News on sandbagging

I submitted a ticket to ask about an update on sandbagging since they said they were "investigating" and this was the reply I received.

Either they don't believe the screenshots posted in the forums proving sandbagging still works even though it's definitely worse than last season or they aren't even aware that the changes didn't work lmao this whole situation is a train wreck, it's not even annoying anymore it's comedy gold.
Where's the transparency Kabam? Genuine question.

Either they don't believe the screenshots posted in the forums proving sandbagging still works even though it's definitely worse than last season or they aren't even aware that the changes didn't work lmao this whole situation is a train wreck, it's not even annoying anymore it's comedy gold.
Where's the transparency Kabam? Genuine question.
And no, you don't become Cavalier or TB a month after becoming Uncollected no matter how much time you put in, you're just trying to be a **** as per usual. I also haven't complained about matchmaking in general, I even agreed with you and the fact that rating or prestige shouldn't be taken into account just tier, yet you're still here throwing personal attacks cause you ran out of logical arguments, figures.
There’s your transparency. Genuine answer.
“Lying”, no, they are just going on what had been conveyed in the actual Announcement post.
“Lack of communication”, Support did reply to your ticket, with the info they thought was current. As to earlier admission by Jax that apparently isn’t working as their code says it should be, that too was Communication, and as a follow up directly to you, although in one of those other threads. As opposed to a follow up in main announcement, which you (from yet a different prior post creation) had evidently not seen those days ago. So should they follow up in a thread everyone is commenting in (except for the hoards of additional posts continuing to be made), or as a reply in the original Announcement, or as a separate Announcement thread (leaving the original “un-amended) ?
Lack of communication between the team, not us. It's been three whole days and the people in charge of support aren't aware of the fact that the changes aren't working? If that's not lack of communication I don't know what is.
Lazy? You want me to go from UC to TB in a month? The amount of excuses you people use to try to justify sandbagging is absolutely ridiculous. Kabam themselves already said sandbagging is unsportsmanlike and they don't want the game mode to head in that direction so why are you two big brains still trying to argue against that lol.
As for the forum part, they clearly know what's going on in the forums since they gave me a link to a forum post.
But hey, congrats on getting out of bronze!! Fingers crossed you get out of silver now 💪(but seems like near impossible if you constantly run into paragon r5 6* sandbaggers ay? 🤯🤪)
Kabam do something about it!!! Why is your algo constantly matching this guy with top whales? 🤔🤔🧐☝️☝️☝️
If YoU BarElY hAvE R45* YoU cAn'T eNjOy BgS... Lmao the mental gymnastics on this guy, interesting character.
I've never seen a person be this proud about spending so much time on a game they try to belittle others based on their progress. Congrats on not having a social life since playing this game is clearly all you do! 🤪🤯
Haha this is SO TRUE!!!
I barely made it out of Diamond 3 to reach Diamond 2 due to my opponents having to pick 3 to 4 2* and easy win for me, guess I got lucky. But now I'm done with BG won't waste anymore, already had my fair share of trophy token to buy r4 materials, will just do the Complete 3 matches objectives every other day for some tokens.
These are typical big tech problems. As long as the profit stays the same, or increases, nothing changes. If few or no one played BG, and they lost money on it, BG would have been fixed a long time ago.
We have to sandbag to win a match and claim some of the rewards. But they don't Care, they just Care about money. ☝️