How’s your crystal luck?

I’m on a really bad streak of crystal pulls at the moment. I’m struggling to remember the last time I got a decent champ from a 5 or 6 star. I see people brag posting and can’t help but think that it’s just me the RNG gods are angry with. Curious to see how others are doing.
How’s your crystal luck? 145 votes
Dr. Zola
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13 Cav nexus from EQ / Sunday TB - 2 new 6* (But it is Sentry and Moon Knight)
4 legendary - 3 5* 2 new & 1 dupe
6 featured 5* - all new Omega Sentinel, 2x Void and Magik (went 0 for 15 for Void before this)
Mythic crystal - new 5* Longshot
Mutant 6* nexus - new Psylocke
So 5* is really great and 6* is just average…
but if its purchased crystals, units/$$$. my pulls for 5/6* are horrible. also featured champs, ratios of the lower tiered champs tend to only show up in those.
once in a blue moon will i pull a decent champ(not the featured ones most those times)
…but recently