Aegon value check

TruthseekerTruthseeker Member Posts: 333 ★★
edited September 2022 in General Discussion
How relevant is aegon in your opinion?
New gauntlets will come and i have 4 paths left in abyss. Is sig 200 rank 4 aegon still a good investment?


  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,178 ★★★★★
    Just explored Abyss with an R3 Sig 140 and he is already fine for it. I think for future content it will be easier to ramp him up at a lower rank unless they introduce a Gargantuan boss *ehem* real Galactus *ehem*.
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★

    How relevant is aegon in your opinion?
    New gauntlets will come and i have 4 paths left in abyss. Is sig 200 rank 4 aegon still a good investment?

    New Guantlet? When will it come?
  • GogiGogi Member Posts: 483 ★★★
    Terra said:

    I don't think he's worth it. Biggest draws are LoL and AoL but at this stage in the game the rewards in there wont cover the cost of the R4. Seems like a waste to me. Especially as other champs can clear the content while being relevant elsewhere in the game.

    Ægon has relevant qualities outside of LoL and AoL.
    This ^, my 6* r4 Ægon did alot of work in 8.1 earlier this week, work in AQ also does no need to be at 999, so yea not just LoL and AoL.
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    Aegon is like Namor, you don't use him regularly but sometimes he is utmost needed.
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,473 ★★★★
    Interesting post to read in 2022, how people's view on champions change.
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    I have R3 sig 200. Helped massively for AoL but I don’t use him right now. If and when the next Legends content comes out I’ll R4 him but I’ve not used him since tbh.
  • TruthseekerTruthseeker Member Posts: 333 ★★
    Answers are as polirized as my thoughts on this god damn it :D but thank you for sharing your opinions
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
    I will say that lower rank Aegon (or 5/65) is actually better sometimes when you’re not focused on AOL type content. He can ramp up much faster and access his ridiculous amount of utility faster in Story or SQ content.

    I still think he’s one of my favorite champs in game, and while he may not be OP for things like BGs, he has some of the widest utility in-game, great damage, and a fairly simple playstyle. Really the only drawback is that you may have to ramp him up a little in the first fight of a quest, but after only 30-50 hits in his combo meter (which is easy to store even without sig 200 on just a single fight) he still hits like a truck. I don’t think his value has decreased, people have just gotten bored of him.
  • manveertherealmanveerthereal Member Posts: 1,363 ★★★
    i wouldnt but when there is a new abyss then its worth it rn its not tbh
  • ZAHIDMALIK1588ZAHIDMALIK1588 Member Posts: 624 ★★
    Absolutely, I'd rank him if I have him duped.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,064 ★★★★★
    R3 enough for now.
    I myself have Sig 200 r3, I will not support using catalysts on him. But if I got a R4 skill gem, I would definitely consider him.

    Dont worry next abyss is on the horizon.
    I can feel it coming in the air tonight.
    Stay tuned.
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,595 ★★★★
    It is not just Stryfe, but Hercules has taken a big bite out of what Aegon does.
    With a short ramp time, Herc fulfills the burst damage role that Aegon did. Herc's stun immunity and immortality is another way at replacing Aegon's debuff shrug. Herc gets unblockable just from going down to 1% health, versus Aegon needing to be at 1000 combo.
  • HunkyRangerHunkyRanger Member Posts: 78
    I got 6* rank2 aegon and I am putting the 6* sig stones (from battle ground store) on him, he is at sig 60 now. I didn't do Abyss, also I got 5* maxed out sig 200 Aegon. Should I invest stones on my 6* or save it for my unawakened Herc. I also got maxed out sig 200 5* herc.
  • Dark_hoodsDark_hoods Member Posts: 157 ★★
    i prefer stryfe, hes way faster to ramp up than aegon, he doesnt need ramp up for utility like aegon, and he can ramp up in shorter quests like war and story content
  • 007Bishop007Bishop Member Posts: 508 ★★★

    007Bishop said:

    Terra said:

    I don't think he's worth it. Biggest draws are LoL and AoL but at this stage in the game the rewards in there wont cover the cost of the R4. Seems like a waste to me. Especially as other champs can clear the content while being relevant elsewhere in the game.

