Do you still rank up 5*s to r5?

And also mention in the comments if possible whether you do it because you like a certain character and don’t have them in a higher rarity or resources expiring(t1a’s or gems) or just for fun testing or for some particular path or quest.
Do you still rank up 5*s to r5? 243 votes
For me 5* nexus crystal is ISO-8 nexus crystal
Dr. Zola
I do have a lot of 6* since im 3.3m rating, but i pull too much garbage
The highest I ever rank up 5 stars is r3 and I only do that because I always seem to have several dozen t1a close to expiring and I hate selling them as you get so little for them so I try to use the.
I only open 5* for the iso anyway. Get disappointed when I get a new 5* as don’t get the iso.
Then, on a whim, I pulled a 5* Scorpion from the 5* featured crystal. I took him right up to r5 and never looked back.
On my 2 TB accounts, I won't rank 5*s to R5 unless they're absolutely top tier (Quake, Ghost, Doom, Fury).
On my Cav account, I'll continue to rank R5s until I have 5 or 6 of each class ranked up (either 6* R2 or 5* R5), then will stop and focus solely on 6*s.