Really reinvigorated the game mode. Fun playing around with the node choices and not being bogged down with someone who keeps going afk. Really nice addition Kabam!
I came here to make this same post but you beat me to it. I absolutely agree, it's so nice not waiting an hour trying to find a partner or getting a random player who is ko after first fight.
I’m hopeful they might bring skip sp3 to solo just to help speed it up a little! But while I’ve loved going through without being held back it’s equally nice not having the burden or dread of holding someone else back if you get a particularly nasty node combo! Haven’t touch incursions for ages and I know it’s a honeymoon period but can see myself playing this a lot more than other content in the future. Credit where credit is due!
Came here to say just the same thing — I wanted this years ago, and it’s even more fun with the Hacks than I thought it would be
I will legitimately play this mode every single day it is available. It’s honestly what I think a whole lot more of this game should feel like. I have nothing against alliances, but I have been a solo player for years
It’s fun to play the game like you are exploring the Battlerealm on your own
I am not sure if there where other changes to Incursions code while it was down, but the Solo incursion experience certainly feels more stable. Less lag and time it takes to move from node to node or select which Hack you want, compared to the prior co-op only Incursion. I don't know if the current co-op mode has improved or not.
Yes it's great! It's very fun content, some pretty nice rewards, and it costs NOTHING!!! Als I love to use some more underrated champs and make them feel really strong, first time in a while where I played because of the fights themselves instead of the rewards for completing the fights
I wish I was a better player, Spidey — I am just an average guy. No one wants to see me getting smashed by Infamous Iron Man, which I did because I didn’t do last month’s EQ, so I tried to YOLO it, not knowing the Doom Slap was two parts 😅😅
But my initial thought is that characters like Mr. Sinister, who really never get to shine anywhere else because it takes too many fights to get them hitting hard, are AMAZING in there
That’s why I am excited to get Sentry in there — I want to see what that kit does with five Reality Warps and all those hacks, with how his kit does Fury, Unblockable and Armor Break
A great addition as other have said, also i used to find some toxic players who just won't cooperate no matter what. So it fixes that issue as well (to some extent)
For me personally solo incursions is something I've been waiting for for a long time. Although I've done incursions with partners, I've always been hesitant to do so because I am a 7x24 on-call person. At any time I could be forced to drop the game and do something else, sometimes without warning. That's not fair to anyone I'm running incursions with. In solo mode, I can just jump in whenever I want, knowing if I get called away I can come back an hour or six later, or just quit out entirely, impacting no one else but me.
This was my problem not the game's problem, but a solo mode is still welcomed.
I had crazy fun with Vision Aarkus, OML among others and I think it’s time to take my Venom to R3 as well (the 5* has been serving me very well so far).
When crashing isn't an issue I look forward to trying this mode. Currently I got through one fight and since then game keeps crashing when going into second fight on the path in Sector 7 Zone 1. I like this idea of a solo version of this mode of game play.
Great job again Kabam. The AQ boss link removal changes has allowed me to get to sleep earlier, I had not played incursions in months, and refused to use units instead of energy for bgs so rarely played it S1.
Now, I'm ready for bg season 2 to start and my EoP rewards and the next to begin in a couple weeks.
Best move ever, i dont have to depend on someone and i dont have to do it all in one go, i can finish the next days when i have spare time, something that was almost impossible when depending on another person to play
This is exactly what I wanted in terms of solo player content (I personally don't care at all about BGs).
I will legitimately play this mode every single day it is available. It’s honestly what I think a whole lot more of this game should feel like. I have nothing against alliances, but I have been a solo player for years
It’s fun to play the game like you are exploring the Battlerealm on your own
I had Mr. Sinister with all 10 Genetic Passives and 11 hacks AND IT WAS GLORIOUS
I cannot wait until later, when I take Sentry in there — and I am totally serious
Als I love to use some more underrated champs and make them feel really strong, first time in a while where I played because of the fights themselves instead of the rewards for completing the fights
But my initial thought is that characters like Mr. Sinister, who really never get to shine anywhere else because it takes too many fights to get them hitting hard, are AMAZING in there
That’s why I am excited to get Sentry in there — I want to see what that kit does with five Reality Warps and all those hacks, with how his kit does Fury, Unblockable and Armor Break
This was my problem not the game's problem, but a solo mode is still welcomed.
Lots of choices and heal options.
All the good of old incursions, none of the bad.
Thank you Kabam!
I had crazy fun with Vision Aarkus, OML among others and I think it’s time to take my Venom to R3 as well (the 5* has been serving me very well so far).
Now, I'm ready for bg season 2 to start and my EoP rewards and the next to begin in a couple weeks.