    Ægon has relevant qualities outside of LoL and AoL.
    No he doesn't. Stryfe counters a whole lot of stuff that aegon does plus more. And, he doesn't need to be ramped up over 300 fights to access a lot of his utility.
    Saying that Stryfe counters a whole lot of stuff that Aegon does plus more doesn't support your claim that Aegon has other relevant qualities outside AOL/LOL, it just provides a separate champ that is comparable. Also, saying that Stryfe does "a whole lot" of what Aegon does, plus more, means that you can easily flip the comparison around and say that Aegon does a whole lot of what Stryfe does, plus more. Your points just don't seem to really be relevant to the post you are quoting. Aegon doesn't need 300 (seriously?) fights to ramp up, and accesses most of his utility and damage at 150 or 200 combo, which is super easy to get in 1 or 2 fights in any worthy content. Also, Stryfe still has to be ramped up to maitain persistent telepathic charges to get the most out of him.

    Relevant qualities that Aegon has outside AOL/LOL :
    • Easily achievable high crit rate and crit damage that makes almost every hit crit, but also has the bonus of not being "guaranteed crits".
    • 5 hits - 40% chance to urify on every crit (which is most hits)
    • 20 hits - unstoppable on opponent evade, and combo shield
    • 30 hits - crit through block, super underrated
    • 50 hits - gives the unstoppable on heavy htat gives him mega damage
    • 75 hits - gives opponent -85% block proficiency on a crit, more awesome damage
    • 100 hits - 100% chance to purify on crit (which can be through block), which is crazy useful. How many other champs are guaranteed to purify 100% of debuffs? (Hint: Stryfe doesn't have access to purify)
    • 150 hits: true accuracy buffs on crit, pretty reliable
    • Ramping to 60 hits is really pretty achievable within a single Cav EQ or Act6 fight if you spam sp1s, and even hitting ~100 in your banked combo isnt unheard of.
    You may not get to use god-mode (999 combo) Aegon much outside AOL/LOL/Gauntlet/Incursions, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a huge amount of utility that is usable in almost any relevant quest.
    Lol most of what you listed is also what other skill champs can do, but much faster. As for the stryfe vs aegon argument, Stryfe can ignore passive damage, counter evade, unstoppable and unblockable from the get go. Stryfe doesn't need to crit on all of his hits for "mega damage" and neither does he need to get hit to access "mega damage". Sure, he doesn't have purify but who even uses aegon over kingpin or shang chi for purify. I have used aegon a fair bit in my act 6, 7 and 8.1 exploration and also have used him for cav eq and i'd rather not do it ever again. Stryfe overall is superior than aegon for most content and aegon's utility isn't nearly as relevant as stryfe's outside of LOL or Abyss
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    edited September 2022
    This doesn't and shouldn't be an Aegon vs Stryfe comparison. It was a question about how relevant he is and IMHO, he is still very relevant.

    For one, not everyone has either or both champs and/or at a level/start rating the would like. I don't have Stryfe even as a 5*, but I do have a maxed 5* sig 200 Aegon and a Sig 200 6* R3 Aegon. So yeah, he's relevant for me. I purposely didn't R4 him though as I prefer to give him more time to ramp up which is where he truly shines.

    I don't use Aegon in most daily questing, but he is still a beast in a lot of content, especially if you run suicides and do the heavy counter for huge damage. I've seen some great AQ map 8 players using Aegon to get through large health pools easily.

    Aegon is certainly not useless or diminished - he just shines in certain content and does very well in others. In short fights or short quests, he is overshadowed by quick damage dealers, but in long fights/paths, he is still legit. Like all champs though, most will diminish overtime based on the newer abilities of new champs and/or new nodes. Aegon still seems to handle pretty much all new game content quite well - so long as there is time to ramp him up without much risk.

    Is Aegon or Stryfe better - that's in the eye of the beholder, what you have in your roster and/or the specific content. This is no different than the age old quake vs ghost debate or any random tier list where someone values certain champs in their roster or how they like to play.

