Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Which element of the game most motivates you to play?



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    rcm2017rcm2017 Posts: 589 ★★★
    Adding to and upgrading your champion roster - Moar Powah!
    I love collecting champs and building my roster. Brings out kind of childrens behaviour, imagine a small kid playing with his toy figurines making sound of hits and bashing their enemies where a story runs in his or her mind. Playing this game brings that kind of feeling to me where we use our favourite digital figurines to bash our enemies in story content, eq and sq etc etc. And topping on the cake is exceptional animations from the team. This is the sole reason I play this game for nowadays and only reason that stood the test of time for me.
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    World EaterWorld Eater Posts: 3,635 ★★★★★
    New game modes (Battlegrounds, etc.) - Give me something brand new!
    After 7+ years , new content or new game modes are what I’m most interested in.
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    Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Posts: 7,241 ★★★★★
    Adding to and upgrading your champion roster - Moar Powah!
    If Having Fun was an answer, that's what I would have picked. I don't compete in high tier AW and do not care about my place on leaderboards. I like to collect champs I like and use them in content that is fun.
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    Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Posts: 1,892 ★★★★★
    Adding to and upgrading your champion roster - Moar Powah!
    It’s like kabam woke up
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    Alliance-driven content (AW, AQ) - All for one and one for all!
    Competitive content: War/BGs are the only thing that keep me coming back for more.
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    GarloGarlo Posts: 216 ★★
    edited August 2022
    Overcoming challenging end-game content - I'mma brag to my friends!
    Endgame content is nice, but I live for war.
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    ThomildoThomildo Posts: 473 ★★★
    Adding to and upgrading your champion roster - Moar Powah!
    Well, whatever you put in the code. It’s highly addictive!
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    GeneralNappaGeneralNappa Posts: 102
    Monthly updates - New Champs, Monthly Meta Events and Side Quests!
    NGL, if it wasn't for the friends and community Ive made I'd have quit a long time ago with bugs and issues being prevalent week in week out these days with no sign of fix. But I'm just drawn in by my friends and working to help newer players than join in our open alliance.
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    MackeyMackey Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    Overcoming challenging end-game content - I'mma brag to my friends!
    An argument could be made for all options where I'm concerned (aside from the story telling, genuinely don't read that lol). But mostly it's about pushing further when new challenges appear that keeps me coming back.

    Not to mention the community! That also plays a big part
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    tfdrp2tfdrp2 Posts: 49
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    IRL friend introduced me to the game, made friends through various alliances and stuck around because of that. Love the game mechanics, but no longer enjoy the grind with things in the game and the body breaking down. So went to much lower AW/AQ and using a lot more auto play than the past.

    I can see me moving away from the tap-tap-swipe as the arthritis, etc. gets worse. I'm fine with AW/AQ, doing monthly EQ, and EOP type content. I can't do all of these and continue to grind for the resources I need to keep growing champs or even have enough units/pots/revives for harder content like EOP, fully explore Act 7, etc. I tried battlegrounds, it's fun, but too time consuming for what it is so I don't do it. Tried dungeons and it was such a negative experience (the "other player" requirement and how horrible it was) that I never really gave Incursions a try. But again, too time consuming for the rewards. I stopped grinding arena milestones a few months back because of the physical stuff mentioned previously.

    There are probably ways to fix things, but I guess time will tell. Still a good game and love all the newer champ animations. Guess that's it, went somewhere not expected, but it is what it is :D
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    New game modes (Battlegrounds, etc.) - Give me something brand new!
    It is the only motivation for me. I deleted the game many times, sometimes for 5/6 months. If a see a new feature I play a little otherwise I am bored and I delete after some days. In this case the novelty of the battleground gave a little a motivation but It is ended
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    MaxGamingMaxGaming Posts: 3,204 ★★★★★
    Other - Tell me more!
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    phillgreenphillgreen Posts: 3,840 ★★★★★
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    I actually dont know why I keep playing after 7 years but I do.

    Still just a time waster for me. I'm glad there isn't a clock ingame that shows me how many wasted hours I have haha
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    MackeyMackey Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    Overcoming challenging end-game content - I'mma brag to my friends!

    I actually dont know why I keep playing after 7 years but I do.

