Are you a struggler unable to go forward in quest
I do occasionally fly pass the forum and often you read how some players have good to great champs but still punch below their weight.
Im uncollected have 2 r2 6* (6 in total) but for the hell of me I can’t even get through the first fight in chapter 3 act 1 so been like 2-3 years uncollected n with the offers exclusive for cav n above really hurts me for being weak in the game.
How many in my position.
Im uncollected have 2 r2 6* (6 in total) but for the hell of me I can’t even get through the first fight in chapter 3 act 1 so been like 2-3 years uncollected n with the offers exclusive for cav n above really hurts me for being weak in the game.
How many in my position.
Are you a struggler unable to go forward in quest 125 votes
Even in my opinion my champs aren't that bad not to even clear one path in the first act.
- do a YouTube search for "MCOC 5.3.1 Easy Path". Watch a few videos to get see which path is best, and what kind of counters work best.
- assess where you struggle, and work on those areas. Typically it's A) game play (not intercept well is common), B reading nodes to build a plan, or C) understanding your champions abilities, and the defenders. There's a ton of videos out there that can help with all of these things.
- using resources effectively. For example you have a ton of glory that can be used for rank up materials.
- compare your mastery setup to some to top players. Lagacy posted a video on his 2022 masteries a few months ago...use that as a guide.
Your at the point where the game shift from how well you use your fingers to how effectively you use your brain. It starts as a fighting game, but transforms into a strategy game. You're at that pivot point right now. Don't be discouraged.
I had to stop after 5.2 though and build my roster some. I was no where near a 6* at the time...mainly 4*
Also ikaris is really good was great against terrax in galan quest
Look up a YouTube video where they actually show their fingers swiping on the screen. I was terrible with her until I learned that when a champion hits into your block and triggers evade, you have a split second where your right thumb (or whatever finger) will still be on the screen, but you can begin swiping with your left finger to start the dex. I would just bring her and Nick in on all your questing teams for the evade synergy (also saves your butt quite often even as an endgame player) but then you can just try her out as often as possible. It really just takes some practice but after a while it becomes muscle memory. I don’t even focus on the screen sometimes when I’m Quaking but just use peripheral vision.
Grinding units on my baby account for gifting eventually. Coincidentally I was also at 5.3.1, Honestly, any champ can do it Electro and Antman at ether biggest pains. There is no hidden nodes, it's just normal gameplay with longer fights, just play normally, parry and dex well, if needs be potion up after every fight. Boosts and Sui-masteries will help negate the 50% drop if you need it. Just about concentration and practice.
I love to see a thread full of encouragement and helpful recommendations. Shout out to @Xguard7 and @Nocko for being particularly supportive.
Keep it up, everyone!
As I have a you unduped 6* too