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Hazard shifts in AW

ChiliDogChiliDog Posts: 886 ★★★
edited October 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Hazard shift incinerate/shock. Let's use it for example. Probably a non issue for larger alliances.

Other than Ghost, what are the best stand alone counters?
Angela needs Odin at start?
Kingpin needs Hood?
Vulture needs kinpin?

Who puts out the best attacker/defender list for each AW node each season? This one seems more limiting compared to biohazard and shock/bleed.

These nodes aren't so bad if they are not nodes that block group progression being in different time zones. But sticking them in multi-individual lanes is a pain. Keep in mind, this may not impact the top alliances, but can be a setback where alliances still have a lot of cavalier or smaller player accounts.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


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    ChiliDogChiliDog Posts: 886 ★★★
    Longer match, but great suggestion as backup. Half the time, I am worried to hit into blocks in AW as they seem to drop it and light interecpt or parry me on way in.
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    ChiliDogChiliDog Posts: 886 ★★★

    You can use someone who is immune to one and not the other and just hit into block a bit during the other phase

    Thanks. I used rmags against kingpin and it worked great once I got to shock until I got myself backed into a corner and ate an sp2. Lol. Easy cleanup after that.
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    ChiliDogChiliDog Posts: 886 ★★★
    Sman74 said:

    Maybe a Kitty, Jabari Panther, and high sig Ultron could be options for you too?

    Thanks..I will need yo being these up. Kitty may be AI dependent? I need to read up on jabari. I don't have her.
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    zuffyzuffy Posts: 2,194 ★★★★★
    edited September 2022
    Kingpin with Hood/Joe Fixit synergy. He is great for all the hazard shift nodes.
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    World EaterWorld Eater Posts: 3,633 ★★★★★
    You could use awakened Cap Marvel and likely nuke ‘em down.
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    Savage123456789Savage123456789 Posts: 680 ★★★
    shang chi?
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    World EaterWorld Eater Posts: 3,633 ★★★★★
    edited September 2022
    Silver surfer
    Super skrull
    Bishop could probably do it
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    ChiliDogChiliDog Posts: 886 ★★★
    Thanks all for the input. This should give us plenty of options.
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    You could give havok a try with it, he's incinerate immune and has a high energy resistance to take care of the shocks as long as you don't stack too many. The shocks will also build plasma like crazy.

    CMM could also work fairly well since both debuffs will put her into binary very fast and the fight will probably end before your indestructible goes away.

    To add on to this, Odin preflight will also greatly reduce the shock damage havok would take making it a very safe fight.
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    BitterSteelBitterSteel Posts: 9,262 ★★★★★
    Any incinerate immune with Odin pre fight, so that’s a pretty wide pool already.

    Ikaris is a great option with the sick and tired tactic and immune to both debuffs.

    This node might be here to stay, so IDoom will be great when he’s more common. He’s immune to shock and incinerate.

    Angela, Kingpin, Ghost, Kitty, Jabari, Falcon, Magneto if they’re metal, max sig Ultron will reduce duration.

    Lastly, some options who are only shock immune. Maybe slightly more risky in cases since you can’t use an Odin pre fight, but someone like Hulkling for example actually benefits from a slower fight as he’s able to build his shapeshifter charges better.

    I used him against a green goblin on this node and it went flawlessly. Go ham during shock phase, build power/use specials, then during incinerate phase back off, hit his block (though not when you’re unblockable) and build charges.
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    AMS94AMS94 Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★

    You can use someone who is immune to one and not the other and just hit into block a bit during the other phase

    The node has aggression prowess
    The method u're suggesting can be extremely risky against some defenders
    Works well on path 9 but might not be as effective with this particular node combination
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    BitterSteelBitterSteel Posts: 9,262 ★★★★★
    AMS94 said:

    You can use someone who is immune to one and not the other and just hit into block a bit during the other phase

    The node has aggression prowess
    The method u're suggesting can be extremely risky against some defenders
    Works well on path 9 but might not be as effective with this particular node combination
    I used Hulkling against a green goblin doing this method. You basically have to let prowess stack up during the opposite phase then take them down in the one you’re immune to. It’s something to manage but it does work.

