Aegon value check

How relevant is aegon in your opinion?
New gauntlets will come and i have 4 paths left in abyss. Is sig 200 rank 4 aegon still a good investment?
New gauntlets will come and i have 4 paths left in abyss. Is sig 200 rank 4 aegon still a good investment?
Both are good
I still think he’s one of my favorite champs in game, and while he may not be OP for things like BGs, he has some of the widest utility in-game, great damage, and a fairly simple playstyle. Really the only drawback is that you may have to ramp him up a little in the first fight of a quest, but after only 30-50 hits in his combo meter (which is easy to store even without sig 200 on just a single fight) he still hits like a truck. I don’t think his value has decreased, people have just gotten bored of him.
I myself have Sig 200 r3, I will not support using catalysts on him. But if I got a R4 skill gem, I would definitely consider him.
Dont worry next abyss is on the horizon.
I can feel it coming in the air tonight.
Stay tuned.
With a short ramp time, Herc fulfills the burst damage role that Aegon did. Herc's stun immunity and immortality is another way at replacing Aegon's debuff shrug. Herc gets unblockable just from going down to 1% health, versus Aegon needing to be at 1000 combo.
Relevant qualities that Aegon has outside AOL/LOL :
- Easily achievable high crit rate and crit damage that makes almost every hit crit, but also has the bonus of not being "guaranteed crits".
- 5 hits - 40% chance to urify on every crit (which is most hits)
- 20 hits - unstoppable on opponent evade, and combo shield
- 30 hits - crit through block, super underrated
- 50 hits - gives the unstoppable on heavy htat gives him mega damage
- 75 hits - gives opponent -85% block proficiency on a crit, more awesome damage
- 100 hits - 100% chance to purify on crit (which can be through block), which is crazy useful. How many other champs are guaranteed to purify 100% of debuffs? (Hint: Stryfe doesn't have access to purify)
- 150 hits: true accuracy buffs on crit, pretty reliable
- Ramping to 60 hits is really pretty achievable within a single Cav EQ or Act6 fight if you spam sp1s, and even hitting ~100 in your banked combo isnt unheard of.
You may not get to use god-mode (999 combo) Aegon much outside AOL/LOL/Gauntlet/Incursions, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a huge amount of utility that is usable in almost any relevant quest.For one, not everyone has either or both champs and/or at a level/start rating the would like. I don't have Stryfe even as a 5*, but I do have a maxed 5* sig 200 Aegon and a Sig 200 6* R3 Aegon. So yeah, he's relevant for me. I purposely didn't R4 him though as I prefer to give him more time to ramp up which is where he truly shines.
I don't use Aegon in most daily questing, but he is still a beast in a lot of content, especially if you run suicides and do the heavy counter for huge damage. I've seen some great AQ map 8 players using Aegon to get through large health pools easily.
Aegon is certainly not useless or diminished - he just shines in certain content and does very well in others. In short fights or short quests, he is overshadowed by quick damage dealers, but in long fights/paths, he is still legit. Like all champs though, most will diminish overtime based on the newer abilities of new champs and/or new nodes. Aegon still seems to handle pretty much all new game content quite well - so long as there is time to ramp him up without much risk.
Is Aegon or Stryfe better - that's in the eye of the beholder, what you have in your roster and/or the specific content. This is no different than the age old quake vs ghost debate or any random tier list where someone values certain champs in their roster or how they like to play.
To say Aegon has diminished though... naw - he still does what he does quite well.
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Who uses aegon over Kingpin or ShangCh?
Pretty much anyone who doesn't have them. I literally just got Kingpin and took him to R3 but have had a high sig Aegon awhile now. I still don't have Shang chi and honestly not sure I'd rank him at this point. Aegon puts in work all the time. Maybe not in everything, but he handles anything.
Aegon smashes plenty at much lower combo than 999. Most of the time 150 and he's on fire already. Don't say he's useless unless at 999 cause that's just not true.
Your saying if someone didn't have Stryfe, but did have Aegon, he would still be irrelevant too? Also false. Why wait months (in some cases years) when you can use an amazing champ now to progress?
Your also saying that Aegon can't do current content in the game well? Cause everywhere I bring him, he crushes it.
Great that you have Stryfe and he's doing great things for you, but, by your logic, CGR and Hyperion are irrelevant too since Hercules and Galan exist. Apparently if you have Herc, every other champ is irrelevant in your book too
Bro, they're all very relevant, especially if you have one and not another in your roster. But even if you have both, or all, they're all still very relevant. If you prefer a champ over others, great, but that does not make Aegon irrelevant.
Less relevant, although simply a perspective from person to person, does not mean irrelevant and that's where you've lost me. If shiny and new is your criteria for relevant, so be it, but it's still doesn't make him irrelevant.