    To say Aegon has diminished though... naw - he still does what he does quite well.
  • 007Bishop007Bishop Member Posts: 508 ★★★

    This doesn't and shouldn't be an Aegon vs Stryfe comparison. It was a question about how relevant he is and IMHO, he is still very relevant.

    For one, not everyone has either or both champs and/or at a level/start rating the would like. I don't have Stryfe even as a 5*, but I do have a maxed 5* sig 200 Aegon and a Sig 200 6* R3 Aegon. So yeah, he's relevant for me. I purposely didn't R4 him though as I prefer to give him more time to ramp up which is where he truly shines.

    I don't use Aegon in most daily questing, but he is still a beast in a lot of content, especially if you run suicides and do the heavy counter for huge damage. I've seen some great AQ map 8 players using Aegon to get through large health pools easily.

    Aegon is certainly not useless or diminished - he just shines in certain content and does very well in others. In short fights or short quests, he is overshadowed by quick damage dealers, but in long fights/paths, he is still legit. Like all champs though, most will diminish overtime based on the newer abilities of new champs and/or new nodes. Aegon still seems to handle pretty much all new game content quite well - so long as there is time to ramp him up without much risk.

    Is Aegon or Stryfe better - that's in the eye of the beholder, what you have in your roster and/or the specific content. This is no different than the age old quake vs ghost debate or any random tier list where someone values certain champs in their roster or how they like to play.

    To say Aegon has diminished though... naw - he still does what he does quite well.

    He isn't as relevant as he once was because stryfe exists. So, essentially it is indeed a stryfe vs aegon argument. Stryfe just does so much with little to no effort, it doesn't matter that a 999 combo aegon can do the same things. People told me I must use my aegon for abyss run. I didn't. I used Odin and still managed to clear abyss with fewer revives than people normally use with aegon
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    With the healthpools of acts 7 and 8,aegon is still a top champ as he reaches 100 banked combo in the first fight and after that the fights become progressively easier…i have a r3 sig 160 aegon and i used him a fair bit in act 7 exploration and he is still a top lane clearer in mammoth content..but having said that i wont r4 aegon for now(emphasis on for now) because he does just fine at r3 i would much rather have my monkey or stealthy at r4 as they benefit more from the rankup
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    007Bishop said:

    This doesn't and shouldn't be an Aegon vs Stryfe comparison. It was a question about how relevant he is and IMHO, he is still very relevant.

    For one, not everyone has either or both champs and/or at a level/start rating the would like. I don't have Stryfe even as a 5*, but I do have a maxed 5* sig 200 Aegon and a Sig 200 6* R3 Aegon. So yeah, he's relevant for me. I purposely didn't R4 him though as I prefer to give him more time to ramp up which is where he truly shines.

    I don't use Aegon in most daily questing, but he is still a beast in a lot of content, especially if you run suicides and do the heavy counter for huge damage. I've seen some great AQ map 8 players using Aegon to get through large health pools easily.

    Aegon is certainly not useless or diminished - he just shines in certain content and does very well in others. In short fights or short quests, he is overshadowed by quick damage dealers, but in long fights/paths, he is still legit. Like all champs though, most will diminish overtime based on the newer abilities of new champs and/or new nodes. Aegon still seems to handle pretty much all new game content quite well - so long as there is time to ramp him up without much risk.

    Is Aegon or Stryfe better - that's in the eye of the beholder, what you have in your roster and/or the specific content. This is no different than the age old quake vs ghost debate or any random tier list where someone values certain champs in their roster or how they like to play.

    To say Aegon has diminished though... naw - he still does what he does quite well.

    He isn't as relevant as he once was because stryfe exists. So, essentially it is indeed a stryfe vs aegon argument. Stryfe just does so much with little to no effort, it doesn't matter that a 999 combo aegon can do the same things. People told me I must use my aegon for abyss run. I didn't. I used Odin and still managed to clear abyss with fewer revives than people normally use with aegon
    Might want to check your definitions...

    Unrelated to the matter being considered.
    Not related, not applicable, unimportant, not connected.
    having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue

    Who uses aegon over Kingpin or ShangCh?

    Pretty much anyone who doesn't have them. I literally just got Kingpin and took him to R3 but have had a high sig Aegon awhile now. I still don't have Shang chi and honestly not sure I'd rank him at this point. Aegon puts in work all the time. Maybe not in everything, but he handles anything.