    The block damage does add up a little. I think I lost a quarter of my health, but that’s with one of the most block intensive special attacks in the game.
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    AMS94AMS94 Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    edited September 2022

    AMS94 said:

    You can use someone who is immune to one and not the other and just hit into block a bit during the other phase

    The node has aggression prowess
    The method u're suggesting can be extremely risky against some defenders
    Works well on path 9 but might not be as effective with this particular node combination
    I used Hulkling against a green goblin doing this method. You basically have to let prowess stack up during the opposite phase then take them down in the one you’re immune to. It’s something to manage but it does work.

    The block damage does add up a little. I think I lost a quarter of my health, but that’s with one of the most block intensive special attacks in the game.
    I didn't say it can't be done
    I just said it's a lot riskier compared to the hazard shift nodes we've had till now
    And perhaps even a lot costlier in terms of requiring potions which seems to be a luxury these days
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    AMS94AMS94 Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    And just to add to everyone's surprise,
    Iron Doom is releasing soon
    He's immune to incinerate & shock, &
    He benefits when the opponent gains lot of prowess
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    BitterSteelBitterSteel Posts: 9,262 ★★★★★
    AMS94 said:

    AMS94 said:

    You can use someone who is immune to one and not the other and just hit into block a bit during the other phase

    The node has aggression prowess
    The method u're suggesting can be extremely risky against some defenders
    Works well on path 9 but might not be as effective with this particular node combination
    I used Hulkling against a green goblin doing this method. You basically have to let prowess stack up during the opposite phase then take them down in the one you’re immune to. It’s something to manage but it does work.

    The block damage does add up a little. I think I lost a quarter of my health, but that’s with one of the most block intensive special attacks in the game.
    I didn't say it can't be done
    I just said it's a lot riskier compared to the hazard shift nodes we've had till now
    And perhaps even a lot costlier in terms of requiring potions which seems to be a luxury these days
    And I didn’t say you didn’t say it can’t be done lol. I was just adding my perspective, as I have some experience with it.
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    ChiliDogChiliDog Posts: 886 ★★★
    edited September 2022
    Thanks guys, this gives us some options. I'll probably myself do the 50% route based on the champ for now as it fits what I have leveled up. I'm in build-up phase for a 6r4, so don't have resources to take a champ up for one fight myself....but between the several of us that get to these fights first typically, this helps a ton. Thanks again all.
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    SandeepSSandeepS Posts: 1,219 ★★★★
    Bwcv, she could eat the prowess and incinerate immune. After sp2 I think buffs disabled for a short while
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    AMS94AMS94 Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    SandeepS said:

    Bwcv, she could eat the prowess and incinerate immune. After sp2 I think buffs disabled for a short while

    Prowess is passive
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    frodo2377frodo2377 Posts: 315 ★★★
    AMS94 said:

    And just to add to everyone's surprise,
    Iron Doom is releasing soon
    He's immune to incinerate & shock, &
    He benefits when the opponent gains lot of prowess

    Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this.
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    Player_SlasherPlayer_Slasher Posts: 156 ★★
    AMS94 said:

    And just to add to everyone's surprise,
    Iron Doom is releasing soon
    He's immune to incinerate & shock, &
    He benefits when the opponent gains lot of prowess

    Would Iron Doom even benefit from Aggression Prowess? He only gets rid of Prowess when 2 of them trigger at the same time, while the node generates Prowess 1 at a time.
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    JgrnotJgrnot Posts: 43
    For hazard shift incinerate/shock I've been using a high sig Guardian. No problems.
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    Awakened cmm melts everyone
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    Player_SlasherPlayer_Slasher Posts: 156 ★★
    Sersi could work as well with her Transmutations reducing Shock/Incinerate duration by up to 90%, plus Glancing to tank high-damage specials
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    TrubluMateTrubluMate Posts: 371 ★★★
    Emma Frost
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    Qwerty12345Qwerty12345 Posts: 804 ★★★★
    Kabam is just giving you yet another reason to buy $1000s in the Infamous Ironman crystals about to come out.

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