    Still just a time waster for me. I'm glad there isn't a clock ingame that shows me how many wasted hours I have haha

    I would actually love to know how many hours of gameplay I've had lol
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    Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
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    Missed a big one. Friends and community. If it wasn't for some of the alliance mates I have met and friendships that have formed over the years I'd have left long ago.
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    ErcarretErcarret Posts: 2,809 ★★★★★
    Adding to and upgrading your champion roster - Moar Powah!
    It was difficult to choose since a lot of the options kind of feed into each other. Ultimately, I think the roster-building is my driving force. I love having a problem and overcoming it. I love making tactical decisions with my rank-ups. I had a ton of fun with Act 7 since it pushed me to upgrade my roster in various new ways. Similarly, Battlegrounds has been awesome since I now have to think about my champions in a whole new way. I'm not in an alliance where AW is important enough that it drives my rank-up decisions, but since BG is a solo competitive mode, it does drive my rank-up decisions for the moment (in a good and fun way).

    Same with EOP. It's really fun to see how well your roster stacks up against the hardest content in the game. So far, so good. And when I've built up some more revives, maybe I'll tackle the Gauntlet. I'm usually not a fan of long-form Labyrinth/Abyss-like content, but I do like a boss rush and the Gauntlet is the boss rushiest content in the game.
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    MattstafariMattstafari Posts: 691 ★★★
    New game modes (Battlegrounds, etc.) - Give me something brand new!
    I recently completed act 7 and I don't have much motivation to do the monthly content anymore, the time commitment is too much for me to justify.

    I think Battlegrounds is the mode I'm most interested in now, quick, competitive matches that I can play now and then.

    I've got enough champs and I'm not fussed about the progression titles. I just want to have a little fun and not feel like the game is too demanding.
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    SiliyoSiliyo Posts: 1,426 ★★★★★
    Rewards, rewards, rewards - Gimme that loot!
    You provide me with the loot - it provides me with the means to add the roster since we can’t target specific champions. It also provides the ability to get higher ranked champions (gold, catalysts, etc).
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    NEXTONNEXTON Posts: 600 ★★★
    Monthly updates - New Champs, Monthly Meta Events and Side Quests!
    I actually enjoy grinding arena and units and keep July 4th and Cyber Monday deals in mind while doing so. Gives me a fun opportunity and go all in on those days with 0 money spent.
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    DeaconDeacon Posts: 4,156 ★★★★★
    Adding to and upgrading your champion roster - Moar Powah!
    I HAVE THE POWERRRRRR! or at least I want to .. that's the bulk of my play ... stacking the hitters so that it masks my subpar play LOL
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    GreatLGreatL Posts: 19
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    Can kabam take a break from releasing champs every month, especially 2 of them?
    Like I need to enjoy the ones I've before I get another.
    Or maybe discard old ones.
    There are champs I've but used in like forever, drax, hulk, Groot, Captain marvel, dormammu, iron Man, 2 old cap, green goblin, red skull, sentry and others.
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    Sunstar19Sunstar19 Posts: 127
    edited August 2022
    Adding to and upgrading your champion roster - Moar Powah!
    This game has the nicest design in characters, abilities and animations. They even did a fantastic job on making Quiksilver look... quick (pun intended). It is awesomely fun being able to build roster and realize you are able to tackle the same difficulty level, like Uncollected, with so much difference a year apart, as you get new and better champions.

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    AntsiouAntsiou Posts: 180 ★★
    Mackey said:

    I actually dont know why I keep playing after 7 years but I do.

    Still just a time waster for me. I'm glad there isn't a clock ingame that shows me how many wasted hours I have haha

    I would actually love to know how many hours of gameplay I've had lol
    There’s an app usage built in iOS called Screen time if you use iPhone/iPad. Last time I checked freaked me out, so I never open it anymore 😅.
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    Crys23Crys23 Posts: 780 ★★★★
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    Making new friends, some even half way around the world, joking around with them.
    At this point, after 7+ years of playing, nothing in-game can surprise me. Yeah, adding new champs and ranking them up is nice and all, but it's just as repetitive as everything else.
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    UvoginUvogin Posts: 345 ★★★
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    Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
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    I like creating teams that have connections, but can still be seen as personalized. Like, I enjoy creating symbiote based teams, fantastic four based teams, avengers based teams from specific eras of the comics, spider verse etc. so I enjoy characters like Odin, Galan, apoc etc. But also synergies that connect across teams, and really even just story connections. And by personalize I just mean being able to mix and match them in other valuable ways that fit whatever I’m feeling.

    So what motivates me, honestly, then is just to acquire these sorts of champs based on those connections and level them up to an effective level. But it also means each of the champs have to have a purpose and be a functioning member of the team. Like the inhuman royal synergy is great, except classically most of the members were dead weight.
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    TerraTerra Posts: 8,119 ★★★★★
    Monthly updates - New Champs, Monthly Meta Events and Side Quests!
    I actually enjoy the very long storylines 😬
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