    Aegon smashes plenty at much lower combo than 999. Most of the time 150 and he's on fire already. Don't say he's useless unless at 999 cause that's just not true.

    Your saying if someone didn't have Stryfe, but did have Aegon, he would still be irrelevant too? Also false. Why wait months (in some cases years) when you can use an amazing champ now to progress?

    Your also saying that Aegon can't do current content in the game well? Cause everywhere I bring him, he crushes it.

    Great that you have Stryfe and he's doing great things for you, but, by your logic, CGR and Hyperion are irrelevant too since Hercules and Galan exist. Apparently if you have Herc, every other champ is irrelevant in your book too

    Bro, they're all very relevant, especially if you have one and not another in your roster. But even if you have both, or all, they're all still very relevant. If you prefer a champ over others, great, but that does not make Aegon irrelevant.
  • 007Bishop007Bishop Member Posts: 508 ★★★

    007Bishop said:

    This doesn't and shouldn't be an Aegon vs Stryfe comparison. It was a question about how relevant he is and IMHO, he is still very relevant.

    For one, not everyone has either or both champs and/or at a level/start rating the would like. I don't have Stryfe even as a 5*, but I do have a maxed 5* sig 200 Aegon and a Sig 200 6* R3 Aegon. So yeah, he's relevant for me. I purposely didn't R4 him though as I prefer to give him more time to ramp up which is where he truly shines.

    I don't use Aegon in most daily questing, but he is still a beast in a lot of content, especially if you run suicides and do the heavy counter for huge damage. I've seen some great AQ map 8 players using Aegon to get through large health pools easily.

    Aegon is certainly not useless or diminished - he just shines in certain content and does very well in others. In short fights or short quests, he is overshadowed by quick damage dealers, but in long fights/paths, he is still legit. Like all champs though, most will diminish overtime based on the newer abilities of new champs and/or new nodes. Aegon still seems to handle pretty much all new game content quite well - so long as there is time to ramp him up without much risk.

    Is Aegon or Stryfe better - that's in the eye of the beholder, what you have in your roster and/or the specific content. This is no different than the age old quake vs ghost debate or any random tier list where someone values certain champs in their roster or how they like to play.

    To say Aegon has diminished though... naw - he still does what he does quite well.

    He isn't as relevant as he once was because stryfe exists. So, essentially it is indeed a stryfe vs aegon argument. Stryfe just does so much with little to no effort, it doesn't matter that a 999 combo aegon can do the same things. People told me I must use my aegon for abyss run. I didn't. I used Odin and still managed to clear abyss with fewer revives than people normally use with aegon
    Might want to check your definitions...

    Unrelated to the matter being considered.
    Not related, not applicable, unimportant, not connected.
    having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue

    Who uses aegon over Kingpin or ShangCh?

    Pretty much anyone who doesn't have them. I literally just got Kingpin and took him to R3 but have had a high sig Aegon awhile now. I still don't have Shang chi and honestly not sure I'd rank him at this point. Aegon puts in work all the time. Maybe not in everything, but he handles anything.

    Aegon smashes plenty at much lower combo than 999. Most of the time 150 and he's on fire already. Don't say he's useless unless at 999 cause that's just not true.

    Your saying if someone didn't have Stryfe, but did have Aegon, he would still be irrelevant too? Also false. Why wait months (in some cases years) when you can use an amazing champ now to progress?

    Your also saying that Aegon can't do current content in the game well? Cause everywhere I bring him, he crushes it.

    Great that you have Stryfe and he's doing great things for you, but, by your logic, CGR and Hyperion are irrelevant too since Hercules and Galan exist. Apparently if you have Herc, every other champ is irrelevant in your book too

    Bro, they're all very relevant, especially if you have one and not another in your roster. But even if you have both, or all, they're all still very relevant. If you prefer a champ over others, great, but that does not make Aegon irrelevant.
    Nah, aegon still isn't as relevant as he once was. I have stryfe and KP and shang ranked up so aegon is pretty much useless. I could use your own logic against you - just because you don't have those champs and are forced to use aegon, doesn't mean others are too. When people have better champs for the things aegon does, then aegon does lose his relevancy in the game. It ain't that hard to understand. A champ like hype has moved down so many people's cosmic rankings and eventually he won't even be seen in the top 10. So, yes, he has become less relevant than he once was
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    007Bishop said:

    007Bishop said:

    This doesn't and shouldn't be an Aegon vs Stryfe comparison. It was a question about how relevant he is and IMHO, he is still very relevant.

