Transformers game "compensation"

Not gonna lie i downloaded the game (forged to fight)like 2 weeks ago, but just wondering if we get something for playing, not reffering to me, but the ones that played both mcoc and forged to fight(or even bought something) since the game is closing down
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but alas
RIP my 4 star Optimus Prime.
Edit: my main reason for being upset is that... there's hardly any TF fighting games to begin with which is more of a traditional fighting game, in fact, I believe (mugen aside), FTF is the only Transformers fighting game that I know of. As a Transformers fan, it leaves me dumbfounded. It's not like Transformers can't work as a 1v1 fighting game.
It was Kabam's next big expirement after mcoc and imo, a better game and had a higher ceiling than mcoc. It was ahead of its time when it was released and will be still when it shuts down. It was bitten early by a few things.
1. Device limitations - Graphics were optimized for Apple exclusively. Kabam put alot of effort into improving things for Android but it was never quite there. Also in the beginning probably over half of all Android devices were on the "unsupported devices" list and literally couldn't run the game at all. It always seemed like it was a constant battle for Kabam's dev team to keep up.
2. The "Choose your Own Difficulty" experiment - As opposed to mcoc's prestige system. From my point of view it seemed lime the game's first mass exodus was the introduction of a very difficult map 3. The game was super competitive and busy at the time but this probably lead to instant burnout. If this system were introduced in mcoc the Difficulty level slider would need to reach 100k.
3. Its main competitor was mcoc.
4. I'd like to think that had the netmarble acquisition not have happened, this would not have happened. It is what it is.
Hopefully us tftf peasents hear more from the mods and dev team. And hopefully Kabam is greenlighted to try a game like this again in the near future.