a 5% increase in damage every time you gained a Rage debuff, but at some point, the damage begins to decrease over time, and finally, you end up doing no damage at all:

And finally the grand finale, no damage at all:

The damage increase at the beginning is really exciting, but I’m not sure that the Rage bonus was intended to work that way. The way it currently works is it adds a compounded 5% to the total Attack over time (including Rage bonus, then it falls off). So what that means is:
0 Rage: Base Attack
1 Rage: Base Attack + Rage 1
2 Rage: 105% x (Base Attack + Rage 1)
3 Rage: 110% x (Base Attack + Rage 1)
And so on until it peaks (Beyond God Tier), falls and leads to 0 damage.
However, from the description, you would imagine it to work the following way:
0 Rage: Base Attack
1 Rage: Base Attack + Rage 1
2 Rage: Base Attack + Rage 1 + 95% Rage 1
3 Rage: Base Attack + Rage 1 + 95% Rage 1 + 90% Rage 1
I’m not the expert, but I think this needs to be thoroughly investigated in his base kit before the synergy is investigated. Speaking of his base kit:
2) Without any synergies, DDHK is still quite abysmal. I don’t think the Rage mechanic gives an Attack bonus at all. I also don’t think the Rage from the SP2 gets Purified in Murdock Boy. Maybe it does. But it feels like both are bugged.
Kabam didn’t fully fix the KP synergy, they just put a beautiful rug over a cracked floor. DDHK still gets huge damage, but when used wrongly (or over time) all the bugs still prevail.
So I’m genuinely sorry for the hype forums, I got super excited, because there is something to be excited about, but it’s really faulty.
@Kabam Miike / @Kabam Jax if you don’t mind investigating.
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
I’m actually wondering if it would easier for Kabam just to rip out this whole mechanic and replace it with something else. It would appear that it hasn’t ever worked properly and is still plagued with issues. Sometimes it’s better to take step back and approach an issue from another perspective. It’s not admitting defeat, just being pragmatic.
Especially a high rank 6*.
Although it's very curious that it doesn't display 0 –
it displays nothing
I know with Power Shield it still displays 0, so I wonder what's going on there?
Thank you for trying to get him fixed.
You believed Kabam did a proper repair. That is not on you. Hopefully, this was a patch until Kabam could actually get him working right.
Please don't give up. I really like DDHK as well and want him to work.
Maybe it's a Labyrinth thing? Have you tested in other game modes @Rookiie ?
If you bring along KP and use DDHK correctly, you will get the Beyond God Tier numbers you saw in my post. The KP synergy is still busted.
What I’ve highlighted in this post is that, although there is a slight silver lining, other things are still really broken when you take a closer look.
What you see above is a different test case. It’s ignoring DDHK’s combo meter mechanics completely and just going as high as I can with the hit count.
Unfortunately, WS’ health pool isn’t big enough to discover all these issues. My R3 DDHK takes down WS in about 148 hits, considering this test case. And I discovered the no damage bug at 222 hits.
DDHK is meant to gain Attack bonuses when he gains rage. If you stack rage, the bonus should increase. And if the stacks fall off, the bonus should decrease.
That is not what’s happening. What’s happening is that every time you proc Rage DDHK’s attack and attack bonus compound by 5%. Then it reaches a peak. Then it falls off and does no damage. I might not be exactly right but I know that in theory I am right.
So, from what I'm reading, try to keep combo below 30 using heavies, sp2 at 25-28...
Is there anything else important to his 'rotation' besides synergies?
In other news, from what I can see, the only allusion to any "reduction" is this
But I'm entirely unsure of how the "this bonus decreases by 5%..." would interact so oddly.
I'm not sure what they can do at this point.
He's got three types of Rage:
- Rage from his Sig, for exciting Murdock Boy
- Rage from his SP2. This is differently coded, as it triggers a Fury degen it expires
- Rage from the Kingpin synergy
This is a 3* Vs WS, with no synergies in action, throwing constant SP2s to feed his Rage debuffs:
His Damage never faltered, even with a combo of 342.
So if nothing else: Yes, something is bugged. But avoid the KP synergy and he's still a heck of a lot better than he was this time last week 😉
Still, I have no idea how it ends up dropping his base attack even after the Rage expires.
Except it doesn’t have little benefit to his high damage. The KP synergy literallydoubles DDHK’s damage.
What does KP do? He allows DDHK to proc Rage on every other Parry or Blocked Hit.
What does Rage do? It is meant to UNIFORMLY add a decreasing Attack bonus for every non-damaging debuff on DDHK. UNIFORMLY.
So (as an example), if you had 2 Rage, it’s Attack + 100 + 90. And if you have 3 Rage it’s Attack + 100 + 90 + 80. So if I stacked 2 Rage I would crit for say, 4k. And if I stacked 3 Rage I would crit for say, 7k. And if 1 Rage fell off I would crit back for 4k.
That is NOT what’s happening.
Every proc of Rage is increasing his Attack. It goes up from 2k to 3k to 4k to 6k to 8k to 10k and then it falls down to 0. Is that uniform? No, it’s compounded by 5%. Which synergy gives him enough Rage to showcase these numbers? The one with KP. That’s what brought KP into the mix.
But it’s clear that the Rage mechanic is what’s bugged. And needs fixing pronto.
As I’ve written in the first post, here’s what I think is happening.
1) The 5% is coded into the sum of the Attack and the Attack bonus.
2) Because the 5% was coded to decrease, the whole Attack got worse over time.
3) The dev realized this, and coded it to increase over time. This is where KP blew things up.
4) The released it in a patch, we tested it, found the good, and then found the bad: the 5% starts to decrease and eventually stops him from doing damage.
What should happen? The 5% should be coded into the Attack bonus only, instead of the whole Attack, and the devs need to make sure that he is getting that bonus with and without the KP synergy. That’s my perspective on the issue. That should solve the problem, because DDHK never gets more than 5 or 6 Rage at a time. So if they coded it into the bonus instead of the whole Attack, problem solved. But Kabam probably don’t want DDHK to post juicy numbers, because this is starting to look less like a mistake and more like a nerf on release.
By the way it's worded, he should only benefit from an attack increase while the debuff is up.
Unless I misremembered (I did just play him again), this damage change seems to linger even with no debuffs on (again, I could be wrong)
Now, for some reason this appears to drop by a flat 5% every time he gets a new non-damaging debuff - but seemingly not by 5% of the current attack increase, 5% of the maximum (I guess this is just a flat decrease then)
so, a 100-95-90-85-80-75... 0 type deal
Except, for whatever reason this can go negative, essentially removing progressively larger chunks of base attack from DDHK until he hits for literally nothing.
As the synergy gives him a lot of Rage, this only accelerates the inevitable downfall.
So, the only way to avoid this is to either drop the Kingpin synergy so you don't build as much Rage...
or just win first.
So if his kit was functioning as intended then the KP synergy would not benefit almost at all, but it seems it would be greatly benefiting him given his bugged state.
Only thing is I wouldn’t say “the KP synergy would not benefit almost at all”, it would give him small but continuous intervals of +700 to +2100 Attack bonuses. It would boost him over the entire interval of the fight, and not cause a huge spike in damage as we are seeing in this bugged state. But on the flip side, DDHK would be functioning normally *on his own* and dealing much more damage than what we are seeing today.
The idea of him becoming progressively stronger as the fight goes on is pretty interesting (though probably a bug)
The idea of his damage completely dying if the fight drags out... oh dear.