Prof x is great for bigger health pools like aol or tricky fights, cgr is great for shorter fights where you can safely land 5 hit combo (no evade/miss, wich are countered by prof). Daily cgr for fast fights, professor for fun
Use both in EQ and based on the content. I feel like when it works with CGR, there’s no one better. This month’s EQ is literally done with one or two specials. Professor X is great and all but feel like he can’t take as many hits as CGR (he has armor). Have both 6* rank 3 but X is awakened.
I mean, they do different things.
CGR, immunities, armor break, power gain, pew, pew, fight over.
Prof X: power control, miss, (small build up), pew, pew, fight over
I barely use Prof X.
Have both 6* rank 3 but X is awakened.