Are Rintrah and Wong the first two champs to be balanced and when?

Apologies if this has been discussed before, couldn’t find the thread.
Will Rintrah and Wong be looked at first and roughly when will it be?
I’m hoping Wong gets a bit more damage if possible. He’s such a cool character and has such brilliant animations in the game.
Will Rintrah and Wong be looked at first and roughly when will it be?
I’m hoping Wong gets a bit more damage if possible. He’s such a cool character and has such brilliant animations in the game.
It's also possible that those who have a R4 Wong, don't have Rintrah. It's also possible they just like Wong better but that doesn't really mean they're biased towards Wong.
X% of summoners with 5 or 6 star Wong chose to rank him up and Y% of those use him in competitive content with Z% of those fights resulting in victory. This compares favorably to the top 5 used Mystic champs and champs with similar attributes and ratings.
@Kabam Miike , is that something the team might be interested in providing? Nothing that exposes too much, but could cut down on the number of people complaini... No chance of that actually, but I (and others) would like some insight into the process.
IMO this is a missed opportunity to get people behind the rebalancing program as Wong is not useful for any meaningful content which should not be the case for newly released champs.
He is actually very close though and a small tweak could make a huge difference. He doesn't need to be the best mystic champ out there but he should have a place somewhere in the game. Makes me sad cause kabam hit his design out of the park, he is so fun to use... but no where to use him unless I want to clear labyrinth again
Here is my original forum post on this:
You also have to remember that this balancing program isn't the buff program. If a champion is meeting their criteria, then they won't be balanced. That's the biggest thing to remember here. Not meeting your expectations isn't something they're going to take as he needs to be re-balanced. If he's hitting the mark for their requirements, you'd have to wait for him to get changed in the buff program.
If he's a ramp up champ that takes awhile, it makes sense for what they said.