AW - Am I missing something?

This is the result of the AW that just finished. Our ally had 29 participants and we were against an ally with 21 participants and lost because of Attack Bonus..
It is obvious that they would have more attack bonus points because of 29*5 defenders vs our attack facing 21*5 defenders.
Is this fair to just compare the attack bonus and diversity ignoring the missing defenders or Am I missing something here?

It is obvious that they would have more attack bonus points because of 29*5 defenders vs our attack facing 21*5 defenders.
Is this fair to just compare the attack bonus and diversity ignoring the missing defenders or Am I missing something here?

If you don't place a defender on a node then if they explore it they automatically get the best result (3 attack bonus).
There is no advantage for not placing defenders, its always worse. You lost because you died more.
They must have died a lot less, even though they had to actually fight a lot more fights.