    For one, not everyone has either or both champs and/or at a level/start rating the would like. I don't have Stryfe even as a 5*, but I do have a maxed 5* sig 200 Aegon and a Sig 200 6* R3 Aegon. So yeah, he's relevant for me. I purposely didn't R4 him though as I prefer to give him more time to ramp up which is where he truly shines.

    I don't use Aegon in most daily questing, but he is still a beast in a lot of content, especially if you run suicides and do the heavy counter for huge damage. I've seen some great AQ map 8 players using Aegon to get through large health pools easily.

    Aegon is certainly not useless or diminished - he just shines in certain content and does very well in others. In short fights or short quests, he is overshadowed by quick damage dealers, but in long fights/paths, he is still legit. Like all champs though, most will diminish overtime based on the newer abilities of new champs and/or new nodes. Aegon still seems to handle pretty much all new game content quite well - so long as there is time to ramp him up without much risk.

    Is Aegon or Stryfe better - that's in the eye of the beholder, what you have in your roster and/or the specific content. This is no different than the age old quake vs ghost debate or any random tier list where someone values certain champs in their roster or how they like to play.

    To say Aegon has diminished though... naw - he still does what he does quite well.

    He isn't as relevant as he once was because stryfe exists. So, essentially it is indeed a stryfe vs aegon argument. Stryfe just does so much with little to no effort, it doesn't matter that a 999 combo aegon can do the same things. People told me I must use my aegon for abyss run. I didn't. I used Odin and still managed to clear abyss with fewer revives than people normally use with aegon
    Might want to check your definitions...

    Unrelated to the matter being considered.
    Not related, not applicable, unimportant, not connected.
    having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue

    Who uses aegon over Kingpin or ShangCh?

    Pretty much anyone who doesn't have them. I literally just got Kingpin and took him to R3 but have had a high sig Aegon awhile now. I still don't have Shang chi and honestly not sure I'd rank him at this point. Aegon puts in work all the time. Maybe not in everything, but he handles anything.

    Aegon smashes plenty at much lower combo than 999. Most of the time 150 and he's on fire already. Don't say he's useless unless at 999 cause that's just not true.

    Your saying if someone didn't have Stryfe, but did have Aegon, he would still be irrelevant too? Also false. Why wait months (in some cases years) when you can use an amazing champ now to progress?

    Your also saying that Aegon can't do current content in the game well? Cause everywhere I bring him, he crushes it.

    Great that you have Stryfe and he's doing great things for you, but, by your logic, CGR and Hyperion are irrelevant too since Hercules and Galan exist. Apparently if you have Herc, every other champ is irrelevant in your book too

    Bro, they're all very relevant, especially if you have one and not another in your roster. But even if you have both, or all, they're all still very relevant. If you prefer a champ over others, great, but that does not make Aegon irrelevant.
    Nah, aegon still isn't as relevant as he once was. I have stryfe and KP and shang ranked up so aegon is pretty much useless. I could use your own logic against you - just because you don't have those champs and are forced to use aegon, doesn't mean others are too. When people have better champs for the things aegon does, then aegon does lose his relevancy in the game. It ain't that hard to understand. A champ like hype has moved down so many people's cosmic rankings and eventually he won't even be seen in the top 10. So, yes, he has become less relevant than he once was
    That's the thing, I'm not forced to use him. I choose to because he works great. Maybe he's useless for you because you already have options that are similar. But for someone needing that utility and firepower, he fits the criteria with flying colors.

    Less relevant, although simply a perspective from person to person, does not mean irrelevant and that's where you've lost me. If shiny and new is your criteria for relevant, so be it, but it's still doesn't make him irrelevant.
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